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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Whats Coming up ?


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Whats coming in the next patch's ? I have no idea.


Why is Bioware not talking to its community, there has recently been a second round of lay offs and one could assume that Bioware is no longer working on this game to its greatest capabilities and instead is just trying to reep as much money as they can before the game ends. This is of course only speculation but due to the lack of communication from Bioware and reassurance that they are still working on this game, its one of the few conclusions that people can think of.


This game needs to reassure its community and start to release new content. patch 1.2 came in April and that brought us explosive conflict story mode and hard mode. Where is nightmare mode ? why has there been no mention of nightmare mode ? why is this the only content we have to play through at end game ? Why are the operations so small its takes like 2 hours to clear the whole content ?


PVP, create new maps. It would seem that Hutball is the big thing for pvp in this game but keeping it with only one type of map is just lazy and suggests Bioware are slackers. It would be very easy to design a new layout.


Class Balance. I assume when they make a new currently underwhelming class the new flavor of the month we can expect them to stay that way for months ? i QQ because its true. The balance of this game was best in 1.1 its just a mess now. I refuse to comment about low level pvp as i finally came across a 8 man Sniper pre made and lol my whole team died a whole lot ...


either my guild is just extremely hardcore or we just have nothing to do now. We have cleared EC HM every week since the release of the operation, done it on numerous alts, done pvp, got 100 valor rank, full best in slot for pve and pvp down to the very last mod and armoring. I know Bioware encourages us to make alts and experience all the game, we some of us have, i personally have experienced all the class stories (Liked Jedi knight's the best).


Please cater to all the players, from the very casual to the damn right mad hardcore fans and make content longer (4 bosses in a operation is just slacking) and much much harder. When you can do EC HM in recruit gear (btw *** is up with that gear in pvp, new players massively miss hp to even live long enough to fight those in war hero) you know the content is far to easy.


Main reason for this post is i just want to know whats coming up in the future, is Bioware working on anything big because they need to pull of a hat trick. Even though they did recently unleash a trailer for HK-51 we knew about that for months and we can expect everyone to have it on the first day its out making it a subpar companion, unless Bioware does actually make it very hard to obtain ( PLEASE DO!).


This post will probably get trolled, attacked by fanboys, the worshipers of Bioware and Ea etc but i dont care i just want to know this game will be worth playing in a month of so, and i wont be quiting the game for GW2 btw, but rather go back to wow xD

Edited by Bmilwip
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None of this has been confirmed for 1.4 but here are my guesses:

-New Operation Terror From Beyond

-A new Flashpoint

-New Daily area on Belsavis

-HK-51 quest series

-more legacy perks



All of that is pretty much guaranteed in 1.4 with Makeb coming in 1.5

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I support the OP. It's a great game, but it need to be developed. Or we need sandbox elements. You cannot just leave like this.


None of this has been confirmed for 1.4 but here are my guesses:

-New Operation Terror From Beyond

-A new Flashpoint

-New Daily area on Belsavis

-HK-51 quest series

-more legacy perks


As far as I remember all of these (exceprt for HK) are to be implemented within a year(!) not on the next patch. I do not consider this satisfactory, and I do share OP's worries...

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What I think BioWare is doing is working on awesome projects, not saying that much about them them slap us with EPIC awesome stuff that is just gonna come out faster than you can say bobsuruncle.


I think the other planet coming out is named Varl or something like that. The real Hutt homeworld.

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What I think BioWare is doing is working on awesome projects, not saying that much about them them slap us with EPIC awesome stuff that is just gonna come out faster than you can say bobsuruncle.


I think the other planet coming out is named Varl or something like that. The real Hutt homeworld.



Nah its defo assation where terror from beyond is is what im on about

Edited by Shingara
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there are 2 planets coming, assention or whatever its called and makeb, dunno why peeps havnt picked up on the other planet yet but meh, dunno which one is coming 1st though.


but i dont' think Assention will be a full planet but more like a operation planet like Denova is. That's why they keep pushing Makeb since it will be a full planet that you can walk around and do stuff in. In fact it will be the first one they added like that

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but i dont' think Assention will be a full planet but more like a operation planet like Denova is. That's why they keep pushing Makeb since it will be a full planet that you can walk around and do stuff in. In fact it will be the first one they added like that


ye i know where your coming from its just gonna be one of those wait and see things.

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Its guarenteed as much as ranked warzones were in 1.2 right.


yes heaven forbitd they hold off on adding a system because it didn't work properly. Have they held off on adding new playable content yet? No? Ok then please keep your mouth shut.

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yes heaven forbitd they hold off on adding a system because it didn't work properly. Have they held off on adding new playable content yet? No? Ok then please keep your mouth shut.


Oh, yes miserable content for more than 6 months. Yes, they haven't stoped adding. The speed is just far too low. Worse, there is no information from BW what and when we are to expect... I really don't like 'secret project' and 'this year' terms. This is a bull ****.

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Oh, yes miserable content for more than 6 months. Yes, they haven't stoped adding. The speed is just far too low. Worse, there is no information from BW what and when we are to expect... I really don't like 'secret project' and 'this year' terms. This is a bull ****.


I dont like it but i understand why they do it.

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I dont know if all that would be crammed into one patch.



Check out http://www.torhead.com/guide/leaks, though it isn't accurate, to get a general idea of where the game is headed to.


Yes ofc everything won't be in that patch. But alot of those things will be in 1.4, if you check torhead leaks all those things which were supposed to be in 1.3 is probably gonna come in 1.4


...and that would be HK, new operation, new flashpoint, dailys on belsavis. And probably new nightmare modes for kp ev.


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...and that would be HK, new operation, new flashpoint, dailys on belsavis. And probably new nightmare modes for kp ev.


We'll See about that. Really hope you're right, but this speculations makes me crazy. I would prefer they said like 'in December', and I would be fine, but nooooooo... No information is no obligations. Sweet and sunny... for them.

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Oh, yes miserable content for more than 6 months. Yes, they haven't stoped adding. The speed is just far too low. Worse, there is no information from BW what and when we are to expect... I really don't like 'secret project' and 'this year' terms. This is a bull ****.


ehh it's still faster then WoW


we should see the patch hit the test server in late August early September

Edited by jarjarloves
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We'll See about that. Really hope you're right, but this speculations makes me crazy. I would prefer they said like 'in December', and I would be fine, but nooooooo... No information is no obligations. Sweet and sunny... for them.


Yes, the problem is though that bioware have no clue when it's gonna be done. So they can't say when the release dates are. Not even speculations, becouse i know how this community is. If bw says that we expect it to be done in september but could very likely be postponded, ppl would threaten to quit and whine about it for months if it would come late october.

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