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Sniper/Gunslingers need a redesign?


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I'm sorry where are you getting this information from cause I have no problem interupting someone in cover. I believe you can still interupt someone entrenched! There is nothing that I see where it says snipers/slingers are imune to interupts while in cover or otherwise. So ifyou could provide this to me that would be great thanks.


Hold position-Immune to interrupts and ability pushbacks while in cover..

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Cover-Gives 20% ranged defense boost,immune to leaps/pulls and interrupts

Knockbacks-Ambush,knocks target back a small distance,cover pulse-AOE knockback 10 meters and roots targets for a few seconds

Roots-Leg shot,immobilizes target for 4 second(Not sure on that,could be less),Aoe KB root

High damaging AOE abilities with no minimum distance required

20 second cc immunity.

AOE shield that reduces damage taken by your team.



Compare this to other caster classes like the Sage telekinetics and Mercenary Arsenal trees.

The sage and Merc can get interrupted,they can get leapt to,their AoEs aren't as strong as sniper,they have no roots((I may be wrong)) and they dont hit near as hard as sniper.They have no immunity to cc,the sage has no defensive cooldowns and mercs have no escapes.Both Merc and Sage have single target CCs that require a 2 second cast time.Just seems to me if you compare the casters,sniper is by far the best wiith its uninterruptability and being unleapable..


I kind of have a feeling this is coming. I am not saying that the OP is a FOTM reroll Marauder. In fact he is saying that the other classes need a buff. But i have a feeling that with all the currently FOTM reroll Marauders, and with the rising trend of snipers in warzones, these people willl start a new wave of Q_Q, saying Snipers are imbalanced because


(enumarates the various anti-melee abilities of anti-melee class)


For those wanting to argue Snipers being anti-melee.. They have been since launch, with how cover works and not being Charge-able. No body noticed it then because everybody wasn't a fotm reroll marauder. But now that everybody is...



P.S. You are not supposed to kill and own everything in this game (or in any game for that matter) especially when your Q_Q is based on 1 v 1.


These are the same people who Q_Q and do not adapt, but rather want everything to be ez mode for them. They will create nerf threads and say:


1) MARAUDER/SENTINEL Charge/Leap should work on Sniper cover (no not even juggernauts/guardians! only marauders!!1111 they have choke and 4 sec stun no need for them just give to us!!1111)

2) Put Cover Pulse on Resolve

3) Put Roots on Resolve

4) Give Cover Pulse a cast time

5) Give Leg Shot (root) a cast time


Let's see how many patches it takes for Q_Qers to have every class nerfed aside from their FOTM reroll.


Edited by paowee
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And that is why gunslinger/sniper is, for the most part, the only really viable ranged dps pvp class left.



Does one ever see Sorcerer DPS in High Ranked PVP? Mercenary DPS in High Ranked PVP? By high rank i mean 2000+ rating. Not at 1500, 1700 or 1100. 2000+. These fotm reroll marauders and powertechs at 900 rating calling for nerfs to Snipers sure are getting greedy:mad:


Melee is king at the current pvp game. And these rerollers will want to keep it like that for as long as they can.

Edited by paowee
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Snipers are an area denial class, but taking cover doesn't do enough to emphasize area denial over mobility. Taking cover should take longer to set-up than it does now to more emphasize set-up and area denial over just taking cover wherever and whenever you feel like.


Do you play Snipers at all? You want to put a 2 second cast time for going into cover? LOL. I will not even try to make a decent discussion about this. That made me laugh lol. I'm thinking of how PVE and PVP will be like when you have to stand there for 2 seconds while you cast "Cover". lol


edit** MIS QUOTE. There was another guy suggesting a cast time for Cover.

still re: the above quote. Pressing Cover key to kneel down and get into cover instantly is fine...

Edited by paowee
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Do you play Snipers at all? You want to put a 2 second cast time for going into cover? LOL. I will not even try to make a decent discussion with these kind of people. That made me laugh lol. I'm thinking of how PVE and PVP will be like when you have to stand there for 2 seconds while you cast "Cover". lol


lol i saw that too and become maniacally depressed. a cast time to drop a knee? barf.

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anyone who complains about fighting a sniper is horrible. they are good at doing dmg if not being attacked sure, but they die fast. a sage can just cc break the root and sprint LoS if you want to run, if you stay and fight you have a bubble and do about the same single target dps... their shield probe is like 25% of yours so... yea... QQ somewhere else. a merc is in heavy armor and can do just as much dmg its really who gets to who first... snipers are not a good 1v1 class, they are however good in group scenarios and objectives if engineering.
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I don't have a problem killing Snipers.The problem I have is they are significantly the best ranged class in the game.The class can keep melee at range way,while casting,alot easier then a sorc and compairing it to a Merc would just be laughable,why do snipers get so many advantages other caster ranged classes dont?

There is a big dissadvantage between snipers and mercs/sages.Merc/Sage off heals aren't worth casting most of the time.Use LOS,yes thats ok for melee classes but last I checked Merc and Sorc can't cast and move at the same time.

