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Healing in PvP, something must be done


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I play full healer in BG's. I half agree with this post. As a healer I get 4-5 medals on an average. The thing is, I get VERY LITTLE OR NO objective points. Hell, I have Planted all 3 bombs, and gathered the data core in Void Star, plus healed the entire match and still recieved ZERO objective points. And, Capture 3 scores in Huttball in a single match, plus all of my healing and still ZERO objective points. Something is very broken with the whole system.


Just a side note, I, Slow, DPS, and incapacitate the enemy throught the games also, so thats how I get more that just the 2 healing medals.


xD I remember last void star. Everyone was fighting at one door, so I stealthed and just breached the 3 gates on the other side all the way to the core ... was the fastest vs I did and I got zero objective points for that :) I was like This was awesome !!! gg stealth classes ... then the chart popped up I was dead last on the charts with half the reward I usually get ^^.

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@ OP


U just suck at healing then it seems.. Im 1-3 trd place at rewards, always get mvp due to that im healing that much and good :) If u heal just for the rewards and stuff stop it, go dps. One must WANTO heal and help the group to be a viable healer.. Every1 can dps, not every1 can heal :)

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@ OP


U just suck at healing then it seems.. Im 1-3 trd place at rewards, always get mvp due to that im healing that much and good :) If u heal just for the rewards and stuff stop it, go dps. One must WANTO heal and help the group to be a viable healer.. Every1 can dps, not every1 can heal :)


I haven't seen anyone use MVP ... ppl don't even remember names of other players they spent the 10 minutes with. I am always no1 by doing nothing in wz, op must suck ... see what I did there ? If there is a way to get high on medals as healer, do share :)


I Heal or Dps only for the win.


Fair enough, but getting recognized for it by the game wouldn't hurt would it :)

Edited by Repefe
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You get extra rewards for killing ppl in wzs. That's the bottom of it. If you solo breach all three gates in void star ... you will be dead last. If you just heal, you will be dead last.


Pew pew = medals. That being said in TOR you have to play support, not a healer. Support = dmg and healing and cc. Pure healers are for PvE.


And that is what I want to change, that's why I stated this thread -,-

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You shouldn't heal for the medals, but for the team effort in winning the Warzone.


But with that said, I do believe all classes should have the equal chance of getting medals. Heck healers should be the ones getting the most if you think about it.


So yeah a change would indeed be appreciated.

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Sounds like the Op needs some pvp lessons.


I heal with my merc dps spec just fine.


Dont tell me that I dont know how to play pvp, I've been main healer in many good setgroup/ premades in daoc and war.


There's a diffrence between merc and sorc, I got force that act like mana/ power from other games, you got heat.


Well when I dont need to heal I dps little, but you cant waste to much force on that otherwise your group dies.

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It's not that hard to get some medals around as healer - slap few dots, keep Your shock ready for killing blow and zap around whenever You don't have to heal.

I do wish however, people would use MVP more. It's such a waste when 80% of team doesn't even bother to click. If You don't know who to click, just pick a stat that You consider valuable and reward someone.


Help people around You and They will help You. It's easy.

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I think at low levels it might be tough but as gear levels improve I can see healers getting to 300k healing more and more easily. That will make it easier to get the 1 killing blow and 75k damage which means extra medals other classes dont have access to. It may end up that healers consistently come away with the most medals in each wz.
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