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Another brief damn maintenance?????


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Then go have fun in guild wars 2 when it comes out and go to their forums to complain about there is NO action going on in the world outside cities and you can't get a quest done because there are too many people for that one dynamic quest, complain that there is no option for blah blah blah. Complain that there are no companions to do things for you, how there is no quick travel to go to any bind point you want, that there is no sprint, then come back to SWTOR realizing you have made a very grave mistake.


But hey...maybe you will like it. Who am I to say. Was just in beta god knows how many times for the game...just to see

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Sounds like someone is a little mad. Why not try out some of the suggestions these fine people actually put forth? I'll even throw in some of my own for you. In 2 hours you could...

Cook a meal

Watch a movie

Go to the gym

Hang out with some friends

Clean your room

Play another game

Do some research

Buy some groceries

Look for a job (if you don't have one)

Wash the car

Scan your computer for viruses

Take a relaxing bath/shower

Do some push ups

Do some crunches

Go on a bike ride

Watch some TV

Text/Call your friends

Talk to your family


These are just off the top of my head :D


I like this post, it offers solutions... except it's 2am in the morning, SWToR is what I do when all those people are in their beds, the bars are closed, ie the sidewalks have been rolled up.

When SWToR signs off at 2am, there will be 200+ people on fleet... redefine "primetime"... Server MX during happy hour, and I'll have something to do till 2am.

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I agree with OP. This is pretty messed up. Some people work for a living, and don't have all the time in the world to play like you kids.


Yeah well if you work for a living you should be in bed before the maintanence times anyway.

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[<a class=inlineAdmedialink" href="#">COLOR</a>="Orange]OMG!! LIKE..OMG!! Another maintenance to improve things in a game that is up 98 percent of the time! What EVER will we do...


stop moaning...that's what[/color]


Whats worse people complaining or people like you incessantly trolling their posts trying to make it into a huge fight. Is it that hard for you to simply ignore posts like this? Or do you somehow get off on baiting other people into fights (and then I bet reporting such person after they had enough and cussed you out).

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