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Why pay for this....


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What is the point in us paying for a game that is down 8 somtimes more hours a week...

What is the point in us paying for a game that has a team of devs that dont communicate with its customers...


If i wanted all this i would be still paying money to SoE....BW/EA get with it and start talking to your paying customers

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In other words, there's no point to this post. Ok. We have enough posts about people complaining about down time and what not. There's no reason to make this one. kthnxbye


Dont like it, then dont read it...

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What is the point in us paying for a game that is down 8 somtimes more hours a week...

What is the point in us paying for a game that has a team of devs that dont communicate with its customers...


If i wanted all this i would be still paying money to SoE....BW/EA get with it and start talking to your paying customers


Sorry to say this but if you don't like it find another game. BTW maybe I'm mistaken but from what I have seen all maintenance is done between 2am - 8am Central time 1 or 2 times a week. Assuming my previous statement is correct, what your complaining about is ridiculous.

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Sorry to say this but if you don't like it find another game. BTW maybe I'm mistaken but from what I have seen all maintenance is done between 2am - 8am Central time 1 or 2 times a week. Assuming my previous statement is correct, what your complaining about is ridiculous.


Thats fine or american players...what about players in the EU...oh yeah thats right there is nothing outside of amercia

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Thought you might have had something new, interesting, or even something with a point to contribute. Guess not. Bioware has made us a great game, and like every MMO, it has downtime. Of course no one likes the downtime, and yes, it's been more than usual. However, making a post that is obvious to every single player/dev is just useless. Believe it or not, I'm trying to help you out here.


I'm not saying the game is by any means perfect, but what you guys don't seem to understand, is that by making posts like this, it makes the swtor player base community look bad. It really does look like children complaining about something, instead of being patient and seeing what happens. They're obviously not going to have extreme downtime like this for the rest of the games existence. Just relax and be patient.

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I'm not saying the game is by any means perfect, but what you guys don't seem to understand, is that by making posts like this, it makes the swtor player base community look bad. It really does look like children complaining about something, instead of being patient and seeing what happens. They're obviously not going to have extreme downtime like this for the rest of the games existence. Just relax and be patient.


Speaking for myself, due to my job sometimes I cannot play for weeks at a time. It's aggravating when I get a week that I can play and the game is offline for some kind of maintenance 5 of those days. I have been patient, this has been going on for many months now, and I'm not crying. The downtime is always after I get off work (do not live in the U.S.) so I get screwed constantly.

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lots of suggestions that the game will go F2P. So it could well be that wont be paying for this in the future.


Though I suspect free to play isn't going to just change the game and make it so what was dull and repeative is suddenly exiting and new and different.

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What is the point in us paying for a game that is down 8 somtimes more hours a week...

What is the point in us paying for a game that has a team of devs that dont communicate with its customers...


If i wanted all this i would be still paying money to SoE....BW/EA get with it and start talking to your paying customers



You are paying for access to the game. Without weekly maintenance your access to the game my be limited or completely restricted due to software or hardware failure.

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What is the point in us paying for a game that is down 8 somtimes more hours a week...

What is the point in us paying for a game that has a team of devs that dont communicate with its customers...


If i wanted all this i would be still paying money to SoE....BW/EA get with it and start talking to your paying customers


Because, they use your money to fix the game, increase server stability, and are working overtime hours to address the PvP lag issues. They are doing it as fast and as often as they can. I've never seen any MMO pump out so many patches and perform the maintanence that Bioware does.


Seeing how devs were treated when they did communicate, I would have stopped talking too. Talking with most players here is like swimming with sharks. MMO players are a noisy, whiny, demanding bunch for the most part. The ones most vocal are usually the biggest jerks.

This MMO has been stressful on them, and they are probably formulating new strategies to deal with the whiny babies that make up most of their customer base.


8 hours out of the 168 hours a week this game is online, is not a lot of time. Thats roughly 5% downtime. Even with you active only half that time, that's 8 hours out of your 84 hours a week. 10% downtime.

If you go to school, work, have family responsibilities, or watch ****, it isn't Bioware's responsibility to help you find more time to play. If maintanence cuts into your time, that's too bad, but you're a minority, as they schedule downtime for when their numbers tell them they have the least amount of players online. It sux that they happen when some want to play, but it does.


You either deal with it, or you move on to something else. Complaining about how they do business without offering helpful suggestions is pointless, and shows you only care about complaining, not about the game or trying to be a constructive part of making it better.

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Speaking for myself, due to my job sometimes I cannot play for weeks at a time. It's aggravating when I get a week that I can play and the game is offline for some kind of maintenance 5 of those days. I have been patient, this has been going on for many months now, and I'm not crying. The downtime is always after I get off work (do not live in the U.S.) so I get screwed constantly.


That's completely understandable. My point was not whether it was right or wrong that they are having these downtimes. It's that multiple threads are being made on the same topic, and it's also the way the threads are made. They are made in a childish way, almost as an attempt to insult / "hurt" Bioware.


I only get to play half of the week due to work, and yeah, it stinks when I get home at 11pm only to see the servers going down in an hour or two. Bioware obviously doesn't WANT these downtimes any more than you guys do. There's pretty much three things you can do.


1.) Unsub


2.) Complain


3.) Be patient


Now, I really hope everyone chooses option three, because you all wouldn't still be playing if you didn't enjoy the game. And, although in some weird way i guess i COULD be wrong, i'm gonna bet the game only gets better from here on out.

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Anything the Dev's say can and will be used against them when the player base calls them out on things and quotes empty promises and failures. This is why they hired the Flameshield sock puppet Customer Service people. They are the first to take hits and be fired. Edited by Darth-Malice
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What is the point in us paying for a game that is down 8 somtimes more hours a week...

What is the point in us paying for a game that has a team of devs that dont communicate with its customers...


If i wanted all this i would be still paying money to SoE....BW/EA get with it and start talking to your paying customers


Why pay? So you can complain on the forums, of course. That's the real game. You're winning btw.

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