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PVP Forum=Garbage=L2P


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This has to be the worst forum I have ever seen. All people do is QQ about the game mechanics and call for nerfs. I know it sounds crazy but maybe you should try learning how this game works? It doesn't happen over night ya know.


Prime example. A sniper claiming he is full War Hero says they should nerf marauders because he cant handle them. What a joke, freaking learn your class and try not to be such a bad player. If you are a full WH sniper you should be fcking marauders left and right! I know mine does.


How about the scrubs claiming healers are OP? Don't be stupid, Healers are right where they should be, Merc heals could use help though. Its not their fault you cant dps your way out of a paper bag.


Healers saying they can't heal, well my healers work fine so I guess you need to L2P! Healing in this game takes skill for pvp, get a tank to protect you and try not to use such a junk talent spec and junk gear. You don't get a free ride here like you would in wow.


OP/Assassin you need to learn to pick your targets. I'm talking about stealth dps. The OP is right where it should be but the deception sin does need some help. There is no excuse for the OP melee to QQ though.



People play your class the way it is suppose to be played, not how you think it should be played!!!! Gear up and learn your class, stop being such babies.

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This forum is way more constructive then WoW PvP forums.


really? I took a look at their forums and the discussions mixed in for recruitment and battleground/arena design are far better than the almost exclusive class balance whining we have here.

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really? I took a look at their forums and the discussions mixed in for recruitment and battleground/arena design are far better than the almost exclusive class balance whining we have here.


Its been a long time since they changed things, perhaps.

I havent played for about 9 months. Back then, it was awful.

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Its been a long time since they changed things, perhaps.

I havent played for about 9 months. Back then, it was awful.


oh dont get me wrong, there's a lot of mirrored stuff, the occasional level 49 WZ quitters here are just twinks by another name, though I do find it delicious the opposites the designers cast;


WoW is still whining about rogues in PVP

SWTOR nerfs operative DPS into oblivion

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You haven't seen the D3 forums then... that is a shower of ****.


Makes the forum posters here seem like well-mannered, coherent individuals that can have a conversation at an adult level.


Oh yes, so much so yes.

I played D3 until transfers came.

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I think one of the main issues with this issue is specs. While everyone knows the FotM AC the reason it is a FotM is cause of the spec people use.


While I don't actually presume to know everything or everyone this is what I have seen....

Sorc/Sage DPS FotM spec is hybriding.

Shadow/Assassin FotM is Hybrid Tank/DPS


Comm/Merc FotM is Heals

Guard/Jugg FotM is DPS

Sent/Mara FotM is ? (Don't play one enough to know sorry)

Op/Scoundrel FotM is concelement/scrapper or healer

Sniper/Slinger FotM is Hybriding


So to maximize your utility in PvP you join the FotM club with your class! i.e. I have a Sorc that I set out to be Lightning Specced yet to be better in PvP I Hybrid him with Madness and nearly doubled damage and healing done!


I finally bought into the Hype with my Jugg but what him to tank so Hybrid him for the CC imunity.


While this is not everyones state of mind you have all heard the chatter and I'm sure have seen it. I think the biggest issue is that the Top Tier ability is not worth completely speccing in for. While many are nice hybriding is prime for PvP it seems. While the point of 3 different tree types is for utility and preference we all seem to buy into the hype.


As a tank I don't mind the low damage output as long as my protection is high! Yet protection doesn't seem to draw many MVP votes! I'd love to be able to say I don't care for MVP votes as long as my team wins but lets face it, we all want to be recognized for our controbutions! I am MOST satisfied after a match when all 8 of us vote for someone different so everyone gets an MVP vote! I actually HATE seeing most Damage/Heals pulling in all the votes even though I know they DO deserve it to a point.


But everyone has a part to play! That is kind of where PvPers get lost in game. We want to be the best! Not just at our class but overall! We want to win ALL 1v1 matchups and almost all 2v1 matchups if we really think we are ******! But just isn't the case. We have to lose. We have limitations and so do our classes, especially against certain other classes.


As a tank I really should not think that I can 2+v1 and win or at least kill 1 or more in that matchup. The reason I feel so strong in those kinds of matchups is cause of the team I have around me! Healers and DPS. I rarely have Killing blows as a tank because my job is to make people focus me while heals keeps me up and DPS takes them down.


People need to take a look at the role they ARE and the role they WANT to be. If they are not the same or at least close, then change it up. As a Sorc I can not accept the role of Tank but do I want to be a healer or DPS!? As a Jugg do I want to be a Tank or DPS?


Gratification for your gameplay style needs to be looked at when the match is over. Were you effective in the match, yes/no? How and Why? If you died a million times and didn't deal much damage then why did that happen? You were focused! Why were you trying to be the tank?


Tank mentality is that you can jump headfirst into a fight without fear of dying in seconds. If you are a sorc leading the charge (i.e. only one going in that direction) you have tankers mentality and are going to die too much with no payoff, try rolling a tank! If you sit back an look for targets of opportunity and pick your fights maybe you can afford to be a squishy!


This OP Title is truely about players learning who they are and making that extend into game so that they can feel success at the end of the match. But none of us are a true 1 man army that can kill 8 men and hold a 3 cap all by ourself! So help the team by helping the players to be better at the class they chose to play! This is all you can really do.

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i think reading these pvp forums has degraded my brain into mush quicker than if i had spent a whole day watching keeping up with the kardashians. yet, i keep coming back because i find self-entitled spoiled only-childs pouting and demanding things entertaining. occasionally i want to claw my eyeballs out, so i start drinking my misery away. eventually this results in glassware being thrown across the room and subsequently, lots of bloody bandages around my feet. nerf the forums by removing them entirely. Edited by Aaroneus
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all mmo forums have nerf cries.


the only thing i see that needs nerf is the premade vs randoms... that is the biggest fail of all.


So in essence your saying that in an MMORPG you shouldnt be allowed to play with your friends or guildmates ? What that should do is encourage people to play as a team. Join a good pvp guild on your server and get the help you need to gear up and have fun along the way.


What would solve the issue of the premade vs non premade is if they allowed an 8 man ops group in standard pvp then pugs would be less likely to play againt guilded opponents with vent. Its not a cure but it would put the guilds against each other more often than not.


On the other side of that coin playing against a premade should be regarded as a measuring stick.. A means in which to elevate your game as a player and or a team. Your looking at it from the wrong perspective in my opinion.

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