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What frustrates me about planets...


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i barely made it past the "there is no uniqueness, i know exactly what to expect". Just wrong.


Prisoner outbreak on belsavis, Rhakghouls on Taris, white maw pirates and the downed dreadnaut on hoth, Czerka on Tatooine, Voss and the semi diplomatic war on Voss.


You are just wrong.


It would be natural for multiple plantes to be dealing with invadeing forces, since that is the major over arching theme in starwars....


just go away and keep your bad opinions to yourself please.


^Pretty much this. When you come to the table with certain expectations, OP, then you shouldn't be surprised when they are validated through your own narrow viewpoint.


The planets are really pretty different. Small, I grant you that....but different.

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Any thoughts??

Yeah, Bioware's arrogance during development, has come back to haunt them. I also think Bioware Austin was given far too much 'freedom' to do what they wanted, rather than what was NEEDED! Every Mob is the same, be it creature, humanoid or specter...groups of 2-4 that act exactly the same way, every boring time. There's no 'wildlife' moving around...that crap on Taris doesn't even qualify as wildlife, it's more like static NPC creatures.


This game needed better oversight DURING development.

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^Pretty much this. When you come to the table with certain expectations, OP, then you shouldn't be surprised when they are validated through your own narrow viewpoint.


The planets are really pretty different. Small, I grant you that....but different.


Just read the comment I just made... might clear things up


I should re explain what I mean, sure all planets are warzones and as well as they should be but what I tried to get across was that the intro to each planet is mostly the same. Every time you land on a planet you are just thrusted into the middle of it, there are no beginings at all. The intro's to the planets could have been done a lot more instead of just the "we are under attack help us" you can give me all the plots of each planet which is great the but the same general thing is in every planet "we are under attack please help us." It would be nice if at first you land on a planet knowing an attack was coming and before that attack comes, you try and prepair as quickly as possible and then later on in the story you see the attack take place, that would make the standard MMO quests more interesting. All planets should be a warzone, but what I am trying to say in this post is that the way every planet is executed is not very good at all. Its like starting a movie right in the middle, and if you just start it in the middle, then I have no emotional attachment to any character and without any emotional attachment, I could careless what happend on any planet. They have shown that they can use instancing (or phasing for you WoW people) and it would make the leveling expierence A LOT better if they started each planet with some surprises.

Overall It would be nice to see:


1. Planets "unique story" have a better beginning part instead of making me feel like I show up late to every planet in a middle of a war.

2. More sandbox elements

3. More emotional attachment to all characters of the planet

4. Mountains, lakes, oceans etc.

5. Better plot in general.

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