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My last forum post and farewell speech.


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I think you might get more enjoyment out of games by playing a bit more in moderation. It sounds like no MMO will ever truly satisfy you because you burn through content so much faster than they can make it. Some things that you complained about are actually things my friends and I enjoy, like the voice acting and story lines. Is it a perfect game? Absolutely not, but I still enjoy playing it.


Yes, the voice acting is great. It isn't my cup of tea and I understand that other people love it. I don't care that BioWare put it in the game, great job. But the fact that they sacrificed other CRUCIAL aspects of the game such as COMBAT and ENDGAME CONTENT in order to have voice acting is absolutely ridiculous. I'd rather read text and have a good combat system than have voice acting (which I will only look through once per character through the class missions.)


Another point that I forgot to mention in the original post: The story lines are TERRIBLE. I've played every Empire storyline up to 50 and the Trooper storyline up to 50. They are all two-dimensional and have no real depth. "Kill this, pick up this, collect this, when something cool is about to happen I'll make you travel across the galaxy first and then it won't end up being cool." Sure all the classes have some concept to what the story is. With the exception to the Bounty Hunter. The Bounty Hunter story is LITERALLY this: Kill 4 people in the Great Hunt. Afterwards, kill another person to become the Mandalorian king, then after that, kill a bunch of random targets, and then story is over.

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real quick


If your only motivaition to do anything in a MMO is for gear you should stop playing alltogether.



You said there was no point to do Flashpoints because you got full rakata in a matter of weeks. Yeah of course you can because you are grouped with people already did their flashpoints and operations to carry you through. You skipped a step and that's ok. You can do it in any MMO.


I remember in WoW i spent months to get my full Tier 2 (back in Vanilla WoW). I got my best friend to start playing and when he joined my guild he went from greens to full teir 2 in the matter of 2 weeks because we carried him through.


Agreed 100%. Gamers like this seem to think that if a game was made so hard that they enjoyed it, it would be a massive success. In reality, it would be a massive success with the tiny fraction of people that want a game so hard that it is darn near impossible. Games succeed when they appeal to MORE people, not fewer. WoW gained more and more subs the easier it got. Sure, the hardcore don't love it much anymore, but who needs 500 hardcore players when you can have 500,000 casuals?


MMOs cost a fortune to produce, develop, and market. They take years in production and incur massive expenses before they ever even reach a beta stage, let alone are released. So anyone that thinks a major AAA MMO is going to be made challenging enough for the hardest of the hardcore is deluding themselves.


That's not to say SWTOR is perfect: it isn't. But if it were made hard enough to satisfy the superhardcore I firmly believe it would lose far, far, FAR more subs than it would gain. Furthermore, adding even harder "tiers" is a waste of dev time since it's many, many hours and months of work for content that only a very, very few players will ever be able to experience or defeat. I'd much rather them ignore those types of gamers and release content that far more people can experience and enjoy.


Of course, that's assuming they start to release ANY content. I've never seen a AAA MMO deliver so little in the way of content updates in the first year. I'm a fan of the game, but the pace of development is far, far behind what one can expect from a major release.

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Yes, the voice acting is great. It isn't my cup of tea and I understand that other people love it. I don't care that BioWare put it in the game, great job. But the fact that they sacrificed other CRUCIAL aspects of the game such as COMBAT and ENDGAME CONTENT in order to have voice acting is absolutely ridiculous. I'd rather read text and have a good combat system than have voice acting (which I will only look through once per character through the class missions.)


They are crucial to a player like you. I rather like the combat system and I think the endgame content is more than enough for my playstyle and that of my friends. Other people disagree. And perhaps they'll be right in the end: maybe the game will fail because it doesn't appeal to enough gamers. I don't care about that, really. It's up and running now, and I have fun playing it. That's reason enough to continue.


Big long "this is why this game sucks and I quit RAWR!" posts are completely pointless. In the history of MMO gaming forums, no player has ever convinced another that their opinion of the game is wrong. Why? Because it's a GAME and it will appeal to different people. Some will love it, some will hate it. There's no MMO forum in existence full of shiny happy people going on about how great their game is.