I would like if they buffed sage/mercs,but since almost everybody has one it would lead to alot of QQ about how the buff has ruined the game,so a nerf to sniper to bring them in line with the other ranged classes is the only thing to do to bring balance to ranged casters.

And another thing,snipers dont have to stay in one spot the entire game,it takes less then one second to get in cover,so a sage LOS you,you leave cover go to sage,throw a flashbang and cast ambush+free snipe then root the sage and use another cast,if he starts casting,you can interrupt..you can then root the sage again with KB,keep dpsing and the sage will either be dead or Legshot will be off CD...


So, we're really good at certain things and we're really bad at others. I get out-DPS'ed by PT all day long because I'm one of the first to get focus fired (if the other team know what they're doing). We simply don't have the survivability to take boatloads of damage. We're very good at defending a point (not as good as a shadow/assassin tank), but when it comes to attacking a node, an operative can just use their sleeping dart on me long enough to call for backup. If I hunker down, the operative can just sit there in stealth and wait for my hunker down to expire. They can run around the node all they want, staying out of my LoS and generally be a huge pain in the ***.


If I am targeting a sorc/sage, I'm never right on top of them. I try to be at max range, so when they get out of my LoS, you're saying I should run through the enemy team's melee/frontline to keep attacking that sorc?


I suggest you try playing a slinger/sniper in level 50 pvp. Then you can learn two things: we're not over-powered and you'll know how to counter us properly.

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I don't have a problem killing Snipers.The problem I have is they are significantly the best ranged class in the game.The class can keep melee at range way,while casting,alot easier then a sorc and compairing it to a Merc would just be laughable,why do snipers get so many advantages other caster ranged classes dont?

There is a big dissadvantage between snipers and mercs/sages.Merc/Sage off heals aren't worth casting most of the time.Use LOS,yes thats ok for melee classes but last I checked Merc and Sorc can't cast and move at the same time.

I would like if they buffed sage/mercs,but since almost everybody has one it would lead to alot of QQ about how the buff has ruined the game,so a nerf to sniper to bring them in line with the other ranged classes is the only thing to do to bring balance to ranged casters.

And another thing,snipers dont have to stay in one spot the entire game,it takes less then one second to get in cover,so a sage LOS you,you leave cover go to sage,throw a flashbang and cast ambush+free snipe then root the sage and use another cast,if he starts casting,you can interrupt..you can then root the sage again with KB,keep dpsing and the sage will either be dead or Legshot will be off CD...


I played something like 300 hours as a gunslinger marksman to war hero.


Your scenario is flawed tremendously. Which may explain why as a sage you struggle. You can CC a GS at range with instant whirlwind or electrocute at 30m. Assuming you have both off gcd you can CC with electrocute and then dot him up and LOS him. If he's stupid enough to use his cc breaker right away the fight is over you've won as a dps sage. Whirlwind him dot him up and hide.


Ambush + Free Snipe with flash bang hits hard. if your shield is down or you are unguarded. However, you will survive and be at or near 100% resolve at that point. With many options. You can shield and LOS. As shield your shield was down. You could re-apply the shield while LOS if it was up and then self heal, pop a stim(medpack) and/or adrenal. You then pop out and you DOT that sucker up and move back behind a wall, object. Tick tock the snipers on the clock. He's done. Unless you are rambo he has to move and re cover to hit you with significant dmg while your doing the old run around the table "nana boo boo" you cant catch me trick.


If you get rooted by leg shot you should be using sprint. Sprint breaks all roots and slows. Save the CC breaker for when it counts. All sniper dmg that hits will effective break that cc and a "Sniper" especially if he uses any sort of DoT. Most builds use some form of DOTS and/or AOE that will remove the condition.


In a warzone where your not alone and fighting from the rear as any good 30m ranged mobile dps class should be doing your going to get some healing. A sniper has a whole 5m benefit. You can move into 30 and out to 40 meters on them consistently if you know what your doing where he won't get off his most effective dmg.


The overall point is a sage has to be more strategic using Damage over Time to kill a sniper and quiet frankly losing to a sniper/gs marksman is embarassing to a Sage/Sorc. Unless you are caught off guard completely you should never loss to that class directly.


Don't get me wrong. When you have guys on you and I can setup on you its night-night time, but that is not uncommon for all classes where ranged and melee damage incoming is next to impossible to effectively escape from.


They are really easy to beat and I don't get why you are struggling except maybe a gear gap and knowledge gap.

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Cover-Gives 20% ranged defense boost,immune to leaps/pulls and interrupts

Knockbacks-Ambush,knocks target back a small distance,cover pulse-AOE knockback 10 meters and roots targets for a few seconds

Roots-Leg shot,immobilizes target for 4 second(Not sure on that,could be less),Aoe KB root

High damaging AOE abilities with no minimum distance required

20 second cc immunity.

AOE shield that reduces damage taken by your team.



Compare this to other caster classes like the Sage telekinetics and Mercenary Arsenal trees.

