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Every Jedi Victory in the movies violated the code


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Anyone else notice this or just me?



Every victory by the Jedi in the movies has been used with emotion.


Obi-wan beating Maul: Revenge for killing Qui-Gon

Anakin vs Dooku ROTS: Anakin winning for Revenge

Luke vs Vader ROTJ: Luke getting revenge by disarming Vader.


Obi-wan vs Anakin is the only fight where it wasn't won with an emotion.


and then they the Force-Users who stayed true to the code, lost.


Obi-wan vs Dooku AOTC: Obi-wan Lost

Obi-wan vs Dooku ROTS: Obi-wan Lost

Qui-Gon vs Maul: Qui lost.

Yoda vs Sidious: Yoda lost

Luke vs Vader ESB: Luke Lost


Anyone else think thats strange/Ironic?


I mean since Jedi are allot about no emotion.

Edited by BrandonSM
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Obi-Wan vs Maul had him use emotion and then lose. When he remembered his teachings and used a calm and serene mind to cunningly evade the (literal) pitfall of the fight.


Edit: And Anakin was a Jedi who was falling to the Dark Side and purposely ignored the Jedi Code. How is that following the Jedi way?

Edited by Forgon
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Anyone else notice this or just me?



Every victory by the Jedi in the movies has been used with emotion.


Obi-wan beating Maul: Revenge for killing Qui-Gon

Anakin vs Dooku ROTS: Anakin winning for Revenge

Luke vs Vader ROTJ: Luke getting revenge by disarming Vader.


Obi-wan vs Anakin is the only fight where it wasn't won with an emotion.


and then they the Force-Users who stayed true to the code, lost.


Obi-wan vs Dooku AOTC: Obi-wan Lost

Obi-wan vs Dooku ROTS: Obi-wan Lost

Qui-Gon vs Maul: Qui lost.

Yoda vs Sidious: Yoda lost

Luke vs Vader ESB: Luke Lost


Anyone else think thats strange/Ironic?


I mean since Jedi are allot about no emotion.


Nope. Jedi-like victories:


Obi-Wan beating Maul: As stated, he beat him after he calmed himself and didn't try to get revenge anymore.

Mace Windu decapitating Jango Fett: no special emotions, just battle.

Yoda forcing Dooku to retreat: Yoda is neither angry nor hateful towards Dooku.

Obi-Wan killing Grievous: again, no anger or hatred

Obi-Wan against Anakin: Obi-Wan doesn't use his emotions to win.


You are ignoring the examples that go against your point. That's not how it works.


Obi-Wan against Vader: Obi-Wan says: "You can't defeat me. If you kill me, I will become stronger than you ever imagined." Obi-Wan wins by loosing.

Luke against Vader/Emperor: When he uses his anger, he is loosing against the Emperor. He wins when he throws his saber away.


Jedi sometimes win and sometimes loose, just like Sith. Using hate and anger is no granted victory, but "staying true to the code" isn't either.

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Nope. Jedi-like victories:


Obi-Wan beating Maul: As stated, he beat him after he calmed himself and didn't try to get revenge anymore.

Mace Windu decapitating Jango Fett: no special emotions, just battle.

Yoda forcing Dooku to retreat: Yoda is neither angry nor hateful towards Dooku.

Obi-Wan killing Grievous: again, no anger or hatred

Obi-Wan against Anakin: Obi-Wan doesn't use his emotions to win.


You are ignoring the examples that go against your point. That's not how it works.


Obi-Wan against Vader: Obi-Wan says: "You can't defeat me. If you kill me, I will become stronger than you ever imagined." Obi-Wan wins by loosing.

Luke against Vader/Emperor: When he uses his anger, he is loosing against the Emperor. He wins when he throws his saber away.


Jedi sometimes win and sometimes loose, just like Sith. Using hate and anger is no granted victory, but "staying true to the code" isn't either.



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I disagree with the Obi-wan vs Anakin fight. There was a LOT of emotion from both parties. But in Obi-Wan's case, it wasn't the typical flaring anger and sadness that saturated the entire movie. It was regret and loss that plagued Obi-Wan. This is shown by the fact that Obi-Wan pleaded with Anakin not to jump because he had the high ground, and did not want to strike him down.
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Lol. True jedi have been pictured right in SW, and kill mostly , if at all, in self defense. To defeat an opponent that is attacking and trying to directly harm you is not an act of darkness, even if emotions are involved (Which isn't the most favorable result, but still valid). Some people take the 'pacifist' angle on Jedi too far. Pacifism doesn't mean that you simply stand-down when attacked.


On another note. the Self-chastity of emotions that Jedi go through is a noble exercise in futility. While they may gain extraordinary control over their emotions, there are some they would never lose. Such as emotions bound by natural instincts. Most jedi probably knew that their code was but a guideline to necessary and important self improvement and self-limitation, and not a strict word-by-word doctrine.


Sometimes things had to be done differently and Jedi respected that aswell. Case in Point Mace Windu trying to kill Sidious' ***, Yoda decapitating the clones with little to no concern, Obi Wan cutting off the better half of Darth Maul (get it?),


Jedi promote complete thoughtfulness, not complete chastity from violence. Because there's a place and time for everything, even violent response.

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You're leaving out a few more unsung victories that don't violate the code:




Hero of Tython VS. Lord Tarnis: Hero wins. Hero of Tython VS. Lord Sadic: Hero wins. Hero of Tython versus Lord Praven: Hero wins. Hero of Tython versus Darth Angral: Hero wins. Hero of Tython versus Emperor Vitiate: Hero wins. Hero of Tython is a canonical charcter, as surely as Revan is.


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