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Pro-skippers, politeness will get you further


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you clearly dont understand what trolling means.


You are just not good enough at it ;)


Anyways, if someone wants to watch the cutscenes then I don't mind it. I'll just watch TV or something while waiting.

Edited by Skorz
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These arent a mandatory part of the flashpoint evidenced by the fact that there is even the option to skip them with spacebar or compeletely remove them. Please, for the love of yoda, get your story fix in the story mode version.


Incorrect. Just because you can spacebar through them to make them go away faster does not mean it's not mandatory. In fact, just the opposite is true. You must engage in NPC conversations in order to advance the flashpoint. Again, they put the cutscenes there for a reason, for people to watch them. The difficulty has NOTHING to do with the validity of players wanting to watch the cutscenes. For the last time, it's a story-based MMO. Get over it!


If you arent being considerate, and infact, accuseing everyone else of "not letting you play how you want to". Dont be suprised when half the server has you on ignore and your que takes 30 mins.


With the attitude towards other players that you seem to casually exhibit, don't be surprised when this happens to you.

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What bothers me the most is when I form a group specifically for a speed run through BT, and make sure that everyone is on the same page that we just want a spacebar run. Then I wind up being forced to sit through every cut scene because some newbie just nodded his/her head rather than asking what a spacebar run was.
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I'm quite glad that I only do FP:s and such things with my guild. Everyone there are nice and there is no problem with watching cutscenes in HM FP:s. Because I love it. Watch every single scene, living in the story and that is why I love this game. Glad to have found a group of players who are enjoying the same things as me. Didn't know that being happy for the cutscenes could be met with so much anger.

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I love it when I do a random HM FP queue and you try to give someone advice on a boss fight or show them a way to skip trash mobs etc and they get angry at you instead. Then suddenly they are accusing me of being mean to them when Im just trying to run through it fast and help them learn how to do the flash point the most efficient way possible. I had to add another kid to my ignore list after a HM D7 run this morning. Some kids just don't want help and are angry at the world.
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Storyline and cutscenes, especially during flightpoints are what make this game unique, and even tho I don't care for them much after the first time around, there are definitely those who love it. I say if you want to watch something do it. If someones givin you slack throw them on ignore. After all, they are playing a story driven game. If they can't deal with it then they are playing the wrong game, don't know how much more obvious that can get. Edited by cipero
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And here we have a perfect example of the selfish ME ME ME attitude of some people. I'd vote to kick you, or I'd simply leave group. You're not nearly as important as you think you are mate.


I am a TANK.


So, Bye bye!


BTW the average time for cutscenes even with no choice option, AKA timing out the choices is clocking in at about 9 minutes total spread over an average of three dialog scenes PER RUN.




The ONLY FOLKS who complain about this are impatient children, OCD Sufferers or IDIOTS.


Frankly If you are getting your feathers ruffled by a BUILT IN part of the game that is no way part of an exploit, you really need to think about your misplaced agression and anger, talk to the developers, not me, you gota a problem with how the way the game is programmed and you are going to blame another player, dont let the screen door hit you on the *** on the way out!

Edited by DJGeeky
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I have been thru some quest /fps more than a few times.I was with the beta since July.So some of it is pretty old.That said not everyone has.If they want to see it than they should be able to without some scut running their mouth.They paid for the game so get the frell over it.Take a drink of coffee or whatever beverage you have.You don't have the right to tell the other he/she has to skip. Edited by well
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I am a TANK.


So, Bye bye!


BTW the average time for cutscenes even with no choice option, AKA timing out the choices is clocking in at about 9 minutes total spread over an average of three dialog scenes PER RUN.




The ONLY FOLKS who complain about this are impatient children, OCD Sufferers or IDIOTS.


Frankly If you are getting your feathers ruffled by a BUILT IN part of the game that is no way part of an exploit, you really need to think about your misplaced agression and anger, talk to the developers, not me, you gota a problem with how the way the game is programmed and you are going to blame another player, dont let the screen door hit you on the *** on the way out!


It's a lot more than that in Esseles & Black Talon.


Tell you what, I'm going to take a new track on my healers and tanks (and that's all I ever play). When someone watches a cut-scene in a hard-mode, I'm going to stopwatch it. When the cutscene is done, I'm going to reset the stopwatch and stand there, doing nothing, for as long as the cutscene took.


