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People Need Some Perspective


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Nope just simply a perspective thought that's why I started this thread


Perspective? That WoW listens to their customers and Bioware doesn't?! Is that what I'm to read from that? Or that SWTOR will forever be playing catch-up to WoW? That SWTOR is doomed to follow WoW in every possible way because they started 7 years earlier?

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Nope just simply a perspective thought that's why I started this thread


While I do appreciate the perspective, the game is going up against WoW as it is now, not WoW as it was seven years ago. I feel Bioware and EA dramatically underestimated their community's desire for such features, and the game would be in better shape now had they come with the initial release. As soon as WoW released group finder, Bioware should have made that an absolute priority. They had plenty of time, but miscalculated its appeal and left it for post launch. That was a mistake in my opinion, but I'm glad it's here now.

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Perspective? That WoW listens to their customers and Bioware doesn't?! Is that what I'm to read from that? Or that SWTOR will forever be playing catch-up to WoW? That SWTOR is doomed to follow WoW in every possible way because they started 7 years earlier?


I don't think wow is going to be top dog anytime soon with mists of pandaria . . . well maybe top dog with the 12 year olds. And its not perspective about devs listening or not . . its that good things take time you cant get it all right on the first try. No video game or anything has been right in its first launch even with prior examples. Things take time to perfect.

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Perspective? That WoW listens to their customers and Bioware doesn't?! Is that what I'm to read from that? Or that SWTOR will forever be playing catch-up to WoW? That SWTOR is doomed to follow WoW in every possible way because they started 7 years earlier?


WoW and SWTOR are different games, with different IP, different design goals and objectives. The only common thread they share is they are pay to play MMOs.


Yeah, a lot fo the whiners and complainers are somehow hurt that SWTOR did not knock WoW to the curb. So what? That is just neurotic to treat one MMO as competitor or antithesis to another. There is no MMO monopoly, and never was (not even in the peak popularity years of WoW).


And, after all these months of complainging and comparing SWTOR to WoW...why are you still here? Why not go play what you like instead of perpetually complain and rant in the SWTOR forums? Play something you like, rather then constantly complain about what you don't like.

Edited by Andryah
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WoW and SWTOR are different games, with different IP, different design goals and objectives. The only common thread they share is they are pay to play MMOs.


Yeah, a lot fo the whiners and complainers are somehow hurt that SWTOR did not knock WoW to the curb. So what? That is just neurotic to treat one MMO as competitor or antithesis to another. There is no MMO monopoly, and never was (not even in the peak popularity years of WoW).


And, after all these months of complainging and comparing SWTOR to WoW...why are you still here? Why not go play what you like instead of perpetually complain and rant in the SWTOR forums? Play something you like, rather then constantly complain about what you don't like.


Did you even happen to read what I had quoted? "I" wasn't the one comparing SWTOR to WOW, I've never even played WOW, so your foolish statement about ME comparing SWTOR to WOW is as blatantly wrong as it is ignorant.

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