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SWTOR Armory for your website

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Greetings Everyone,


We have developed, with the help of the kind folks at Ask Mr. Robot a small character sheet to be displayed on your website as long as you have the ability to create HTML and run Javascript in your created pages. This should help spice up your current rosters, or if you don't have one, can easily add a roster page now!


The script is fairly easy to use and only requires a small amount of work in creating your profile.



  • Visit Ask Mr. Robot and create a character profile
  • Copy the Profile ID into the following script:
  • <script type="text/javascript" src="http://char.calikillednox.com/{CHARACTER-ID}"></script>

  • Example for Genshen would be:
  • <script type="text/javascript" src="http://char.calikillednox.com/7790abab-9681-4b6f-9f7e-a3f6afef8a64"></script>

  • Functionality and design sample can be seen here on Cali Killed Nox Website. We are still working on revamping our CKN roster page now that this is finished.
  • Place the script anywhere you desire on your webpage and it will pull the data and populate the armory.
  • Works with most sites out there that allow custom created pages and javascript. Confirmed with Joomla, Wordpress, etc. Unsure if it works with Enjin (not tested but will be shortly.)


We hope you enjoy and please drop us a line here, or on our forums and let us know if you use it on your site. If you have any issues with the script, please feel free to post on our forums and we will answer you at our earliest opportunity.


Thank you from all of us at Cali Killed Nox.

Edited by pure_laced
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I keep refreshing your site wondering what the new changes are lol.


We just made a quick workaround for now for some stats not displaying correctly while Ask Mr Robot addresses the issue on their end, but our tests show that everyone's profile will now show.

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I am using the feature at: http://holonet.thearmyoflight.com/features/roster


If you scroll down, you can see the gear stats. I kind of "if you don't mind" used the same function that you are using on your guild site so that when you click on someones name, it will update the gear stats iframe. I plan to update the page and make the gear stats iframe be a following box that will scroll with the page so when you select a members name, it updates there rather than having to have to scroll all the way down.

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My guild and I are extremely excited about this feature but we have a couple questions if you don't mind to help us get started.


Most of us already have AMR profiles. When placing the script on the roster page, do we have to add one for each raider (replacing Character ID with Profile ID)?


Also, I'm assuming the character ID is your username?


Thanks in advanced!

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