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Resolve system is a total joke for warfronts


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What is up with the sheer amount of crowd control in this game for pvp? Really, it seems sometimes you can't even play, you get chain stun or rooted until you get ganked to death. And don't even try to use the resolve system to defend it because its total crap. By the time you have filled the bar you have already been killed and respawn just to have the bar reset to be cc rofl stomped again. It's obvious at this point Bioware that you don't even intend to work on world pvp anymore and resolve is a joke in these warfronts, time to change the system. I doubt you will though, now with your skeleton crew of developers and programmers, we probably won't even see that many updates from now on. :rolleyes:
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If you plan on criticising the current system, then atleast try and be constructive about it. Rather than simply stating how bad you think it is, suggest an improvement.


Back on topic, if you're getting 'cc rofl stomped' then the chances are they have quite a few players on you as is. With or without the stuns, you're near enough done in that instance. And resolve isn't the best system, but it works. The amount of times I've wanted to stun, but someone has had resolve full, are quote numerous.


If you can suggest a better system, then by all means put it in the suggestion box, it'll do a lot more good than this will :)

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I would suggest something but the chances are pretty low they won't listen or do anything about it. They may claim they are looking but really, words are wind and that goes for mine as well. I'm just mad right now playing warzones. Playing my shadow and trying to go behind and pick people off and sometimes I just get cc ganked. I like to play instead of just being stun ganked to death sometimes.
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Anything is better than the current system. Why bother suggesting something? EA will just ignore it.


There should be NO cc in pvp. There should be roots and snares but cc should only be used in the pve environment for mob control. This wouldn't be as much of a problem if the teams were larger like they are in wow.


Resolve doesn't work all the time and when it does work I'm usually dead by the time it's white.


One thing that will help you is having a healer cleanse you in pvp. I do that and it helps sometimes.


This game has broken pvp and hopefully the person or persons that decided to include ccs in pvp are never allowed to work in game development again. I have a feeling most developers wouldn't hire them anyway with the current state of this game.

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Resolve doesn't work all the time

Resolve never works.


I wonder who designed this atrocious system and what they were high on when they did. And of course EA approved it. They don't care about quality or functionality. They only care about money.

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Resolve never works.


I wonder who designed this atrocious system and what they were high on when they did. And of course EA approved it. They don't care about quality or functionality. They only care about money.


Resolve has never failed for me, works everytime.


And ROFL @ op getting caught out of position with a cc with lots of reds nearby, and then blames it at resolve. :))

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If you plan on criticising the current system, then atleast try and be constructive about it. Rather than simply stating how bad you think it is, suggest an improvement.


Why do people think suggesting a solution should be a requirement to complain? Most of us are not game designers, and have no idea what kind of changes would improve or break game balance / game play. All we do know is, we encountered a game mechanic that isn't fun, and after all, we're playing to have fun. It's the devs' job to figure out and implement a solution which won't break the world. It's not even especially useful to suggest things most of the time, for exactly those reasons. The devs will decide, and your input is irrelevant.

Edited by Bladeprophet
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Yea Bioware never listens to it's playerbase.


Players: We want more servers!

More servers opened.

Players: My server is dead! We want server transfers!

Servers transferred.

Players: We want more warzones!

Warzone added.

Players: Champion and Centurion gear are useless! Give us different armors!

Recruit, War Hero, Campaign and Black Hole armor added.




As for the resolve system, I think it works fabulously. And in the original poster's stance, nobody can survive the combined efforts of 3-4 people pounding on them all at once.

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And ROFL @ op getting caught out of position with a cc with lots of reds nearby, and then blames it at resolve. :))


It doesn't take much or long to reds to flood an area in these super small pvp maps. I will blame resolve every single time as well when I get stun locked to death. Herp a derp, thanks for the post though.

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Yea Bioware never listens to it's playerbase.


Players: We want more servers!

More servers opened.

Players: My server is dead! We want server transfers!

