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My last forum post and farewell speech.


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Allow me to introduce myself. I am 14 years old and I reside in Oregon. I was born in Miami, Florida and moved to Oregon for my father's business. I have been playing computer video games since I was 12. As soon as my father showed me Mario Cart for the Nintendo 64 I thought to myself "I had to have more." I found that adrenaline rush through computer video games. My first MMO was World Of Warcraft, where I played a Restoration Druid and a Discipline Priest. Shortly after Wrath of the Lich King expansion back was released, I quit the game. I stopped gaming for a while until Star Wars: The Old Republic was released. This is when my second MMO journey began.


So if a video game is released in 1998 does that mean players from 2012 are not allowed to play it?


Edit: I'm sorry, that was a typo on my part. I implied that I played World of Warcraft during Burning Crusade. I actually never played WoW before Wrath of the Lich King.


Still doesn't add up. WotLK was released in 2008, and you state that you stopped playing "shortly after" lich king xpac was released. That's still over three years and 12+3=15, not 14. Also, we're expected to believe that you started playing at age 12, AFTER lich king was released, but still managed to play a resto druid and disc priest? How high did you get them before you stopped playing "shortly after" Lich king was released? I'm guessing not too high level, esp. since state that you didn't even start playing wow before LIch king.

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Still doesn't add up. WotLK was released in 2008, and you state that you stopped playing "shortly after" lich king xpac was released. That's still over three years and 12+3=15, not 14. Also, we're expected to believe that you started playing at age 12, AFTER lich king was released, but still managed to play a resto druid and disc priest? How high did you get them before you stopped playing "shortly after" Lich king was released? I'm guessing not too high level, esp. since state that you didn't even start playing wow before LIch king.


Well you just quoted what I said. I never played WoW before Wrath of the Lich King. Am I only allowed to play WoW as soon as the expansion pack comes out? Or am I allowed to play it afterwards?

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Well you just quoted what I said. I never played WoW before Wrath of the Lich King. Am I only allowed to play WoW as soon as the expansion pack comes out? Or am I allowed to play it afterwards?


You're allowed to play any game at any time. I simply pointed out that you are most likely outright lying about your age, and provided facts to support this belief, which puts the rest of your claims in the "highly doubtful" category as far as I am concerned.


I ask you again, if WotLK was released in 2008, and you didn'y play wow til AFTER WotLK was released, yet stopped playing SHORTLY after WotLK was released, how high could you have gotten those two toons you mention? Second, if you stopped playing SHORTLY after WotLK was released, then logically you had to have started playing very close to the release date in 2008. Since that was almost 4 years ago, that would probably make you at least 15, not 14 as you claim.


Simple math is simple, even for a 14 year old, or at least it should be.

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