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Whats The Best Rotation for a Level 13 Annihilition Mara?


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Just seems Im hitting buttons with whatevers available hehe. Dont have many abilities yet so I find myself running out of CD abilites and use the Assault ability to fill the void an build rage but that ability seems like it misses more than it hits lol.


Any advice would be much appreciated guys!

Edited by Aegis-Fang
mispelled word
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It will pick up later, you don't really have many of your abilities at the moment, you can't expect a rotation yet when 80% of your abilities/talents aren't even available yet





Ill wait til I get more abilities, Ive gotten what I do have at lvl 15 down to a decent rotation. This toon is a killing machine compared to my Op.

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Rotation is really simple at your level. Basically have Deadly Saber active whenever you can, pop rupture whenever its off CD, Use Battering Assault when its Off CD to keep your rage up, and for your fillers just use vicious slash. And do NOT neglect berserk! Auto Crit +auto heal dot's? yes please. Also when you get a bit higher level i suggest investing in the force charge minimum range reduction ASAP and the force charge +1 rage ability after that. there's nothing like jumping for 4 rage when you're already in their face :D
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The sooner you get the word rotation out of your head, the more successful you will be.


There is no rotation for Marauder, only a priority list, due to the Global Cooldown mechanic, differing ability cooldowns, and certain talents that can proc cooldowns on an important DPS ability (which you would ideally use more often than its cooldown, but not necessarily the moment you proc the CD reset).


At 13, you don't have many rage builders or spenders, so just spam your rage builders on cooldown (e.g. Battering Assault), and then dump the rage that you generate with Vicious Slash (and then Deadly Saber and Rupture as you get them).

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I just recently started a Marauder and want to spec Annihilation. I'm level 21 now and am starting to get a good feel for the class. I'm coming from playing a BH Arsenal so, yeah. :)


I've been hunting around and have found lots of info on specing out to 50, but what I would like to know is how to spend points while leveling up. Which talents should I put points in and what order. Can anyone advise me on that keeping in mind that I ultimately want to be Annihilation for end game.



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Advice I can offer. Take time to try different things out. The credit cost for a skill reset isn't too bad(you get a freebie once a week). What may work for someone else may not work so well for you. I guess this is a more PC way of me saying be innovative and imaginative when you're playing/leveling up.
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Well that's what I'm kinda trying to avoid. I want to level up as efficiently and quickly as possible and I'm sure others have already figured out this class much better than I have through experience that I can hopefully benefit from.



True words Voxx, I like experimenting but only with maxed toons. Dont want to make leveling harder by using a spec thats only doing half the dps a tried an proven leveling spec does.

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