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We have exactly 60 days to save TOR.


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You can mock ''ah ah, it's a kiddy game with pands, lol, it's for little kids''...that's not going to work in 60 days.


(Note : I want TOR to succeed. But as I was telling last year....TOR need to have a bigger sale argument than ''LOL-PANDA'')

Edited by Angedechu
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Who wants to level




Just hearing that discourages me. It's already taking weeks for me to level from 1-50, can you imagine the pain and agony of leveling to 90 and then what? expansion level to 95?..100?..pretty soon people are going get tired of the game and Blizzard is already looking to sell the game but there are no buyers.

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You know a lot of people left WoW because of that expansion, right?

You know there are also a lot of people who left WoW because of the lack of content and are passing the time here till the expansion comes out, right?

OP has a point. In MoP WoW becomes much more advanced in every aspect. If Bio wants this game to survive they have to do something, and do it really fast.

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Guys, realists, me included, were telling you in november...


1)That TOR required sell arguments other than ''LOL-Pandas'' when compared to WoW.

2)That TOR gameplay was really, really, really not overwhelming compared to WoW.


I played MOP beta.


The zones manage to look WAY more impressive than most TOR ones, the quests are dynamic, and the storytelling, for being mute, is quite decent.


I want TOR to succeed. But at one time, it will need something else than '' ah ah, you play a game with pandas''.

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