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Strict PvP build?


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I am currently Arsenal and after months of dealing crap damage and being squishy in PvP (basically sucking), I am ready to switch it up. Does anyone have a recommendation for a strictly PvP build? Thanks in advance.
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I am currently Arsenal and after months of dealing crap damage and being squishy in PvP (basically sucking), I am ready to switch it up. Does anyone have a recommendation for a strictly PvP build? Thanks in advance.


This is what I run. It differs slightly from Ifrits as I put more points in Bodyguard. The extra heat dissipation from Improved Vents coupled with Rapid Venting gives me slightly more burst every 90s IMO. I hardly use Power Shot so Muzzle Fluting, Stabilizers, and Mando Iron Warheads (which does not affect Fusion or Incendiary Missile) is wasted for how I play. Upgraded Arsenal is nice but only provides tech crit whereas Hired Muscle gives both ranged and tech (but costs 3 points vs 1). Finally, the slightly faster heals from Med Tech means I can quickly use LOS to my advantage to heal up and get back to dpsing.


They're both good specs. Try them both and see what feels more comfortable for your playstyle. I used to run this which is similar as well.

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lol i did a funny.


But yeah the builds those guys up there suggested are more or less the best you can get atm, depending on playstyle.


This is my personal tried, tested, and prefered build. I'm a fan of energy rebounder as it's lovely to have energy shield up more often, better than the kolto overload and TSO talent which I think is meh. I also feel that the pushback stabilisers is a must if you want the maximum damage output we are physically capable of doing. I know a lot of people don't lke powershot and so don't even use it, but even though it's awkward and clunky and not as good as it could be, it is still very important to us if we want to keep cycling PPA procs and pumping out consistent damage.


Does Mandalorian Iron Warheads really not affect Fusion or Incindiary Missle, the talent does say "all missles"?

Definitely not fusion missile, but I think it does work for incendiary missile. The problem is actually to do with the wording of the talents, and with the trooper mirror versions. "Missiles" to us = "Rounds" to them. Fusion missile is called plasma grenade for them, so it's not classed as a round, and as a result is not buffed by the talent. Shouldn't be the same problem with incendiary though, as theirs is called incendiary round.

Edited by Sinsavz
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This is my personal tried, tested, and prefered build. I'm a fan of energy rebounder as it's lovely to have energy shield up more often, better than the kolto overload and TSO talent which I think is meh. I also feel that the pushback stabilisers is a must if you want the maximum damage output we are physically capable of doing. I know a lot of people don't lke powershot and so don't even use it, but even though it's awkward and clunky and not as good as it could be, it is still very important to us if we want to keep cycling PPA procs and pumping out consistent damage.


i completely agree...^^^ good advice ^^^

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Does Mandalorian Iron Warheads really not affect Fusion or Incindiary Missle, the talent does say "all missles"?


For the record, I just tested this right now. Since I do not have Tracer Missile or Heatseeker Missiles I did not test them but assume they works with the skill. I used the following abilities, noting the tooltip damage without MIW, respeccing, then noting them WITH MIW.


Incendiary Missile

Without MIW 541-606 and 1833 over 18s

With MIW 574-642 and 1833 over 18s

Conclusion. It works though the damage range is so small the benefits of using this skill as a Pyro spec over another is pretty small. Another thing to note is that MIW does not affect the DOT.


Fusion Missile

Without MIW 1391-1484 and 1743 over 6s

With MIW same

Conclusion- Does not work.


Thermal Detonator-MIW does not affect it.


Explosive Dart-MIW does not affect it.


Missile Blast

Without MIW 1272-1281 and 173-180 splash damage

With MIW 1348-1358 and 184-190 splash damage

Conclusion-It works but honestly, if you're using this on a regular basis you're doing something wrong.


Death From Above

Without MIW 4784-5068

With MIW 5072-5372

Conclusion-I'm actually shocked MIW affects DFA. I checked it on a hunch and it actually works. Unfortunately DFA just isn't what it used to be and I probably still wouldn't use it (MIW) as a Pyro spec especially since Rain of Fire (Pyro skill) does not include it any longer.


Derp. I forgot to check Power Shot ranges but I know from using it previously that it worked. That said, the skill is questionable for Pyro spec players. They should change the skill to include any and all tech attacks.


EDIT I used Ironsights in both tests. I also went back and tested Power Shot to ensure it worked and it does.

Edited by Werdan
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