I mean, if you can waste 9 minutes of my time, it's only fair that I get to waste 9 minutes of yours, right?


And if you vote-kick me, that's fine. I'll queue again and get another group instantly. Maybe even the one you just kicked me from. Fun!

Edited by DarthTHC
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My Rule for myself is if it is a normal mode i ask the group if they're skipping and I respect if its anyone's first time there and want to hear all the convo.


But in Hard mode I have little tolerance for not skipping convo, If you want to hear the story then do normal mode but for HM Daily people usually don't like wasted time.

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I mean, if you can waste 9 minutes of my time, it's only fair that I get to waste 9 minutes of yours, right?


See here is the problem.

This would make you a Griefer, and culpable/implicable in punishment when reported as such.


Here is WHY:

The game has cutscenes and a way to skip them or make them go faster.

However, the functionality of skipping the cutscene is a matter of LUXURY for players, it is not a neccesity, nor is it REQUIRED.


Therefore, If a player experiences a cutscene in group, they are fully within their rights and priveledge to see said cutscene, regardless of the feelings of other players, because of the simple fact that there is no set requirement for players to dictate or maintain a set length of play in these cutscenes.


In other words, the fact that the skip option exists, does not dictate its use, nor does it mean that those who DONT use it are "wasting" others times, because in essence, the intentional "holding back" of a group is not covered in this case as a form of griefing because the player is playing the game as it was intended.


On the other hand, when you CLEARLY STATE HERE, ON THE FORUMS, that you are going to take a stopwatch, count the minutes you considered wasted, then apply those wasted minutes to other players as "payback, retribution, etc" then you are most certainly "holding" the group back, intentionally with ill purpose toward other players, making you a griefer.


Im not saying that I DONT use the spacebar, I actually use it as much as i can, but I dont require others to use, it, I will make mention of it and what it does and let others choose to use it or not, i certainly take no umbrage to that.


But, If ANYONE decides to be rude to me for "missing" even just ONE spacebar opportunity, then I take FULL advantage of those cutscenes and the way the game was programmed to be played, and ALSO when someone is rude to me about this stuff, i all of the sudden ENJOY seeing the dialog timer bar fill up until it expires.


So what will it be?


Complain and attempt to make some statement in group about dropping because someone does or does not use a built in mechanic of a dialog option and then make yourself the target of a griefing investigation.


Or do you become polite and respectful, like you should be ALREADY and "roll with it"?


Im guessing that the folks who scream and pop a vein whenever they detect the smallest amount of delay in their precious OCD filled, square laced, guiness book of world records, timed runs.


You want timed runs, make them yourself.

You want spacebar runs, make them yourself.

You want story runs, make them yourself.

You want RP runs, make them yourself.


But DONT EVER presume that you will ever get ANYTHING LESS than what it programmed when you do group finder. If you do, if you vote kick anyone in GF for just simply playing because you forgot tha tthe group finder has no such rules, if you get your panties in such a twist that you cant possibly stand others who dont do things beyond what is required of them in the games regular group finder parameters, then you really need to step out of this situation IMMEDIATELY and get some therapy or get some REAL social time, away from the computer.


Until BW implements a way to "vote on" or "roll for votes" on cut scene skipping or implements a way for the GF to force a cutscene skip, you have absolutely no ground to stand on whatsoever demanding that they be skipped.

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See here is the problem.

This would make you a Griefer, and culpable/implicable in punishment when reported as such.


Here is WHY:

The game has cutscenes and a way to skip them or make them go faster.

However, the functionality of skipping the cutscene is a matter of LUXURY for players, it is not a neccesity, nor is it REQUIRED.


Therefore, If a player experiences a cutscene in group, they are fully within their rights and priveledge to see said cutscene, regardless of the feelings of other players, because of the simple fact that there is no set requirement for players to dictate or maintain a set length of play in these cutscenes.


In other words, the fact that the skip option exists, does not dictate its use, nor does it mean that those who DONT use it are "wasting" others times, because in essence, the intentional "holding back" of a group is not covered in this case as a form of griefing because the player is playing the game as it was intended.