Servers transferred.


Just stop with the servers bullcrap alright. WIth the number of people that first bought the game and were playing, they needed the servers. They should have had a plan in place before launch in case the population dropped. Anyone who buys a game on release day wants to play it, its simple. Nobody buys it to stare at the cover and pay they will get through a queue to actually play the product.

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Resolve is a terrible system, even when it works. They need direct immunities like Age of Conan. All CC can be classified as either a root (100% movement reduction), snare (partial movment reduction), stun (short term inability to do anything NOT BROKEN by damage), or mesmerization (longer duration inability to do anything BROKEN by damage. So if you get stuned, then for a short time you are immune to any other stuns but can still be mezed, etc etc.


Of course, this type of system really only applies to pure CC abilities. Damage abilities that have a small CC attached would be tricky to deal with.


That would be the type of CC system I would endorse, it works. Speaking of which, if a CC ability doesn't actually last the listed amount it should be stated in the tooltip. For Sorcs Whirlwind only lasts a total of 8 seconds against players, far lower than the 1 minute the tooltip says; it gets bumped down to the Assassin's duration. If they are going to do that then put it in the damn tooltip, or make it last the full duration.

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What is up with the sheer amount of crowd control in this game for pvp? Really, it seems sometimes you can't even play, you get chain stun or rooted until you get ganked to death. And don't even try to use the resolve system to defend it because its total crap. By the time you have filled the bar you have already been killed and respawn just to have the bar reset to be cc rofl stomped again. It's obvious at this point Bioware that you don't even intend to work on world pvp anymore and resolve is a joke in these warfronts, time to change the system. I doubt you will though, now with your skeleton crew of developers and programmers, we probably won't even see that many updates from now on. :rolleyes:


Lots of people are enjoying PvP just fine. :)


I think your just not doin it rite, like most of the people complaining about resolve.


Guess what, if they stun you, thats someone else that they CANT stun. People cant just go around stunning everything and laughing, its a choice when they use it and if they are stunning you then they see you as a big threat to pop a CD on.


You have a stun too! zomg!shift1


but who am i kidding, you stopped reading at my first line of reponse. :p

Edited by Motoeric
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System works fine with me. I've played a lot of different classes and builds. You have to learn your role!


Yeah, some times I get stun locked, and it's annoying. But I shrug it off and return to the match. If you have such a problem, then maybe you should be more of a tanky spec, or a Shadow or something. If you're invisible, it's hard for people to target you.


In any rate, it's not that bad. Everyone has a break, and has multiple stuns/snares themselves. Could you imagine how terrible huttball would be if you couldn't stop some one dead in their tracks?

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System works fine with me. I've played a lot of different classes and builds. You have to learn your role!


Yeah, some times I get stun locked, and it's annoying. But I shrug it off and return to the match. If you have such a problem, then maybe you should be more of a tanky spec, or a Shadow or something. If you're invisible, it's hard for people to target you.


In any rate, it's not that bad. Everyone has a break, and has multiple stuns/snares themselves. Could you imagine how terrible huttball would be if you couldn't stop some one dead in their tracks?


yes ^

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I have two toons: Level 50/66 BG Merc and level 41/41 Madness Sin.


I receive the lion's share of a team's CC on my merc and I can tell you I have NEVER been effected by a resolve respecting CC EVER. I've been rooted and spiked, but never Electro-darted or Whirlwinded. Here's a pro-tip for you: When your bar goes full white it's time to use your CC breaker and GET THE F OUTTA THERE! When there is that much CC coming your way you've been focused and are now on the defensive. Stop fighting and run.


On my Sin I give the majority of the CC and I can tell you I have NEVER effected someone with a resolve respecting CC while their bar is white EVER. If you are playing a sneaky class and finding yourself stunned to death it's the FOCUS FIRE, not the stun, that's doing you in so quick. If three people are focusing you there is a good chance you're looking at taking 5-10k a GCD depending on the attackers CD usage and crits.