Then again, here I am, wasting my time in the same way that I am accusing you of wasting yours. You have no possible hope of convincing those that like the game that it is bad, just as I have no hope of convincing those that hate it that it's good. MMO forums are the definition of a sound and fury signifying nothing.

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Agreed 100%. Gamers like this seem to think that if a game was made so hard that they enjoyed it, it would be a massive success. In reality, it would be a massive success with the tiny fraction of people that want a game so hard that it is darn near impossible. Games succeed when they appeal to MORE people, not fewer. WoW gained more and more subs the easier it got. Sure, the hardcore don't love it much anymore, but who needs 500 hardcore players when you can have 500,000 casuals?


MMOs cost a fortune to produce, develop, and market. They take years in production and incur massive expenses before they ever even reach a beta stage, let alone are released. So anyone that thinks a major AAA MMO is going to be made challenging enough for the hardest of the hardcore is deluding themselves.


That's not to say SWTOR is perfect: it isn't. But if it were made hard enough to satisfy the superhardcore I firmly believe it would lose far, far, FAR more subs than it would gain. Furthermore, adding even harder "tiers" is a waste of dev time since it's many, many hours and months of work for content that only a very, very few players will ever be able to experience or defeat. I'd much rather them ignore those types of gamers and release content that far more people can experience and enjoy.


Of course, that's assuming they start to release ANY content. I've never seen a AAA MMO deliver so little in the way of content updates in the first year. I'm a fan of the game, but the pace of development is far, far behind what one can expect from a major release.


Sure there's a tiny fraction of hardcore gamers. But how hard is it to implement hard(er) mode raids? As of now, the raids are WAY to easy. BioWare could AT LEAST make a harder mode raid that makes the boss do more damage. AT LEAST. World of Warcraft went as far as to change the mechanics of the boss fight in harder mode content (which should be an industry standard.) Which brings me to another point I forgot to point out. Shortly after the release of 1.2, there was a Q&A in which a developer CLEARLY STATED that they would be adding different boss mechanics to harder mode encounters. Meaning, it would have more mechanics IN ADDITION to what it was in Story Mode. And once again, hundreds of thousands of players were lied to.


Also, to a few posters above. What is this unsubscribers thread you speak of? Did BioWare create a sticky thread specifically for unsubscribers to complain in? Please inform me. Thanks.

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Sure there's a tiny fraction of hardcore gamers. But how hard is it to implement hard(er) mode raids? As of now, the raids are WAY to easy. BioWare could AT LEAST make a harder mode raid that makes the boss do more damage. AT LEAST. World of Warcraft went as far as to change the mechanics of the boss fight in harder mode content (which should be an industry standard.) Which brings me to another point I forgot to point out. Shortly after the release of 1.2, there was a Q&A in which a developer CLEARLY STATED that they would be adding different boss mechanics to harder mode encounters. Meaning, it would have more mechanics IN ADDITION to what it was in Story Mode. And once again, hundreds of thousands of players were lied to.


Also, to a few posters above. What is this unsubscribers thread you speak of? Did BioWare create a sticky thread specifically for unsubscribers to complain in? Please inform me. Thanks.


that's why they added Lost Island and EC both of which are much harder and EC HM has different boss mechanics. They are probably waiting on doing the new Nightmare modes for EV and KP until they add the new level cap.


But it's not different in WoW you can breaze through any boss in WoW if your group is really well geared and can carry you.

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Sure there's a tiny fraction of hardcore gamers. But how hard is it to implement hard(er) mode raids? As of now, the raids are WAY to easy. BioWare could AT LEAST make a harder mode raid that makes the boss do more damage. AT LEAST. World of Warcraft went as far as to change the mechanics of the boss fight in harder mode content (which should be an industry standard.) Which brings me to another point I forgot to point out. Shortly after the release of 1.2, there was a Q&A in which a developer CLEARLY STATED that they would be adding different boss mechanics to harder mode encounters. Meaning, it would have more mechanics IN ADDITION to what it was in Story Mode. And once again, hundreds of thousands of players were lied to.


Well, my opinion is that it's a waste of time to spend dev time tweaking and working on things for an elite few when that time could be spent making more stuff for people that will actually be able to use it.


