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Companions' area dialog


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Sometimes when entering a new area of the map, my companions will say something about it. Or at least, they used to. The last thing I've heard from them was Jorgan's opinion on certain areas of Nar Shadda. Nothing on Tatooine, nothing on Taris, nothing on Alderaan.


Do they stop having observations after Nar Shadda? Or perhaps it's just Dorne (I've been using her most often)? Is there a list that I can refer to, to hear their tourist commentary?

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I've had comments from both Akaavi and Corso on Voss. I love hearing them mentioning things when we are out running around. But I do not know if all companions have comments on the same places or if they have their own special spots on the map that they react to. Have run back to a old place hoping for a comment from a different comp sometimes when I've gotten a comment on a specific place earlier.
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Vette can be particularly funny at the beginning of each area. Most of her comments begin, "Have I ever mentioned..." and then you get something about fear of dying by freezing, poison, drowning or something similar.
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Well you need to have a companion out in the first place to trigger dialogue. So once you get your speeder you're likely missing a lot of the commentary.


Just yesterday I was playing my Marauder, and before heading inside a cave on Voss I stopped and gathered an artifact and approached the cave on foot after. Quinn made a comment slightly before entering the cave, something I wouldn't have heard I didn't dismount to gather and just zoomed right into the cave on my speeder. I wonder at all the the little lines I've missed!

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It goes on throughout the game, and thus far in my experience all my companions talk at the same physical points, though they'll express different sentiments in keeping with their backgrounds and personalities.


Reliable triggers:

- Entering/exiting a cantina

- Often entering/exiting a planet's spaceport or shuttle pad or main base

- Crossing some fuzzy border near the Endar Spire on Taris - every companion I've used has some perspective on explaining the Spire's history

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In my experience, some companions seem to be more talkative than others.

Some trigger areas that I have noticed for Imperial companions:

- Tularan Marsh, Taris: a large animal skeleton

- Minimum Security, Belsavis: a hole blown in one of the prison walls

- Gormak Lands, Voss: approaching the giant Gormak cannon


Sometimes the comments totally catch me by surprise. One time on my SW, I walked into Leth Outpost on Hoth and was startled to hear Quinn pipe up with, "I have reinforcements ready if we need them, my lord." Not sure where he was planning on getting said reinforcements, but I guess it's the thought that counts. :rolleyes:

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Jorgan has this great line if you Quick Travel to the Republic Waystation on Ilum.



The Jedi Temple. Nice to see one that almost in one piece.



But I noticed the last time I went to Ilum and did my usual rounds he didn't say it, (This was Sunday I think) I stopped and waited for him and everything. Its my favorite line. Zenith and Kaliyo both talked to my alt toons today. In fact, Kaliyo rarely shuts up.

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Landing on Voss I often get some little comment from my comps. Have heard one from Doc, Corso and T7. Have run around in circles with Risa and my other comps trying to trigger it but it doesn't always work.


Akaavi had a great line on Belsavis, on the first map when you go to fix some kind of technical equipment for the people working there. Something like..


A generatorstation left unguarded. Typical republic incompetence. This is why the Empire will win


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I really like the area dialogue. It reminds me that am playing with a companion not a hunter pet. Sadly the trigger frequency was reduced with the patch that silenced the ship droids.

I would prefer to even hear it if on the speeder.

And yes,if you are grouped ( as I constantly duo) only one companion ever says something which leads to me running around the trigger point later:D

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And yes,if you are grouped ( as I constantly duo) only one companion ever says something which leads to me running around the trigger point later:D


I dunno if this is true. Yesterday, my sister and I were running around Droumnd Kaas (my Warrior is male and in the dress clothes, so I wanted her Twi'lek to match), and upon arriving into the city, I heard Khem Val (her companion) say something about how glorious it was, as well as seeing Vette's dialogue. The same thing occured at the Dark Temple as well.

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