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Why is Draahg so hard to kill?

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I get him down to about 25%, but I guess he hits so hard, he kills me.


Should I wait until level 48 or 49 to kill him?


Maybe I'll go and finish the rest of Corellians quest then head back to Hoth and do the bonus there.


I had no problem with finishing the Sentinels story but the Marauder is kicking my butt. And what's with having to whoop someone up 2 and 3 times before they finally die? Jeassa's master I had to fight I think 3 times with him at full health each and the first time I fought Draahg, I fought him three times as well. It just seems like they made the Marauder more challenging.

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I've done this as both an Immortal (tank) Juggernaut (lvl 47) and on an Anni Marauder (lvl 49).


What I would suggest is planting Quinn in the middle of the room, then fighting toe to toe with Draahg until you get to about 50% hp. As soon as you get to 50%, start kiting Draahg around the room, using ranged attacks until Quinn can top you off. Make sure you keep your distance from Quinn so he doesnt get hit by Draahgs AOE.


This is the strat I used on my Jugg, because even as full tank spec, I was getting creamed. I found that on my Mara I could just go toe to toe, but I had my toon decked out in lvl 49 epics, so its kind of a no brainer on how I could do that.

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It took me a long time as an Annihalation Marauder to beat this guy. Reading these forum posts definitely helped. I used Quinn healing me and I kited the cyborg relentlessly. Stay out of his AOE that does massive damage. I just ran counter clockwise and stunned him when I could, got a few melee attacks in then ran again.
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pretty nice fight on my vengence specced jugger with quinn i did it first time by simply using my legacy AOE, orbital strike, lightning storm, flame thrower and the unity ability. piece of cake.


Without those its a little tougher but still very doable

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