However, you'll get no disagreement from be about the developers making vague promises and failing to deliver. I'm a fan of the game and even I must readily admit that the development pace of this game is so slow as to defy logic and understanding. All the dev Q&A and responses are always vague and promises rarely seem to be delivered. RIft, put out by Trion Worlds, has managed to put out WAY more content in its SECOND year than SWTOR has in it's first. And when you compare the amount of material Trion put out in the first year of RIft to the first year of SWTOR, you'd think EA/Bioware were the brand new development company that had never released a major title before and Trion was sitting on mountains of cash and experience. And Rift's updates are almost always content based, with new raids, dungeons, game systems, etc etc, with a complete expansion pack expected in the fall (and Trion seems to always meet their deadlines).


So your complaints about BioWare are reasonable. I can't fault you on those.

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actualy you keep talking about WoW's content like it is hard or something but its no different every time there is a new patch (which the last one has been what 6 or 7 months now and the next one isn't coming out till MoP comes out in September) someone always beats the first dungeon in a week or so. When they have a new expansion people make the level cap in a mater of days. Wasn't the last one done in less then 48 hours?



the hardest boss kill would probably have been C'thun but that was only because there 0 nature resist gear in the game when he came out.


Granted unlocking AQ was a really cool mechanic and SWTOR should do something like that for a future update.

Edited by jarjarloves
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real quick


If your only motivaition to do anything in a MMO is for gear you should stop playing alltogether.





True, MMOs would be better off if all these gear junkies, and esport muppets would just piss off, and go play something more suitable for them.

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Allow me to introduce myself. I am 14 years old and I reside in Oregon. I was born in Miami, Florida and moved to Oregon for my father's business. I have been playing computer video games since I was 12.


I made it this far.


Really bothers me that I've been gaming longer than many players have been alive.

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1) At age 14, the part of your brain that has to do with the ability to make rational long term decisions is not really developed at all. Hence, irrationality. What possible family reason could you have for not caring about being able to get a job and feed yourself in the future? If you really, truly, don't care, it's probably because of what I just said.


2) I'm sorry, but I think that a community full of young kids is precisely that which I dislike about MMOs. So, I don't consider your leaving to be a big loss - rather a net positive. You need to understand that the universe does not revolve around you and that you are not the greatest thing EVAR. A little humility goes a long way. I played my first MMO when I was 20 years old, when I was living on my own. I paid the subscription with my own hard-earned money. Having to work and earn something is a nice way to get some serious humble pie. All I see in your post is the arrogance of a child who thinks he will always be entitled to being pampered by all.


For these reasons, I have a really hard time empathizing with you.

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I dont get it...are you 14 or 140? Old people tend to forget what century it is, and heck I quit WoW when ICC was released. You played Mario kart, then instantly played WotLK and then instantly quit and waited till SWToR.


Anyways aside from that. I guess it's to each their own. This game could have been handled a lot better sure, but its still good. Having gone back and played WoW recently, SWTOR lacks some things, but brings a lot to the table too.


As for difficulty...SWTOR is very casual, and yet EC hm is harder than most of WoWs content. Have you seen the MoP beta raids?

The fact stands that a) Casual aspire to be as great as the hardcore players. They want the shiny gear, they want that epic feeling. b) Casuals bring in the money. So you really do need to cater to all to make the game successful. Without appeasing the hardcore crowd you are left with a game where the Casuals get bored of clearing all the content. But they're not as patient as your average raiders, they simply go elsewhere. (part of the reason why minigames are very much needed).


Anyways, have fun in GW2. I personally have no interest in the game, but I genuinely do believe it will be a good success. Much of the ideas they're brought are quite refreshing and interesting. Hides the overall static grind from the game, something which Swtor could learn a bit from, and WoW could learn a lot from.

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1) At age 14, the part of your brain that has to do with the ability to make rational long term decisions is not really developed at all. Hence, irrationality. What possible family reason could you have for not caring about being able to get a job and feed yourself in the future? If you really, truly, don't care, it's probably because of what I just said.


2) I'm sorry, but I think that a community full of young kids is precisely that which I dislike about MMOs. So, I don't consider your leaving to be a big loss - rather a net positive. You need to understand that the universe does not revolve around you and that you are not the greatest thing EVAR. A little humility goes a long way. I played my first MMO when I was 20 years old, when I was living on my own. I paid the subscription with my own hard-earned money. Having to work and earn something is a nice way to get some serious humble pie. All I see in your post is the arrogance of a child who thinks he will always be entitled to being pampered by all.


