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I swear this crap is totally broken on the Commando. I have been hard stunned and only have a quarter of my bar filled where as I cryonade someone and thier bar becomes half filled. The resolve system as a whole is still horrible. Its beyond frustrating to pop my cc break at full resolve, try to run away a bit and heal yet be subjected to all sorts of snars that cant be cleansed off. Further more I love when I have my shield up and get force choked. I wish I could force choke the **** out of the moron who thought that was a great idea. Anyway Resolve is still broken just like all the people who already unsubbed from this game have been saying.


News Flash! Turns out it doesn't work for anyone! Go figure....

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, there now please listen to the video. its by a few friends of mine


Very good video. Problem is it totally ignores multiple people using stuns and that is when RESOLVE is broken.


1 vs 1 it works great, add in 3 more people and you die before the Resolve system even begins to kick in.

(or should I say begin to take effect, the delay in response to the stuns is just to long to help)


Also lag effects Resolve just like it does anything else in the game.

Edited by Metalmac
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Very good video. Problem is it totally ignores multiple people using stuns and that is when RESOLVE is broken.


1 vs 1 it works great, add in 3 more people and you die before the Resolve system even begins to kick in.

(or should I say begin to take effect, the delay in response to the stuns is just to long to help)


Also lag effects Resolve just like it does anything else in the game.


That's kind of the whole point. One stun almost gives you resolve -- wait for that second stun to land and you'll get it. Versus a ranked team, they'll have the co-ordination NOT to trigger your resolve but against a pug, everyone panics and tosses out the stuns. You're SUPPOSED to almost be dead by the time resolve triggers (in fact, after you die, your resolve bar will likely be filled and ticking away while you're AWAY from the battle). It means that, essentially, resolve is deadly when you're given support -- that is, lots of healers pumping your health back up or you get shielded (pity the tank copping half of that focused fire).

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That's kind of the whole point. One stun almost gives you resolve -- wait for that second stun to land and you'll get it. Versus a ranked team, they'll have the co-ordination NOT to trigger your resolve but against a pug, everyone panics and tosses out the stuns. You're SUPPOSED to almost be dead by the time resolve triggers (in fact, after you die, your resolve bar will likely be filled and ticking away while you're AWAY from the battle). It means that, essentially, resolve is deadly when you're given support -- that is, lots of healers pumping your health back up or you get shielded (pity the tank copping half of that focused fire).


Well this would indicate that Resolve is next to worthless unless 1 vs 1 and why everyone hates it.


Well most people hate Resolve others that think it is great. None of them are playing weaker classes.


I mean the weaker class just drops dead before Resolve helps so thus is mostly useless.

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Well this would indicate that Resolve is next to worthless unless 1 vs 1 and why everyone hates it.


Well most people hate Resolve others that think it is great. None of them are playing weaker classes.


I mean the weaker class just drops dead before Resolve helps so thus is mostly useless.


Resolve is why I score touchdowns in Huttball in the end-zone.

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Very good video. Problem is it totally ignores multiple people using stuns and that is when RESOLVE is broken.


1 vs 1 it works great, add in 3 more people and you die before the Resolve system even begins to kick in.

(or should I say begin to take effect, the delay in response to the stuns is just to long to help)


Also lag effects Resolve just like it does anything else in the game.


So with 1 vs 4, the 4 have an advantage? Wow, that needs to be fixed right away. Really, they should not even need to use a stun on you if there is 4 of them.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Nothing is broken.


Jesus it has been said from day 1 - immunity kicks in when last CC _ENDS_ (no matter how: by time, by dispell, by remove, by CC breaker).


If they used 4 stuns on single you - GZ - they will not use them on someone else for min 45 sec. Enemy team lacking 4 stuns for the next 45 + sec. It was stupid exchange for them.


You dead? Ohh boy, just respawn.

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Well this would indicate that Resolve is next to worthless unless 1 vs 1 and why everyone hates it.


Well most people hate Resolve others that think it is great. None of them are playing weaker classes.


I mean the weaker class just drops dead before Resolve helps so thus is mostly useless.


My Sorc disagrees with you.


Resolve is one of the only well designed aspects of this game. It simply gets blamed for the TTK failure since most players don't live long enough to enjoy it giving them the incorrect belief that it doesn't work or doesn't work correctly.


The only change necessary to stop all this QQ is to drastically increase endurance and armor rating gains on high end gear. As damage goes up, survivability should match it or else you get an ugly burst-fest like we have now.

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people get upset when they see thier resolve max out, use thier cc break then are rooted and bashed to death without being able to actually even try to fight back. Add a 2 sec immunity to your cc break to try and switch the flow of battle and maybe people would start to work with the system? Edited by Smunch
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people get upset when they see thier resolve max out, use thier cc break then are rooted and bashed to death without being able to actually even try to fight back. Add a 2 sec immunity to your cc break to try and switch the flow of battle and maybe people would start to work with the system?


Then we would just see QQ threads about people who spent their two seconds of immunity waiting behind the respawn doors.


The problem is not CC or Resolve, it is the fact that players die far too quickly. This actual problem causes people to perceive a problem with CC and Resolve.

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Then we would just see QQ threads about people who spent their two seconds of immunity waiting behind the respawn doors.


The problem is not CC or Resolve, it is the fact that players die far too quickly. This actual problem causes people to perceive a problem with CC and Resolve.


Well add that problem with the insane amount of time it takes for Resolve to be useful and you are dead already.


Resolve sucks for massive CC, the entire concept of Resolve was designed around 1 vs 1 not massive CC!

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Well add that problem with the insane amount of time it takes for Resolve to be useful and you are dead already.


Resolve sucks for massive CC, the entire concept of Resolve was designed around 1 vs 1 not massive CC!


Like I said, the problem is that you die too quickly, not that Resolve builds too slowly. It just seems like Resolve is the problem because that's the bar you get to watch ticking down while you wait for the doors to open.


If they matched health gains with damage gains then you would easily survive a 2 stun chain with 3 or less players slamming you. Fact is, they didn't match health to damage so now we get to play "Burst Die Burst Die" over and over again.

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Resolve sucks for massive CC, the entire concept of Resolve was designed around 1 vs 1 not massive CC!

pretty accurate, but i'm not sure I'd characterize that as a problem


if a few people are focusing you, you're kinda suppose to die.


trust me, as a pyro, i'm on the wrong end of the assist train A LOT, and get to see the stun-train 100-0 more often than not.


My choice, break CC early and get stunned immediately, or wait for full resolve and break CC with 5% HP left. wee.. -_-

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