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server transfer/forced name change is not fair to long-term players....


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Couple things.


1) Yea, it stinks--no real good way to solve this. You got your unique name *not* because you're a long-time player of this 7-month-old game, but because there were 240 servers to try your name on. And then the community cried out for server merges and transfers, and now, there's like... 10 servers. It's simply bound to happen that some people will need to create non-overlapping names.


2) Most of my guild members had to change their names. All of them were very upset; those names had meaning to them from past games, and as characters they'd forged in this one. But at the end of the day, the guild is full of great, sociable people who are having too much fun hanging out, so nobody quit the game for us. If you are not having enough fun to make a name revision seem like a small deal on the grander scale, then there may actually be another problem at the heart of this.


3) We, as a community, probably need to stop with the "Umad? Then leave!" talk. On the one hand, it's sort of correct (see point 2)--if you're not having fun, you're going to feel pretty bitter about paying $12/month for it. But on the other hand, the number one problem that this game suffers from is poor management of expectations. All of the negativity on here comes from us players having no idea what's going on behind the curtain and whether our bugs, suggestions, and questions are ever looked at (much less answered.) So, we end up with this kind of thing happening--a server merge should *obviously* require name changes, and yet it's the final straw for some people because they feel like they are just being blindly pushed around.


Maybe, as a community, we should be asking BW for greater transparency (Ticket queue updates? More live chat? More published solutions and statements about what is and isn't possible? More proposed timelines?). The thousand individual issues everyone's championing are probably part of the reason we each feel uniquely unheard.

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We already have a way of identification : it`s called the avatar`s name.


But, WHY do you want a second way of identification? Perhaps because you lost yours?


Funny how this archaic way of naming was good as long as it served you.. really funny.


And I explained to you on the previous page why Legacy is not an option.


Name ----->Legacy = what you are asking is the Legacy to "mask" the names, which present one problem : how to you separate 2 different Legacy names that have IDENTICAL names for the avatars that make them?


If I use /w or /i .. to whom the message goes?


Care to explain to me how your solution would work with different Legacy names with identical names for the 8 toons that make them?


If I use /whisper or /invite , or /ginvite ... to WHOM the command goes?

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When I log into my origin server there are now rarely more than 20 people across the entire world, this is obviously uneconomic and they will eventually close these servers. It would however be nice if Bioware would consolidate these servers onto 2-3 new servers (or existing ones) for people who prefer to run on smaller population (dead if you like) servers.


Personally I like these servers for story telling and leveling, although I accept that I will not be able to run FP's or WZ's. I'm happy with that compromise and would be happy to pay for a transfer if I wanted to use those functions. If I want to use WZ of FP's I would either transfer, or more likely role new characters on the destination servers. Unfortunately I suspect that I am in the minority and others will just complain that we don't have x-server, because things always have to be available their way. It is nice to see that the clamour for x-server has died down since the transfers.


People need to learn that life is full of compromises and no Business is going to provide you with a free cheque. When it costs them more to keep you than you generate they will let you go.


nicely put, thank you for the contribution. My hope, and the claim of the developers is that if enough players demand a change they will listen to us and make the change. So lets work together to find solutions like either more transfer options or expanded identification option, then make them make those changes.

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Server wide. But tied to your account, obviously.


You can have different legacy names on different servers.




Yes, but he is clearly talking about losing names when moving servers. Which means colliding names and further Legacy names (under his proposed change) onto the same server.


The technically correct answer is yours, thank you.

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Styxx, you clearly have nothing positive to contribute here so unless you have suggestions for improvements I am just going to chose to ignore you now. You can post if you want, but if all you can do is nit pick other's ideas and you're unable to contribute some fresh perspective to at least accompany your criticism you will be wasting you time and energy there buddy. lol
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nicely put, thank you for the contribution. My hope, and the claim of the developers is that if enough players demand a change they will listen to us and make the change. So lets work together to find solutions like either more transfer options or expanded identification option, then make them make those changes.