The sage and Merc can get interrupted,they can get leapt to,their AoEs aren't as strong as sniper,they have no roots((I may be wrong)) and they dont hit near as hard as sniper.They have no immunity to cc,the sage has no defensive cooldowns and mercs have no escapes.Both Merc and Sage have single target CCs that require a 2 second cast time.Just seems to me if you compare the casters,sniper is by far the best wiith its uninterruptability and being unleapable..


Hey... sorry you rolled the wrong AC. On the bright side... things change with every patch. Your time will come.


Btw... welcome to MMO gaming.

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Do you play Snipers at all? You want to put a 2 second cast time for going into cover? LOL. I will not even try to make a decent discussion about this. That made me laugh lol. I'm thinking of how PVE and PVP will be like when you have to stand there for 2 seconds while you cast "Cover". lol


edit** MIS QUOTE. There was another guy suggesting a cast time for Cover.

still re: the above quote. Pressing Cover key to kneel down and get into cover instantly is fine...


I'm going to need some elaboration on your definition of "fine". "LOLOL UR BAD" just doesn't cut it for me sorry. Two seconds of set-up is nothing for immunity to leaps and interrupts.

Edited by fujeo-finel
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P.S. You are not supposed to kill and own everything in this game (or in any game for that matter) especially when your Q_Q is based on 1 v 1.


Yes you should be able to beat anyone you out play, regardless of any arbitrarily defined "role". This is what we call "balance" in the sane world.


These are the same people who Q_Q and do not adapt, but rather want everything to be ez mode for them. They will create nerf threads and say:


Contradict yourself more. How can one adapt to a situation if the class they play has already been designated a specific purpose?

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Cover-Gives 20% ranged defense boost,immune to leaps/pulls and interrupts

Knockbacks-Ambush,knocks target back a small distance,cover pulse-AOE knockback 10 meters and roots targets for a few seconds

Roots-Leg shot,immobilizes target for 4 second(Not sure on that,could be less),Aoe KB root

High damaging AOE abilities with no minimum distance required

20 second cc immunity.

AOE shield that reduces damage taken by your team.



Play a sniper yourself, and then post.


Snipers are fine. The tradeoff is a complete lack of mobility.

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You know all KB fill resolve right?That includes the sage and Merc ones aswell.All CCs break on damage,the other two ranged classes have to cast a single target and snipers have an instant AOE one,with range.Umm lets see Sages and Mercs main abilities in the caster trees are Tracer,Disturbance,Turbulance,unload etc,they can be interrupted,why should't the sniper be too?Orbital strike stays even if the caster dies?Snipers need to be brought in line with the other ranged classes because at the moment they are far superior to both.
Commando/BH have the ability to heal and cleanse as do Sorcerers/Sages. Snipers/Gunslingers are fine.
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Commando/BH have the ability to heal and cleanse as do Sorcerers/Sages. Snipers/Gunslingers are fine.


I agree that snipers/gunslingers are fine, but please don't bring in Commando heals and cleanse into it. Cleanse is situationally useful. Heals are only good for cheesing a 2.5k healing medal. The ammo cost and cast time for unspecced heals is just bleh.

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I really think that the best thing they have going for them is being immune to interrupts. They already have more tools to keep a melee character at bay, and when they connect, they can't do much except trying to pwn their face faster than the sniper can.


The Sniper never really feels pummeled when they have melee on them, because they can still activate all their abilities and can even be immune to any controlling effects.

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Let me tell you something i play a sniper in rated wzs at 1.7k rating and by far snipers are the worst pvpers for rated. We die very easily and fast our dmg means nothing that we die within 2-4sec of focused. Team who are the highest ratings are who stack jugg or assas/powertechs simple them dont come qqing here about us when there are far worse classes out there.
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Snipers are great, stop complaining about them because you havnt learned how to deal with them.



how do you learn to deal with being rooted and blasted for 50% of your health at a clip and unable to break LOS or leap to them due to class mechanics?


how is stuck to the floor with nowhere to go while getting smashed by high damage shots a L2P scenario?

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how do you learn to deal with being rooted and blasted for 50% of your health at a clip and unable to break LOS or leap to them due to class mechanics?


how is stuck to the floor with nowhere to go while getting smashed by high damage shots a L2P scenario?


Use your camo or some other op defensive cd you have. :D

When im not playing my jugg or marauder nothing is more funny than owning marauders/sentinels in wz's with my sniper.

Games are filled with them so there's no shortage of targets. They are so used to faceroll their way to victory that getting pawned by a sniper absolutely infuriates them and after respawn their are back headhunting the one class that counters them.

Edited by Helistin
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how do you learn to deal with being rooted and blasted for 50% of your health at a clip and unable to break LOS or leap to them due to class mechanics?


how is stuck to the floor with nowhere to go while getting smashed by high damage shots a L2P scenario?


It is a learn to play scenario. If you are rooted at range, you use stealth; and if not available you pop your saber ward which gives you more defense against their incoming attacks. After their burst rotation, you pop a medpac, and now you have more time to kill them before their CCs and burst are back up. You still have a shot at them if you play smart, but they are your hard counter class. Do not expect it to be easy.

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