To the OP about Shadow play: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Part and parcel of playing a stealth class is getting CC and ***** when you breach their lines. Any decent team will FF you into oblivion when you pop up to attack the healer. YOU are doing something wrong if this keeps happening. You need to wait for that golden moment when people are deeply engaged with targets and you can sneak in to break their attention. If you start to get CC'd you need to escape. Force Speed, Force Shroud, or vanish. Live to fight again.

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this!!!! Good players figure out how to get better. BAD PLAYERS CRY ON THE FORUMS LOOOL


Don't equate disliking a system to not being able to deal with it or finding a way around it. I do plenty well despite the fact that I hate it. I hate all cc in general when it comes to pvp but thanks again for your adolescent herp a derp post

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don't equate disliking a system to not being able to deal with it or finding a way around it. I do plenty well despite the fact that i hate it. I hate all cc in general when it comes to pvp but thanks again for your adolescent herp a derp post


ohhh so your complaining about a pvp mechanic that is one of the most primitive aspects of pvp?!!? Oic. Your pretty much breaking new ground here sir.


P.s. Ever heard of wow arena? How u think that would have played out w/ no cc? there needs to be stuns

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What is up with the sheer amount of crowd control in this game for pvp? Really, it seems sometimes you can't even play, you get chain stun or rooted until you get ganked to death. And don't even try to use the resolve system to defend it because its total crap. By the time you have filled the bar you have already been killed and respawn just to have the bar reset to be cc rofl stomped again. It's obvious at this point Bioware that you don't even intend to work on world pvp anymore and resolve is a joke in these warfronts, time to change the system. I doubt you will though, now with your skeleton crew of developers and programmers, we probably won't even see that many updates from now on. :rolleyes:

Yup the problems are two fold.


1. There's too many stuns, far too many, none would be fine in PvP (not talking about PvE).


2. Resolve isn't fit for purpose, it simply doesn't do what it's supposed to do. They should just your a WAR style set of immunity timers.




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P.s. Ever heard of wow arena? How u think that would have played out w/ no cc? Looool baaddy allert wee woo




WAR works very will with no real PvP stuns. Instead break on damage mezzes are used. It's a much better system for PvP - stun to death is frankly weak.

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ohhh so your complaining about a pvp mechanic that is one of the most primitive aspects of pvp?!!? Oic. Your pretty much breaking new ground here sir.


P.s. Ever heard of wow arena? How u think that would have played out w/ no cc? Looool baaddy allert wee woo


Your parents want the computer back and your mom said to clean your room since middle school starts back soon :D

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ohhh so your complaining about a pvp mechanic that is one of the most primitive aspects of pvp?!!? Oic. Your pretty much breaking new ground here sir.


P.s. Ever heard of wow arena? How u think that would have played out w/ no cc? Looool baaddy allert wee woo


Right back at ya baddie (what a ridiculous term). CC is a primitive crutch for bad players.

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Yup the problems are two fold.


1. There's too many stuns, far too many, none would be fine in PvP (not talking about PvE).


2. Resolve isn't fit for purpose, it simply doesn't do what it's supposed to do. They should just your a WAR style set of immunity timers.




Ok so when a mara/sentinel pops hit 99% dmg reduction, and i stun him, thats just bad pvp right? Using my cooldowns to counter his cooldown, that sounds ilke some jacked up PvP, who would ever want that? Chaining stuns on a healer to get a kill? Oh hey more smart thinking from good PvPers. Guess what, after we double stun that healer, tahts TWO LESS STUNS THAT we CANT USE for usually a minute. ZOMG!

And you are complaining about random CC in regular warzones.

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I like the system the way it is, it really shines in hutball.


In my experience the majority of people complaining that the resolve system is broken don't know how exactly it's intended to work for them and most often don't realise certain other classes have cc imunity granting skills even when their resolve bar is not full.

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