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Bummer... Cust. Service Droids have no sense of humor :(


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I submitted this ticket the other day, partially in jest, partially thinking to myself "I should really be posting this to the suggestion forums."


Anyway, I typed out a ticket, with what I considered to be a fair amount of light-heartedness and humor, and it appears to have been wasted.... I'm crying tears of great sadness and lament into my morning coffee.


Anyway, for enjoyment purposes, here is my ticket and the response I got... hehe


So, I have this awesome idea. You are going to love it, because it's possibly the best idea I have ever had. (Which is really saying something, because I am just chock-full of slap-happy-awesome ideas on a regular basis.)


Anyway... Lots of people (except the real weirdos) all want Karagga's Unyielding Helm.. (yeah that's right... the sweet-pimp-liberty-bell-hat)... However, in certain (and by certain I mean MANY) gear/race/gender/body type combinations, the bell hat looks simply putrid. However, on others, it is awesomesauce.


Why not have the bell hat, be bound to Legacy instead of straight Bind on Pickup? That way, if someone like me (who is a big-brute-meathead-looking male-sentinel wearing Rakata football shoulder pads, and can't wear the hat because it makes me look I should be riding the short-bus), could SEND the hat to another character in my Legacy!!?! I would simply pee myself with joy and merriment if I could send the bell hat from this character to my sage because it looks oh so much better, and would make me all warm and fuzzy inside, and would keep me opening my wallet every month to fork over subscription cash to BioWare for this terrific game.


It would also go a long way to help the people who have the hat who are Miralukan (sp?) race, who can't wear/show the hat even if they wanted to, because it simply won't show no matter what you change with the "Hide/Show Head Slot" settings.


The long and the short... you should totally do this, and in the off-chance that you can't see the perfect-wisdom in my spectacular suggestion, you should just take the bell hat from my inventory, and send it to my other lvl 50 character.


You know you want to do it... You know if you do, you will be making the world a little bit of a better place for someone, and you'll sleep easier and traffic will pull aside so you can pass them, and rainbows and ponies will follow you everywhere you go.


and here is my response:


Greetings Ockham,


I am Protocol Droid T6-L5, Human-Cyborg Relations.


We thank you for letting us know about the issue you encountered with the headgear Karagga's Unyielding Helm wherein it doesn't show with the Miraluka Race.


The issue is already known to us and the as a matter of fact, it is working as designed. The reason for this is that, there are headgears that will not really show while equipped with the Miraluka race.


If you feel that this aspect of the game could work differently, we strongly recommend posting your feedback on our “Suggestion Box” forum, located here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349


Our Development team actively monitor our forums, and are constantly looking for feedback from our players. The thoughts and opinions of our community play a key role in helping them to improve the Star Wars™:The Old Republic™ experience and to shape new features and content.


Thank you again for contacting us to bring this issue to our attention, we apologize for any confusion or inconvenience it may have caused.


Should you have further issues regarding this, or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact us again.


Galactic Support is our speciality...




Protocol Droid T6-L5 (aka Gabriel)

Star Wars ™: The Old Republic Customer Service


I think those Protocol Droids might need some new humorous programming.

(I recognize that what I asked for will likely never happen, but then again, we still don't have global friends/ignore.. cross faction chat channels, ready-check, etc... just to name a very very few minor things.)


Anyway... Have fun! And may the Force be with you. Unless you are a non-force user, and then.. well, just good luck.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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This and please stop wasting the GMs time. You cause people with serious issues to have to wait longer.


Meh, they've already shown us that they are on their own timetable for all issues, regardless of what we do anyway, so what does it hurt?


Geez... Life must really suck, when you live it that tightly-wound.

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I found it a very tedious post, to be honest. I almost stopped reading when I got to the irritating "you are going to love it" but the "...because I am just chock-full of slap-happy-awesome ideas" killed any desire to read further stone dead. I'm surprised the guy who responded to you even bothered to reply.
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The thing is man, the ticket you typed out was just trying way, way too hard to be funny. Just from reading the first few lines you can see how it's gonna pan out. You're kind of writing in this voice that you're assuming everyone will find funny, but if they don't, it's really grating to read. Just smacks of trying too hard. People who are truly funny in real life (I'm not one of them but know a few) don't ever seem to put any effort into it, they are just naturally humourous people, and your ticket was kind of a forced sort of thing. Not that this has anything to do with TOR, lol...it's just that kind of 'humour' I find grating, where the writer is assuming everyone will find it funny just because there's a flippant, saracastic tone.


EDIT: I've just gone back and read the whole thing and you are actually making a decent suggestion, but I didn't realise that because the tone of the opening of the ticket was just too cringe worthy, and the last part is awful as well. There was really no need to frame a decent suggestion with a grating, 'funny' tone.

Edited by KevClynes
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I am suddenly reminded of why I have avoided the officials forums for so long.


*move along, nothing to see here*

Dude you can't really post something you've typed up complaining that someone didn't find it funny, and then blame us for not finding it funny either. If they didn't, and we didn't, maybe the fact is, it wasn't that funny?

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EDIT: I've just gone back and read the whole thing and you are actually making a decent suggestion, but I didn't realise that because the tone of the opening of the ticket was just too cringe worthy, and the last part is awful as well. There was really no need to frame a decent suggestion with a grating, 'funny' tone.


I know firsthand, that a lot of the tickets that get submitted, are done so out of anger, rage and frustration and typically contain threats, coarse language and general unpleasantness. My attempt in my suggestion, was to give a CS rep who I am sure deals with irate people on a daily basis, a break from the harshness.


Apparently, my purposeful humor has come across too forced... I won't do it again.

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Michael Richards (aka Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld) thought he was funny too, and then...


It's cool. Some folks crack themselves up while others scratch their head in confusion. I crack myself up often.


Keep laughing, it's healthy.

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