On the other hand, when you CLEARLY STATE HERE, ON THE FORUMS, that you are going to take a stopwatch, count the minutes you considered wasted, then apply those wasted minutes to other players as "payback, retribution, etc" then you are most certainly "holding" the group back, intentionally with ill purpose toward other players, making you a griefer.


Im not saying that I DONT use the spacebar, I actually use it as much as i can, but I dont require others to use, it, I will make mention of it and what it does and let others choose to use it or not, i certainly take no umbrage to that.


But, If ANYONE decides to be rude to me for "missing" even just ONE spacebar opportunity, then I take FULL advantage of those cutscenes and the way the game was programmed to be played, and ALSO when someone is rude to me about this stuff, i all of the sudden ENJOY seeing the dialog timer bar fill up until it expires.


So what will it be?


Complain and attempt to make some statement in group about dropping because someone does or does not use a built in mechanic of a dialog option and then make yourself the target of a griefing investigation.


Or do you become polite and respectful, like you should be ALREADY and "roll with it"?


Im guessing that the folks who scream and pop a vein whenever they detect the smallest amount of delay in their precious OCD filled, square laced, guiness book of world records, timed runs.


You want timed runs, make them yourself.

You want spacebar runs, make them yourself.

You want story runs, make them yourself.

You want RP runs, make them yourself.


But DONT EVER presume that you will ever get ANYTHING LESS than what it programmed when you do group finder. If you do, if you vote kick anyone in GF for just simply playing because you forgot tha tthe group finder has no such rules, if you get your panties in such a twist that you cant possibly stand others who dont do things beyond what is required of them in the games regular group finder parameters, then you really need to step out of this situation IMMEDIATELY and get some therapy or get some REAL social time, away from the computer.


Until BW implements a way to "vote on" or "roll for votes" on cut scene skipping or implements a way for the GF to force a cutscene skip, you have absolutely no ground to stand on whatsoever demanding that they be skipped.




Wow you typed a lot assuming I would actually do that. I was just trying to make a point.


I would never do that. It's as childish and selfish as forcing 3/4 of the players in a hard-mode flashpoint to wait for you while you watch the cut-scenes for the 20th time. Or to enrage and max out the timers on every player choice just because someone asked you to skip the dialog in a way that didn't coddle your sensitive nature.


What I do is type this into chat:


"I'm sorry, I don't have the time or patience to sit through these cut scenes yet again."


Or even:


"I'm sorry, I don't have the time or patience to kill these optional bosses if they won't improve anyone's gear."


Followed by:


"Hopefully the next tank|healer in the queue will be more compatible with your goals."


Then immediately after:




They can watch a cutscene or 7 while they wait for the next tank or healer to queue and I go do something more enjoyable with my time. Everyone wins. It's beautiful.



EDIT: But please do get off your "respectful" high horse. It is no more respectful for one player to waste other players' time in a hard mode flashpoint than it is for another player to expect his time to not be wasted.

Edited by DarthTHC
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EDIT: But please do get off your "respectful" high horse. It is no more respectful for one player to waste other players' time in a hard mode flashpoint than it is for another player to expect his time to not be wasted.


Yep, seriously after it was even EXPLAINED to you, you still dont get it.


Let me try to use small words so you can understand.


Other players are not required to do anything above and beyond what is required of their role when they are using the group finder.


So, what that means is that since the spacebar is a luxury effect that is not required for use to finish a group finder flash point, then you have no reason to expect that of them.


You also have no reason to be rude to, condescend to, pressure, threaten with leaving (as a tank we ALL know this gets the "accused" VKd, not the tank) if they dont.


Get off your "I am the tank and i will announce i will leave if folks dont use spacebar because i am impatient" high-horse.


Bottom line is that just because the ability to skip exists, doesnt mean you are entitle to expect to being used and it also does not entitle you to announce that you are impatient/out of time/in a hurry/late for work/have a kid crying upstairs/whatever. If you dont have time for a run that is being done AS the game is programmed, AS-IS, then dont use group finder.


But I imagine you are still going to argue against what is the truth.


Truth is, when you use group finder, you are subject to the games rules, not yours.

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Yep, seriously after it was even EXPLAINED to you, you still dont get it.


