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Merc PvP healing


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Ok everything i read on the forums just points to the fact that Merc healer plain sucks in pvp and everyone i asked so far just said the same thing.Should i just reroll another healer or just stick with it?
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I played Healing spec on merc since the beginning, alway's enjoyed it. I never feel weaker or worse than any other classes in the group. Control your heat, get a good rotation going and you will heal as good as any other class.


Also having heavy armour and high health is nice, you can take a beating.


If you roll another healing class, it will have advantages the merc doesn't have, but then you gain others.

Edited by cairax
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I played Healing spec on merc since the beginning, alway's enjoyed it. I never feel weaker or worse than any other classes in the group. Control your heat, get a good rotation going and you will heal as good as any other class.


Also having heavy armour and high health is nice, you can take a beating.


If you roll another healing class, it will have advantages the merc doesn't have, but then you gain others.


Totally agree, it depends if u got a tank guarding you, if so Kolto Shell them, Or the ball carrier in huttball if not shell your self before anything, this can heal if not mistaken up to 3-4k, also if you are self healing, use the Cure ability, it heals a bit and removes any pesky dots, it takes off so much heat if your getting pounded by multipe Dots. And dont forget to Kolto Bomb a lot, i use this more than rapid scan as it makes us more mobile. Also when u need a breather Knock back, then powersurge with thermy override to rapid scan and run like mad while kolto bombing and curing. IMO they are fine just gotta play it right.

Edited by LyonsPride
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Ok everything i read on the forums just points to the fact that Merc healer plain sucks in pvp and everyone i asked so far just said the same thing.Should i just reroll another healer or just stick with it?


Playing any of the healers in end-game PvP is always going to be tough. They all have their pros and cons, which you have to learn intimately and use them to your advantage. But no matter what healing class you end up going with -- just make sure you get a minimum of 1100 expertise ASAP, or you will always get your arse handed to you on a plate.

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Merc healers are the best PVP healers, not worst, especially in RWZ. Got it backwards. They can take a hell of a beating, get interrupt immunity, burst heal, decent AOE heal, killer knockback for Huttball, combat mez to self-peel, etc. A competent merc healer off CDs and near LOS requires 3+ DPS to take out without spider healing. The tricky part is heat management but that's an aquired talent - just because you *can* burst heal doesn't mean you always should.
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Merc healers are the best PVP healers, not worst, especially in RWZ. Got it backwards. They can take a hell of a beating, get interrupt immunity, burst heal, decent AOE heal, killer knockback for Huttball, combat mez to self-peel, etc. A competent merc healer off CDs and near LOS requires 3+ DPS to take out without spider healing. The tricky part is heat management but that's an aquired talent - just because you *can* burst heal doesn't mean you always should.


I play a merc healer in PvP and this is all very true.


To the OP: just keep in mind that you'll rarely, if ever get top healing. We don't have a puddle that heals 8 people and we don't have a spammable HoT. These account for a good amount of the total healing done by sorcs and ops.


We're much more single-target focused healers. The important thing is keeping people alive and accomplishing the objectives of the warzone, not big numbers. Keep that in mind and you'll be pleased with your performance.

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What makes merc/commando healers awesome is the fact that we buff everyone else's heals with the kolto bomb(I don't know what the merc ability is called) and we can sheild players from taking 5 percent damage, so sometimes I think our numbers may seem lower than what our actual effectiveness was.
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I actually like it alot- IMO, if you can only choose 1 healer to heal the ball carrier in huttball, choose a merc. Mercenary healers may not have super strong heals, but their heals can also reduce the amount of damage you take in the first place.
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I actually like it alot- IMO, if you can only choose 1 healer to heal the ball carrier in huttball, choose a merc. Mercenary healers may not have super strong heals, but their heals can also reduce the amount of damage you take in the first place.


I find that pretty much all wrong actually, haha.


We don't have enough mobility to keep up with the ball carrier as well as the others; operatives can stack HoTs on the carrier and then run with them, and sorcs can sprint with them and use their friendly pull, whilst having a similar amount of instants to us.


In huttball our best role is to plod around the mid and help to hold the ball respawn, with a couple of pyro pts/snipers.

Edited by Sinsavz
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Ok everything i read on the forums just points to the fact that Merc healer plain sucks in pvp and everyone i asked so far just said the same thing.Should i just reroll another healer or just stick with it?


Merc healers do not suck at all in PvP. IMO the people saying this may be feeling that way because Merc has to be twice as active to hold the same overall numbers as Sorc/Op. Bodyguards are very single target oriented healers and their only AoE is a 4 person heal only. Ops can Hot and forget, and Sorcs can drop their 8 person HoT tub and forget about it etc......


Bodyguards are VERY durable if supported....If you have a guard on you....Good luck killing a bodyguard ever...Its a recipe for immortality. Thats their strong point.

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