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Small things I want added...


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I just want to say that the only thing that would be really game changing that I want are lockouts. Its really silly that if I have a group of people that are geared and willing to run SMEC 5 times in one day, WHY NOT?


My List:


1) Smoother XP Bars: Like at the end of any FPS, your match xp jumps into the bar and it looks like the bar is moving for every 1xp not just jumping straight to how much xp you have. I know its hard to explain but if you play Call of Duty or Halo: Reach you know what I mean. Leveling up is much more satisfying when you hear the xp and actually see the bar move.


2) /add command. I hate navigating to my friends list and hitting the tiny + button to add someone (Already exists as /friend )


3) Ability to change UI color. Im getting tired of a blue UI and a yellow mouse curser.


4) An option to turn off the sound when you get mail or when someone logs in/out


5) Changing the door timers in pvp so that you don't get stuck for missing the door by a few seconds. I've been kicked because I was texting and missed a door. Also the door should only effect some people. Example: Player 1 spawns halfway through the door. When it finally opens, he does not leave. While deserter protection is still active, a new door should not appear for that player. Player 2 spawns while Player 1 is still inside the spawn. But only Player 2 is affected by a new door.


6) Add a text indicator while hovering over the XP bar to show how fast you are gaining double XP. (Example: +2 Double XP per second gained)


7) Warning players that they will not gain black hole comms for hard mode flashpoints unless they queue for all of them. OR changing that so that we can all queue for BT/Essles and get free comms.


8) Adding a "billing option" for guilds. This way guildmasters can force bill all members every week to keep their guild bank going.

Example: GM decides all 250 of his members should pay 50k per month to maintain their membership/support the guild. This would be optional


9) Queue companion missions. Make it so that they can repeat the tast 5 times. (Like crafting, except for other crew skills)


10) Optional, cross faction chat channel.



These are small things that should be added IMO. Im not sure how hard it would be to make these things but I don' t think they would throw anything out of balance.

Edited by Circumventor
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Lockouts are to prolong the development cycles and to keep us coming back.


Allowing us to farm it like you are suggesting would mean that most people would gear out and quit within a few days.

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But the lockouts also drive people away. I do all the ops on both my characters in 2 days and then I sit around fleet and do nothing the rest of the week. I would much rather play the same ops multiple times then play nothing at all....
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Very good ideas which I agree with fully! ESPECIALLY number 1! I always thought in an mmo that your xp bar should ALWAYS be moving. Not just jump up when you are done with something. I always thought that.


Also...like in "that other mmo" add the ability to cycle through the whispers by pressing tab! THAT is amazing. I loved that part of..."that other mmo".


They also need voiced emotes, sitting in chairs, chat bubbles :) that would be awesome and make the game feel more alive :)

Edited by Sarfux
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