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I would say anything goes on a pvp server.


To the line of thinking about pulling NPC to attack is an exploit....I would say taking advantage of the environment is part of the game.... it is not too dissimilar to pulling opponent to the fire in hutball.


(I am on pve server)

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I would say anything goes on a pvp server.

Up to a point but the dude pushed it past that point. As the O.P. said this guy was really going out of his way to create a lot of hate towards himself. I haven't seen him for the last week and I know that he was beginning to complain at the end about being targeted.

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Up to a point but the dude pushed it past that point. As the O.P. said this guy was really going out of his way to create a lot of hate towards himself. I haven't seen him for the last week and I know that he was beginning to complain at the end about being targeted.

He's probably on multiple guilds' kill-on-sight lists. Probably some hunt-his-butt-down lists with player-offered bounties, too. And if he's one of "those" people who has toons on both factions, he's probably being added to friendly-faction ignore lists as well. Personally, I really hope he's one of the blowhards from this thread who were claiming he 'just wants some exciting, diverse open-world PvP,' and is choking on the abundance.


The moral: be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it.

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QQ is all that needs to be said really.


Complaining on a PvP server?


Man up.


Get some Guildies or do a Call to Arms.



Open World PvP... on a PvP Server... yep, pretty much says it all.

Edited by Amins
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Oh, I understood exactly where you were coming from, six pages ago. It's clear we have different opinions on what kinds of behavior should be allowed or encouraged on PvP-ruleset servers. I think mechanisms like the ability of a player to enter combat and then trigger aggro responses from clusters of nearby friendly NPCs just by approaching them is an in-game mechanism that the devs need to look at and revise. You, however, apparently do not. To you, any such mechanism is simply sauce for the savoring, and you have no concern over any adverse effect on the in-game community. I, in response, offer the tongue-in-cheek observation that this unconcern is tantamount to "virtual sociopathy."


Maybe this discussion will motivate players to rise up and "defend" against these "virtual sociopaths" -- or maybe not. Or, maybe it will motivate people to quit MMOs entirely. Or, maybe it will motivate BioWare to borrow a page from WoW and alter NPC behavior. Or maybe it's all a big puff of hot air from all sides and nothing will change at all, and the griefer/exploiters will go right on doing what they are doing, and continue to be allowed to strive to make their favored MMO as unappealing a place as their twisted little hearts can conceive of. But if that's your idea of "fun," I would suggest that you not get too attached to it. One way or another, it's unlikely to last long. There could be changes to objectionable mechanics, or perhaps a ban for the offenders, or even in extreme, a complete shutdown of a game the griefer/exploiters helped make unprofitable.



Not exactly. I make no reference to whether the developer's should look at or change a mechanic that allows this type of friendly mob training. I merely make the statement that as long as that mechanic (or similar one's) are in game, then they are a valid tactic in one's PvP arsenal. If the Devs look at it and remove it, then it no longer is. It seems like a pretty obvious use of the mechanic that Bioware must have been made aware of long ago so I see no reason to believe that it is unintended for now. I love that the people who are sneaking around and doing this non-stop are getting repeatedly stomped for their trouble as well. That is EXACTLY how the issue SHOULD be resolved: by player action.


It is incumbent upon the PvPer to use the game mechanics to engage in PvP to the best of his or her advantage. It is also incumbent upon the game devs to remove any mechanics that are not intended or that they feel don't belong. But, until they do...


Likewise, on PvE servers there is a reasonable expectation that PvP will be consensual or instanced in some way and not open world PvP. In this case, it is not okay to use in game mechanics to train mobs, or AoE PvP flag someone, ever. This is what you call "griefing" (although I hate that word as it has been misused to the point of meaninglessness).


I see you SAY that you understand what I mean, but you are still trying to characterize my position as "griefer" or "exploiter" though, which is over the top hyperbole which you scolded me for earlier.


Look, when you have PvE ruleset servers that exist for the express purpose of avoiding non-consensual PvP and you willingly and knowingly make a choice to not use them, but instead to go PvP ruleset and then complain about non-consensual or world PvP (or more specifically about specific game mechanics which can be used to gain an advantage in PvE), then you are manufacturing these issues you decry, entirely on your own. Griefing, exploiting, risk, cowardice, fairness, etc. are all red herrings.


P.S. - I especially got big laughs out of the idea that anyone on any kind of SWTOR server type incurs any kind of risk. That was a good one. Without player looting and/or death penalties there are no consequences or risks of any kind anywhere in this game.

Edited by boxfetish
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i saw someone in another thread talking about doing whatever he can to prevent the other faction from progressing. whether it's not people from getting datacrons, to stopping them from killing world bosses and even doing dailies. everything he does to stop the opposing faction from progressing is in essence making his faction stronger.


in a pvp server i say anything goes. especially in an MMO like this where open world pvp is so forgiving. there's no such thing as grieving when you can teleport away and lose nothing from dying.


you really should join a pve server though


This pretty much sums up the attitude that should be given. I like it when i get camped ^-^ Then i can get an army of imps and he can get an army of rebs and it turns into an all out war >:D

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Well, whatever. I'm not going to engage in camping among same-faction elite NPCs and call it "PvP." It's just boring to me. Ambushing enemy players in the open field of the Jedi Temple ruins (among the turrets and such) is one thing -- the quests are set up to bring Imps and Pubs into the same field, so it's intended that clashes will take place.


But like I've said many times, triggering elite mobs in a heroic area pushes enemy players into a wierd, lopsided version of PvE. If YOU want to call it "PvP," you go right ahead. Knock yerself out. I find it pointless, both as a source of "fun" as well as being devoid of any in-game improvement for my character. But it does give a great excuse to execute KoS attacks on the perps. Not that we'll ever see them anywhere but cowering among elite NPCs or taking the long dirt nap while waiting for their rez timers to cycle down. They better like levelling alts.

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Hahaha! You Guild members, or wanna be gansters who are beating down "lowbie" players to make yourselves feel better for being losers in real life are hilarious! You're probably people with no real friends and who were picked last in kick ball as kids. Your like the waste of life character on the WOW South park episode. What would these people do without the internet??? If one of you are involved in this thread...find REAL friends




Really priceless.


Confirming that all gankers MUST be loosers IRL.



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This pretty much sums up the attitude that should be given. I like it when i get camped ^-^ Then i can get an army of imps and he can get an army of rebs and it turns into an all out war >:D


And so World PvP Begins.


I agree, getting ganked is part of the emotional motivation for me :)

Vengeance is a powerfull motivator.


I also find this signature to be quite all too true.

Ganking leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to pvp.

Edited by STEllUS-swei
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