Let me try to use small words so you can understand.


Other players are not required to do anything above and beyond what is required of their role when they are using the group finder.


So, what that means is that since the spacebar is a luxury effect that is not required for use to finish a group finder flash point, then you have no reason to expect that of them.


You also have no reason to be rude to, condescend to, pressure, threaten with leaving (as a tank we ALL know this gets the "accused" VKd, not the tank) if they dont.


Get off your "I am the tank and i will announce i will leave if folks dont use spacebar because i am impatient" high-horse.


Bottom line is that just because the ability to skip exists, doesnt mean you are entitle to expect to being used and it also does not entitle you to announce that you are impatient/out of time/in a hurry/late for work/have a kid crying upstairs/whatever. If you dont have time for a run that is being done AS the game is programmed, AS-IS, then dont use group finder.


But I imagine you are still going to argue against what is the truth.


Truth is, when you use group finder, you are subject to the games rules, not yours.


I'm not on a "I'm a tank" high horse. I don't threaten to leave the group if they won't spacebar through conversations in hard mode flash points. I don't threaten. I do it. I tell them why I'm doing it (my own character flaw - lack of patience), then I do it.


I'm a fast typist and I don't stop typing once I start that process. The players in the group have no chance to respond to the first thing I type before I hit the enter key after typing /leave.


I'm not doing it to get my way or talk them into anything. I'm telling them why I'm leaving and I leave.


They can play however they want, and so can I. If they want to watch the dialog in a hard mode flash point, they can find a tank or healer who is willing to do that. Just like I can go do something else if the group is incompatible with my goals.


Choice is wonderful, isn't it?


I also am not rude.


When I enter the flash point, I check out peoples' gear and have a really good idea if they need gear from the run. If they do, we'll kill the extra bosses for them. If they do not, I expect to skip, because the extra bosses represent zero value and even in a good group a nonzero risk of a wipe.


When I'm doing an on-level, story-mode flash point, I expect to wait through the dialog.


By the way, the developers coded the space bar to skip dialog so that's an equally valid play style to not hitting the space bar. Play the game as it was designed, indeed! :D

Edited by DarthTHC
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I had a PUG run today in Black Talon with a couple of what I'll describe as immature impatient obnoxious kids, screaming in chat for me (and the fourth guy) to skip the cutscenes. Even after a few seconds of video, we were generously showered with "skip, SKIP FFS" and "SPACE you *******", which always gives other people a nice fuzzy feeling inside. (...)


If you were running a hard mode I expect you to know the flashpoint (which means having run it at least once before) so you know what's going on story wise and it doesn't hurt to skip. If you're watching every second of it, don't expect people to be patient.


If you are running a regular mode, go for it, it's expected that a PUG is going to have people who have never run it and would like to see what's going on.

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Most of the time if it seems people are watching the videos(ive done all the FP 50-100 times BT maybe 200) i'll ask if someone hasnt been here. If they tel me no i normally dont care i'll let them watch. However if im ignored or get a rude comment back(which happens more often than some may think) Me as the tank will make there life a living hell(normally doing these with 1 or 2 pugs and a guildie healer) chain pull as much as i can and dont taunt so the smug *** dps gets floored over and over.... your going to be rude or slow me down if i am in a rush im just gonna rack you up a repair bill. I'm an a**hole and very aware.


Lastly the movies should be watched while lvling 10-50 and not in a HM FP at lvl 50 where most ppl are trying to blow thru it get there daily/weekly done so they can raid PvP or play an alt

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Most of the time if it seems people are watching the videos(ive done all the FP 50-100 times BT maybe 200) i'll ask if someone hasnt been here. If they tel me no i normally dont care i'll let them watch. However if im ignored or get a rude comment back(which happens more often than some may think) Me as the tank will make there life a living hell(normally doing these with 1 or 2 pugs and a guildie healer) chain pull as much as i can and dont taunt so the smug *** dps gets floored over and over.... your going to be rude or slow me down if i am in a rush im just gonna rack you up a repair bill. I'm an a**hole and very aware.


Lastly the movies should be watched while lvling 10-50 and not in a HM FP at lvl 50 where most ppl are trying to blow thru it get there daily/weekly done so they can raid PvP or play an alt




I have never seen anyone respond rudely when asked if they have seen the FP story.


