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Ugh did I just romance Kaliyo?


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I've come to the part where Temple ask for the dinner and want me to break it off with Kaliyo so I stopped the progress there.


Now I'm confronted by her in Kaliyos story and she want to know if we're an item. I kissed Kaliyo and now that I talk with Temple the dinner offer is gone from the convesation.


So did I screw it with Temple?


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Don't worry OP, you aren't missing much.


I romanced temple on my sniper and I have to say she is the blandest most duty oriented woman in existence. You don't get very emotional or attached towards you and it seems like she doesn't feel for you all that much.



Through her conversations you learn she will go as far as to kill her own father as her duty (which she does) for nothing more than her father failing to serve out his duties for the empire, if i remember correctly.. What a cold hearted ******!


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I've come to the part where Temple ask for the dinner and want me to break it off with Kaliyo so I stopped the progress there.


Now I'm confronted by her in Kaliyos story and she want to know if we're an item. I kissed Kaliyo and now that I talk with Temple the dinner offer is gone from the convesation.


So did I screw it with Temple?


lol. Come on. Isn't it obvious? You totally screwed it with Temple.

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Yeah, she pretty obviously tells you to choose between them at that point :p


You must have not got Kaliyo's affection up very far at that point though if you're asking "did I romance her", because there's a lot of stuff you go through. Ideally, you can romance Kaliyo all the way to marriage, and then you can break up with her for Temple, lol.

Edited by chuixupu
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I mean... yeah. What part of kissing Kaliyo and basically saying no to Temple when she asks about your status with her, in which you say Kaliyo comes first, wasn't clear to you? I'm tempted to say this is simply trolling, but I digress. Either way, it works out, since Kaliyo is by far much more fun to romance anyways :D
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Temple might not have the best personality of the companions across all classes, but she's a hell of a lot better than Kaliyo. Kaliyo is tied for worst companion personality with Theran and Corso. God, I hate all three of them so much.
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I mean... yeah. What part of kissing Kaliyo and basically saying no to Temple when she asks about your status with her, in which you say Kaliyo comes first, wasn't clear to you? I'm tempted to say this is simply trolling, but I digress. Either way, it works out, since Kaliyo is by far much more fun to romance anyways :D

Actually no trolling since I wanted to romance both of them, did it on my warrior where I romanced Vette first then Jaesa, thought I could do the same to Kaliyo and Temple.

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Actually no trolling since I wanted to romance both of them, did it on my warrior where I romanced Vette first then Jaesa, thought I could do the same to Kaliyo and Temple.


In that case, you have to ignore Temple until you're married to Kaliyo, then bang away on Temple, and ditch Kaliyo.


And there used to be (maybe still is) a bug when you plow Temple while Kaliyo is unavailable on Corellia, and don't trigger the cutscene.

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In that case, you have to ignore Temple until you're married to Kaliyo, then bang away on Temple, and ditch Kaliyo.


^this. You can complete Kaliyo's romance and move on to Temple, but not the other way around. Unfortunately you just got Kaliyo's affection up a little too slow before you met Temple.


I prefer Kaliyo to Temple actually, but I've done it both where I rejected one and married the other...I'm actually going to try the Corellia thing later and see if it works, lol (yes I have 3 agents)


You also used to be able to hold off on completing Kaliyo's marriage dialogue, then finish with Temple, and then go talk to her, but they fixed that one.

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