Care to explain to me how your solution would work with different Legacy names with identical names for the 8 toons that make them?


If I use /whisper or /invite , or /ginvite ... to WHOM the command goes?

Where`s my answer?


If I have Legacies Doe and Roe, with names 1 through 8 ...


like this : (One, Two, Three... Eight) Doe and (One, Two, Three... Eight) Roe ...


When I use /w Doe, or /i Doe, or /ginvite Doe.. where does it go?


One more thing... HOW do you allow duplicate names for someone that has no Legacy unlocked yet? Like a new player that makes 8 avatars named One, Two... Eight?

Edited by Styxx
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Styxx, you clearly have nothing positive to contribute here so unless you have suggestions for improvements I am just going to chose to ignore you now. You can post if you want, but if all you can do is nit pick other's ideas and you're unable to contribute some fresh perspective to at least accompany your criticism you will be wasting you time and energy there buddy. lol


Is it, now?


If you do create a valid solution like using legacy names to further differentiate players/characters before you ruin people's characters and their experience you might even get some of the players who recently quit back instead of losing more.

This quote is taken from your opening post. I am asking HOW do you plan to see it work and HOW will you adress any potential issue that comes from it.. like the post above.

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Maybe, as a community, we should be asking BW for greater transparency (Ticket queue updates? More live chat? More published solutions and statements about what is and isn't possible? More proposed timelines?). The thousand individual issues everyone's championing are probably part of the reason we each feel uniquely unheard.


great thoughts... this is what I was hoping to see... ideas and solutions from the players for the developers to read. Thank you for contributing. :)

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great thoughts... this is what I was hoping to see... ideas and solutions from the players for the developers to read. Thank you for contributing. :)


When posters propose that some of the responsibility lies with you: nit pickery and /ignore

When posters propose that you are a dainty snowflake and it's up to someone else to do it for you: praise



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I just wanted to add here that you did not pay for your "name".

So therefore you do not own it, it is not your property and cannot claim ownership or control of it.


Now for a constrctive suggestion: perhaps add a little originality in your labelling process?


Chin up mate, it's still the same game.

Edited by ScrabblePants
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One more question for you OP:


If you have someone that has Legacy unlocked yet, but 2 competing Legacies with 8 identical avatar names... like in the above question... and you have a new player that wants to use the names One ... Eight ... how do you identify the player without the Legacy?

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When posters propose that some of the responsibility lies with you: nit pickery and /ignore

When posters propose that you are a dainty snowflake and it's up to someone else to do it for you: praise




Not surprising considering said special snowflake made three threads complaining about losing his name. I'm sure it was something really original, too. :rolleyes:

Edited by HarleysRule
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yes, children, I know you can set it to appear as a last name as a title. lol

Read closer until you understand before spouting off like captain obvious, trying to be a smart ***, but looking like a dumb ***.


... so you create a forum account just to start 3 threads on the same exact subject, adding nothing that hasn't already been said in the umpteen million threads on the subject in the month since transfers went live. Well, except for the insults. That's pretty novel.:rolleyes:

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One more question for you OP:


If you have someone that has Legacy unlocked yet, but 2 competing Legacies with 8 identical avatar names... like in the above question... and you have a new player that wants to use the names One ... Eight ... how do you identify the player without the Legacy?


okay, good point, Styxx. I was thinking of that earlier which is why I also mentioned the idea of allowing more than a single word/name during the naming process at character creation.

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... so you create a forum account just to start 3 threads on the same exact subject, adding nothing that hasn't already been said in the umpteen million threads on the subject in the month since transfers went live. Well, except for the insults. That's pretty novel.:rolleyes:


I agree I should have been doing this sooner. lol

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You are upset because you have to change your name because of the transfers and that is understandable. You state you been in here since beta and its also very possible that the ones that have your name has been in since beta as well.


