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Optimizing Pvp Gear


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what gear have you been buying/stripping mods from to optimize yourself in pvp, im not 100% sure how i should be going about this. i have 1650 str 505 bonus dmg 96.5% accuracy 36% crit 78% surge fully buffed


You probably want to increase accuracy slightly towards 99% ish

Other than that I got WH Weaponmaster set, full augmented with strength augs for combat spec


And decided to go for full WH Vindicator (the guardian dps set) for watchman build. Also full augmented with strength augments.


Stats (depending on spec/set) acc: 98.4/101.4% crit: 30/32% Surge:76% (numbers as close as i can remember, and fully buffed)

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I think OP wants to know exactly what WH items to farm for. I know I do since I will be hitting 50 on my sentinel soon and already have all the BM pieces in Legacy and want to farm the WH stuff for weapons and to override the BM stuff.


I know the Vindicator gloves have the Power surge. I think the mod has 41 power or is it the enhancement? I'm not sure at work so don't have a lot of time to search from my phone.


If anyone has a breakdown or if you are fully WH mod swapped for power crit etc please post your armory so we can use as reference.



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thanks for replying, ive bought 2 vindicator headpieces for the power/accuracy mod/enhances and been swapping out some crit and surge, sittin around 98% accuracy an 33% crit now with 1700 strength an 1530 power, also saw another vindicator piece with power/surge mods which i will be getting.


any thought on bracers/waist i have the legacy ones or shud i leave them as be.

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I've a question about this.


Taking the WH gloves as an example. You may, as some have pointed out, prefer the vindicator gloves to the weaponmaster ones stat-wise. So because you can take out the mods you can buy the vindi gear and put it into another customeizable glove. Right so far?


My question is about the set bonus and the BM equivalent.


1) To get the WH of something like a glove, you need the BM version first. So in order to be efficient you'd want to get the Vindi BM gloves and then the WH vindi gloves straight after recruit, and not purchase any Weaponmaster stuff beforehand. We can't wear heavy armour so we would also need to swap the BM mods into another orange piece right? Therefore, we lose the set bonus as well don't we (cos BM set bonus is tied to the shell as well).

Additionally, when we obtain our WH gear, we would need to buy both if we wanted the Vindi stats and the Weaponmaster set bonus true? (fortunately the WM bonus isn't that great)


I just went with the weaponmaster gear for simplicites sake and I am nearly up to the point where I can save up for extra pieces from which I can strip out mods. In an ideal world is the vindi option better?

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You've posted a rather confusing jumble, but I'll try to answer each question to the best of my ability.


I've a question about this.


Taking the WH gloves as an example. You may, as some have pointed out, prefer the vindicator gloves to the weaponmaster ones stat-wise. So because you can take out the mods you can buy the vindi gear and put it into another customeizable glove. Right so far?




1) To get the WH of something like a glove, you need the BM version first. So in order to be efficient you'd want to get the Vindi BM gloves and then the WH vindi gloves straight after recruit, and not purchase any Weaponmaster stuff beforehand. We can't wear heavy armour so we would also need to swap the BM mods into another orange piece right?


To use the modifications you need to rip them out and place them into orange armor.


Therefore, we lose the set bonus as well don't we (cos BM set bonus is tied to the shell as well).

Additionally, when we obtain our WH gear, we would need to buy both if we wanted the Vindi stats and the Weaponmaster set bonus true? (fortunately the WM bonus isn't that great)


Yes, and as you implied, you could simply use the Vindicator's bonus instead of buying another set of Weaponmaster and using the armoring from those.


I just went with the weaponmaster gear for simplicites sake and I am nearly up to the point where I can save up for extra pieces from which I can strip out mods. In an ideal world is the vindi option better?


In terms of set vs set, Weaponmaster has more optimized stats for Watchman than Vindicator. However feel free to mix and match modifications to try and get the most out of your gear, as the base set is definitively not optimized.

Edited by -Yui-
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For my set I bought 8 pairs of vindicator gloves for the mods, maybe 4 or 5 pairs of sage gloves for the power/surge enhancement, and i thin a couple pairs of sent boots for the enhancement. Right now i am using vindicator armorings for the set bonus (watchman spec)



Fully buffed i have 1687 str, somewhere around 1200 power, 29.99% crit, 78% surge, 96.5 % accuracy. 18920 hp. 1208 expertise (using power crystals) primary weapon damage is 944- 1107

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For my set I bought 8 pairs of vindicator gloves for the mods, maybe 4 or 5 pairs of sage gloves for the power/surge enhancement, and i thin a couple pairs of sent boots for the enhancement. Right now i am using vindicator armorings for the set bonus (watchman spec)



Fully buffed i have 1687 str, somewhere around 1200 power, 29.99% crit, 78% surge, 96.5 % accuracy. 18920 hp. 1208 expertise (using power crystals) primary weapon damage is 944- 1107


What kind of Augment do you use? And last question you think loosing expertise over power is worth it for your lightsaber crystals? Anyways I really don't want to lose my expertise +41 Red and Black Saber to get a Power Crystal unless they make them in Black and Red, but I never saw them...

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I think OP wants to know exactly what WH items to farm for. I know I do since I will be hitting 50 on my sentinel soon...


I get Weaponmaster grear for my Combat-spec'd Sent; it seems like that was the best way to maximize strength. (Still need chest, head, cannon, and generator to complete the set.)


Oddly enough, some of the Battlemaster Eliminator pieces have better strength stats than the corresponding Weaponmaster gear, but I recover most of all of the loss in strength with augments.



I think Eliminator is what I use with my Trooper, not my Sent. Apologies for the misinformation -- I wrote the aboive at work, away from my rig.


My Commando needs Aim, my Sent needs Power. Maybe it's VIndicator that I have on my Sent?

Edited by SweetOldBob
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Farm Vindicator gear. It is leagues better for Marauders. We are a DPS class, what helps us do more damage, the Weaponmaster set or the Vindicator set? Hands down Vindicators. 10% more damage on force charge gets me consistent 5k crits. Also I did what the other poster said, 1208 expertise as well though I went with less crit since I prefer Carnage. (100% crit on force scream, I get 6500 crits on players with bloodthirst and beserk)



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