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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ea tells Raptr that they are considering f2p


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Amazing. This person still on the forums lulz. (not you, the person you are quoting)


As for the topic, F2P is not a bad thing at all. It is how they implement it. If it is Pay 2 Win then obviously that is terrible and doomed for failure.


But if it is pay for your updates than yes...it should be.


Lets be honest. Bioware has not been pumping out the updates monthly like a P2P MMO should be. In that case every month we don't get something new to get excited about is a month where people will not be satisfied with their purchase.


At least with F2P we are not paying for that. We'd just pay for Makeb when it releases.


It really is no big deal as long as they are not selling gameplay advantages in the store.


Now this model I can accept.

I think they should make subs less to half (5$ a month), and make you pay an extra when a big patch is coming up. Like 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. That model will keep a lot of subs on. And 5$ a month seems a lot less then 15. How much will the update cost is another story. I would think 10 - 20$.


I don't really want big patches each month, but lets admit it SWTOR has been slow on events which involve the community. Considering the success The Raghoul Plague got it is a disappointment.


Although half of this delay, if not more sure comes from them optimizing the Mega Servers they started to build since June.

Edited by limenutpen
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I don't see what the problem is. Guild Wars is free to play and it does alright. I just might play TOR for a couple more years if it goes free to play. As it stands now the people I play TOR with and I plan to move to GW II in a few weeks. Edited by Stugotz
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I don't see what the problem is. Guild Wars is free to play and it does alright. I just might play TOR for a couple more years if it goes free to play. As it stands now the people I play TOR with and I plan to move to GW II in a few weeks.


GW is the exemption that proves the rule. Most non-sub MMOs.... well for the lack of a better way of putting it: suck ******. The truth of the matter is that if EA screws ups a P2P Star Wars mmo, then they will 100% screw up a F2P Star Wars mmo. Trust me, it's not that F2P is evil, it's that EA is simply incapable of managing a F2P mmo. F2P isn't the issue, EA is is the issue.

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Going to say this to whom it may concern. This game goes F2Play, I am done. I can see it now, "Congratulations, you have finished chapter 1. For more exclusive content and chap. 2, visit our on-line store and experience the second part of your Star Wars saga for only 15.99 plus tax". F2Play is exactly that, I pay a monthly sub so I can enjoy the entire game and everything it has offer in my own time. F2Play is terrible model and I pray this game doesn't go that route. If it does, my canceled sub can added to the droves who will also exit the game for the same reason.


I agree with this, I will leave and just watch all of the game videos on youtube, current and future.

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