Just because someone doesn't have the character at 50 or so doesn't mean that person is new to the game. It's possible they create the character for an alt later.


Unfortunely there is really no good solution to this problem since your character name needs to be unique . Adding your legacy name as a last name may or may not work depending on how the coding is set up. When I created my character I added my last name with no space in between it and because of that I didn't have to change my last name A few of my guild members did the same. That could be a solution as well.


Whether I agree with how bioware did the transfers or not is besides the point. (For the record I don't since my old server had no problems for groups, etc) They did what the majority of the community wants and what was best for people that could not find groups.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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okay, good point, Styxx. I was thinking of that earlier which is why I also mentioned the idea of allowing more than a single word/name during the naming process at character creation.


This is wishful thinking. I asked a very specific question and you haven`t answered yet...


Where`s my answer?


If I have Legacies Doe and Roe, with names 1 through 8 ...


like this : (One, Two, Three... Eight) Doe and (One, Two, Three... Eight) Roe ...


When I use /w Doe, or /i Doe, or /ginvite Doe.. where does it go?


One more thing... HOW do you allow duplicate names for someone that has no Legacy unlocked yet? Like a new player that makes 8 avatars named One, Two... Eight?


1.When I use /w Doe, or /i Doe, or /ginvite Doe.. where does it go?

2. [EDIT]How do you separate Three, as an example, from Legacies Doe and Roe and for Legacy not unlocked?

Edited by Styxx
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This is wishful thinking. I asked a very specific question and you haven`t answered yet...




1.When I use /w Doe, or /i Doe, or /ginvite Doe.. where does it go?

2. [EDIT]How do you separate Three, as an example, from Legacies Doe and Roe and for Legacy unlocked?


since you seem so stuck on the legacy name being the only topic of discussion I will agree that the legacy name wouldn't work for new players/characters. So unless they set the creation of the legacy name to be created when the 1st character on an account is created then it wouldn't work. Which is why I made other suggestions such as multiple words/names at creation.


What if any original ideas could you provide here? You must have something good you can share.

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1.When I use /w Doe, or /i Doe, or /ginvite Doe.. where does it go?

2. [EDIT]How do you separate Three, as an example, from Legacies Doe and Roe and for Legacy not unlocked?


Not forgetting that many people, guidmates included, don't even know my legacy name because I don't display it on my main.

So if my character was called "Ten" and there were 10 other Ten's how would they know what to /w me?

I doubt junk mail would even find its way to me :confused:

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I've been using the same character name for my "main" since I was 15...that was 21 years ago.


if the name is/was ever taken I'd just add an extra letter or something so it's still pretty much the same.


yah it sucks, but you're being unreasonable if you'll actually quit over this.


again, been using the same name for 21 years and am VERY attached to it.......don't be childish.

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You are upset because you have to change your name because of the transfers and that is understandable. You state you been in here since beta and its also very possible that the ones that have your name has been in since beta as well.


true but it is also possible, under the circumstances, that I am losing a name to someone who just created a character last month on a 7 day trial and they may not chose to continue to play past their trial. At which point I lose my name and BW loses myself and other players for not addressing the issue or, for that matter, thinking of this sort of thing before a major change like the server merger.

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since you seem so stuck on the legacy name being the only topic of discussion I will agree that the legacy name wouldn't work for new players/characters. So unless they set the creation of the legacy name to be created when the 1st character on an account is created then it wouldn't work. Which is why I made other suggestions such as multiple words/names at creation.


What if any original ideas could you provide here? You must have something good you can share.


The issue is this : the existing system is better than your solution. Using individual unique names is far better than anything else, because it provides only one variable.


I would go as far as saying that it is the best solution, since it provides the shortest path to goal = one variable only.


Furthermore, it is already done... it is already set in stone that Origin server names must change if they collide with Destination server names = for individual toons and for Legacy alike.


So, my new question is : WHY would you want to change something that has already happened and what purpose will it serve?

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