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49 Twinks in PvP


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you are wasting your time, you have nothing to show for it.. You don't even get credit for killing anyone u killed. So if you didn't get credit for it then it never really happened. So again stay 49 for as long as you want. 10-49 pvp is garbage anyways. You want to feel like you are a somebody I get it. It must suck being a nobody. Don't worry tho eventually we all die in life so your pain will go away someday.




You just made "i am a moron" tattoo on your forehead.



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I think he is referring to the fact that most "forever young"-49'ers dont do it for anything much other than the fun of playing WZ. They don't care about the rewards


I wouldnt feel fun when everyone and their moms know I have such a huge advantage in pre-50 bracket as a 49 twink.


Well... unless the "fun" is purely coming from skillless lowbie roflstomping with my eyes blindfolded while keyboard turning and playing with just 1 hand. Then I guess yea they will get their "fun".

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Well... unless the "fun" is purely coming from skillless lowbie roflstomping with my eyes blindfolded while keyboard turning and playing with just 1 hand. Then I guess yea they will get their "fun".


Imagine for a second that "fun" can come from reading rage posts/whispers from defeated opponents or compassionate fools around them.


They show tremendous creativity in formulating their humiliating, or how they think "revealing the truth", "showing how things really are" comments.


Its a separate niche of entertaiment. Some people agre just not lazy to create required tool (twink) for "fun extraction"


An the best thing about it - raging people are that dumb, that even after explaination they will refuse to beleave it and will try to "show how things really are" again. And again. And again.


This topic is perfect confirmation of my words.


And please, do not stop. Im having fun.

Edited by Maxkardinal
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Fatman server presents, real pvpers of genius.

'real pvpers of geniuuuus'


Today we salute you, mister really really really low level noob pwner.

'mister really really really low level noob pwner!'


Fully organized, you sit at the top level of your bracket and crush people who are still trying to decide which AC to take.

'don't pick commando'

You brag about your kills like a bunch of frat buddies who just got a cheerleader to come to your party, a cheerleader named Darthselenagomez.

'I swear I thought she was level 19, officer!'


You ripped expertise mods from enough weapons to fill every piece of gear, because no advantage is too great when you're facing someone who bought the game yesterday.

'who's the tough guy now?'

But wait, after level 49 it is over- the level 50 nooblets proclaim. Not to worry. You've found a way to beat the system by ducking out of the match like some kind of Houdini at the last moment.

'stick it to the maaaaaan!'


So crack open an ice cold shockfrozen water mister noob slayer, because your dedication to maximizing yourself against players who can't tell a guardian from a sage is why you put the win, in twink.

'mister really really really low level noob pwner....'



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