You sound like a real pleasure to run with. :rolleyes:

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I have never seen anyone respond rudely when asked if they have seen the FP story.


You sound like a real pleasure to run with. :rolleyes:


I'd heal for him in a heartbeat. No lie. He's right on point. Get the grind done to get on to the rest of the game!

Edited by DarthTHC
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If you want to listen to to the story, then do it in Story Mode, that's what it's for. If you're holding up my HM because you're refusing to spacebar, I'll boot your *** in a heartbeat. My time is precious, not to be wasted on waiting for every new noob who stepped into Hard Mode without ever even doing Story Mode. They should just disable cinematics in Hard/Nightmare modes.
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If you want to listen to to the story, then do it in Story Mode, that's what it's for. If you're holding up my HM because you're refusing to spacebar, I'll boot your *** in a heartbeat. My time is precious, not to be wasted on waiting for every new noob who stepped into Hard Mode without ever even doing Story Mode. They should just disable cinematics in Hard/Nightmare modes.


The thing is, it's not just your hard mode. MMOs require you to deal with other people. It does not matter if someone has never watched the scenes or has watched them 100 times. If they want to watch them, that is their right. If you have enough votes to boot the person, that is your right. Otherwise, you learn to deal or you leave.

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I'd heal for him in a heartbeat. No lie. He's right on point. Get the grind done to get on to the rest of the game!


They still dont get it, what they are doing because they cant stand when other players play the game AS IT WAS PROGRAMMED, and they then seek retribution.


Its called griefing, no matter WHY you did it.


Just because there is the skip option, does not mean it is required, it is a OPTIONAL function.

Whereas the presence of the CUTSCENES are not.


Players have the OPTION to skip through them.


However if you are intentionally abusing your role, holding folks up, mass pulling to cause repair bills and whatnot in retribution for someones non-use of an OPTIONAL feature, this is considered GRIEFING and you are a GRIEFER.


But hey, i can probably see you commenting again that you wouldnt do that, yet there are posts in this very thread where you and others state that they WILL do these things to grief other players.

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The thing is, it's not just your hard mode. MMOs require you to deal with other people. It does not matter if someone has never watched the scenes or has watched them 100 times. If they want to watch them, that is their right. If you have enough votes to boot the person, that is your right. Otherwise, you learn to deal or you leave.


I've never failed to vote off someone because they're holding up the group, so from my experience majority do not condone this behaviour. It is their right to watch the story, on THEIR time, not at at the expense of others. Therefore, if you want to watch the story, stick to Story Mode.

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I've never failed to vote off someone because they're holding up the group, so from my experience majority do not condone this behaviour. It is their right to watch the story, on THEIR time, not at at the expense of others. Therefore, if you want to watch the story, stick to Story Mode.


Running a Hard Mode is THEIR time, just as much as it is yours. Like I said, kick them if you have the votes. You must run on a server full of jackwagons. I have never once seen someone get kicked for watching the scenes. I am sure it happens, but not nearly enough for it to be a regular thing. Most people do like a speed run, but again, most people won't be enraged if someone wants to watch the scenes. You can be that player though.

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They still dont get it, what they are doing because they cant stand when other players play the game AS IT WAS PROGRAMMED, and they then seek retribution.


Its called griefing, no matter WHY you did it.


Just because there is the skip option, does not mean it is required, it is a OPTIONAL function.

Whereas the presence of the CUTSCENES are not.


Players have the OPTION to skip through them.


However if you are intentionally abusing your role, holding folks up, mass pulling to cause repair bills and whatnot in retribution for someones non-use of an OPTIONAL feature, this is considered GRIEFING and you are a GRIEFER.


But hey, i can probably see you commenting again that you wouldnt do that, yet there are posts in this very thread where you and others state that they WILL do these things to grief other players.



The devs coded the spacebar too. Either way is an option. It's no more valid to watch the stories than to skip them, and vice-versa.


Player have the OPTION to watch them and the OPTION to skip them, as the game was coded.


If you've already seen them, you are wasting players' time by watching them again, especially in a hard mode where the goal is almost universally to get that s**t done, get your BH comms, and get out.

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