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Unclear, unscheduled maintenance time's - 26/07/2012


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Before I start; I live in Australia(AEST).


AP = Asia Pacific, for those who don't know ;)


All I want to achieve in this thread, is to have BW make these maintenance time's clearer for all reader's.


I opened up the launcher to the frustrating message - "Unscheduled Maintenance - 07/26/12", and then read the small text below which stated: " We will be deploying a ...........*Blah blah etc. blah*.......SWTOR.com and all server's will be down for 2 hour's....blah*.......from 2am CDT(5pm AEST) to 6am CDT(9pm AEST).......


I get that you guy's need to do patches to help(Fix/Add new component's to) the game and all that, but seriously, it's bad enough with the amount of unscheduled maintenance we get, let alone the fact that you've made it so unclear as to the actual length of the patch.


As you can see, the AEST patch time's are during the AP peak, as usual and tend's to be the only time people that work or study, have to actually play the game. So you could at least give us some more notice and make this more clear in term's of time/patch length's.


I'd like to add that I generally don't "hate" on TOR, and I've put up with all these annoying patches(unscheduled one's) as has everyone else; but this frustrated me, and I want it to be clear for other player's(specifically AP player's).


Thank's, Ut.

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I know that there have been a lot of threads about this, but I agree. I get that North America is their main market, and I'm in North America, but you'd think at least these unscheduled maintenances could happen at... well... unscheduled times. I would think most North American servers would be pretty dead in the early morning too, and that would fix the Pacific servers without affecting Europe too badly.


So, I have an idea - why not keep the weekly Maintenance as it is, but the unscheduled-but-it's-every-Wednesday-or-Thursday-anyway maintenances on a schedule that alternates its rolling blackouts?


In other words, this week's unscheduled maintenance will be at 2:00 am CDT, next week's unscheduled maintenance will be at 4:00 am CDT, then 8:00 am CDT, etc.

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Well they got to do patches some time and that means all the time get over it.


That's not my point. I clearly stated in the OP that my complaint is not directed at the amount of patches(although the unscheduled one's frankly piss me off); but the fact that the notice on the launcher stated that the patch would last 2 hour's, then later stated that the patch would go from 5-9pm AEST. Which is obviously 4 hour's, not 2. I hope that this is now clear enough for you.


Next time, (1) read the post properly before you write some bs that is irrelevant to the thread (maybe repeat step (1) 2-3 time's if you have trouble reading).

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People who are not affected by miscommunication or maintenance times that hit your prime time all always going to sit on their high horse, but would be the loudest once something they don't like happens.


I also think Bioware needs to have their messages read correctly, but communication from Bioware lately has vanished.

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In other words, this week's unscheduled maintenance will be at 2:00 am CDT, next week's unscheduled maintenance will be at 4:00 am CDT, then 8:00 am CDT, etc.


That is quite a good idea.


Another alternative would be to simply have 2 scheduled maintenance time's, one in which is better for North American player's, and another that is better for the rest of us :)


Since they are practically having one 4hr and two 2hr (unscheduled) maintenance's each week anyway's.


^ Then if they find that they only need one maintenance in a week they can alternate which time-frame get's the better maintenance time each week.

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, but communication from Bioware lately has vanished.


I must say, I've seen a lot of post's about people simply being ignored or having their thread's/post's deleted because BW couldn't answer or couldn't be bothered answering their questions.

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I'm an Aussie and it's quite clear to me when the patch starts and it's (supposed) end.


I've also unsubbed because I'm tired of it. Voting with my wallet.




I must admit I'm surprised anyone in the AUS timezone has put up with it for this long. :eek:

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argh! the apostrophe abuse!


On the serious side, I can't help but agree with AP players. I understand Bioware is in North America and wants to do their patching during their own down times, and that would be fine if it were just the one maintenance period each week. If they are going to keep having 2-3 per week, they need to look at a way to localize patch/maintenance times.


Just my opinion.

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argh! the apostrophe abuse!


On the serious side, I can't help but agree with AP players. I understand Bioware is in North America and wants to do their patching during their own down times, and that would be fine if it were just the one maintenance period each week. If they are going to keep having 2-3 per week, they need to look at a way to localize patch/maintenance times.


Just my opinion.


That would help but i think the damage is already done. Given about 2 weeks back there was a total of around 3 unscheduled maintenance each week on prime time days (Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays I think). On Gav Daragon we used to actually have SOME pvp during the day NZ time but now its more or less gone, and fleet (sure 12 on fleet isnt much) is now half of what it used to be.


Evenings where we'd have non stop WZ's popping after every match we now have waits of about 10-20 minutes between matchs. Our guild which as with most AP guilds do alot of their raiding on Thursday nights haven't really run a raid in a few weeks. We moved it to Sundays but that still isnt optimal for most member's so getting required classes in has become a chore (not to mention Group Finder was when it came out popping when needed... but after the large group of unscheduled maintenance its hardy pops at all, so either people aint using it or there just arent the people around now to fill the spots). We've definitely lost a good 1/4 of the people we used to have right around the time we had that slew of unscheduled maintenance patches a few weeks back, sure its all assumption, but it sure as hell feels like... and we didnt have all that many before that (compared to US servers).


This issue has made many people simply give up id think. And its got a knock on effect in that (our guild as an example) some people simply cant play or do what they want to do due to the now reduced population and as such have simply quit.


Sure they could reschedule maintenance for us on the AP servers, but why bother... the damage ha been done. even im gonna jump ship to GW2 when it arrives, at least I dont have to pay for time I cant access during the best time to play for my AP based server.

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