For these reasons, I have a really hard time empathizing with you.


If you really want to know, the reason I don't care about getting a job is because my father is on the Forbes list of billionaires. Like I said in an earlier post, I preferred not to post personal information, but you asked for it, and there's over 1300 people in the world on that last, so I'm not really afraid of giving away my real life identity.


As to your second comment, if you don't care about a community of ''kid'' gamers, you shouldn't be playing a STAR WARS MMO.

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1) At age 14, the part of your brain that has to do with the ability to make rational long term decisions is not really developed at all. Hence, irrationality. What possible family reason could you have for not caring about being able to get a job and feed yourself in the future? If you really, truly, don't care, it's probably because of what I just said.



For these reasons, I have a really hard time empathizing with you.


Could be that his parents are millionaires and own a multi million company so he can mess about knowing daddy will give him a job and eventually he will inherit the business - sell it and never have to work. There are other alternatives too.


Edit - damn he beat me to it


But in general I agree with you.

Edited by mothear
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edit: I jumped the gun replying to his post, he does raise a number of good points.

Expecting things to be different by going to another over-hyped new release though... you might want to reconsider your expectations for how that's going to play out.

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I think ArenaNet is pretty good, but I take it you haven't seen Aion (by NCSoft). Easily the worst MMO I have ever played.

Aion did horribly in the NA market (players didn't like the grind or the random chance of crafting, etc). You can't say it failed though, it is still doing well in Korea and is making them gobs of kwon.

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So, at 14 years old - you know the best way of handling the introduction, launch and first six months of a multi-million player MMORPG, worth hundreds of millions of dollars and involving many hundreds of employees under EA's spiky umbrella - and your solution to your infantile gripes - is to bail & go to another over-hyped, new release MMORPG.


At this point in time, I'm pretty sure if I was the director of all this, I would have done a better job. The state of the game right now explains my point. A monkey could have done better.

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all i read is : the best here , the best there , the first , top of the world , wrong century , plus 2 years "experience" in gaming aka mario cart , wow and now this for what? 6 months? typical 14 yr old behaviour and thats oke since you are 14. btw im the best aiming player in the world hamds down. id like to show it to you but it would only upsets you so just take my word on it. i play longer then you have lived my young padawan.


gl in your gaming career!

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At this point in time, I'm pretty sure if I was the director of all this, I would have done a better job. The state of the game right now explains my point. A monkey could have done better.
Of course you think that lol, you are 14 years old (I don't actually believe that for one second but I'll play along). You have no experience at much of anything much less work related experience, much less pulling together hundreds of people to work on a multi-year project. You know nothing about going to work at a business much less running one.


In short you know nothing and yet assume you do...well just because. Hmmm maybe you are 14 after all.

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If you really want to know, the reason I don't care about getting a job is because my father is on the Forbes list of billionaires. Like I said in an earlier post, I preferred not to post personal information, but you asked for it, and there's over 1300 people in the world on that last, so I'm not really afraid of giving away my real life identity.

As to your second comment, if you don't care about a community of ''kid'' gamers, you shouldn't be playing a STAR WARS MMO.


Your bolded statement there... was contradicted in your original post here...

Allow me to introduce myself. I am 14 years old and I reside in Oregon. I was born in Miami, Florida and moved to Oregon for my father's business. I have been playing computer video games since I was 12... (snip snip).... This is when I started my second MMO journey began.


As for your claim to fame and fortune, I highly, HIGHLY doubt it. Additionally, you should have quit while you were ahead. You made valid points, you could have left it at that. HOWEVER, your youth is showing in your later posts as naivety and impulsiveness are stripping away any credibility you have. I suggest you desist immediately and save face before the adults tear you apart.

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So, not only is he the best Op healer in the world, on a guild with world firsts, he's also in a family of billionaires?


What next, he's playing from his private island, and just became the best PvPer in all of GW2?:rolleyes:


Let's not forget he was only off by 200 years with his it's the 19th century line.

Edited by Beranzen
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