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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 5 Favorite SW Books


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Difficult to split up books from a series, so I am just going to list those series as one choice.


1. The Thrawn Trilogy(series)

2. Bounty Hunter Wars (trilogy)

3. Tales from series (Cantina/Jabba's Palace/etc.) - loved the way they tied those into the background characters

4. Allegiance

5. Republic Commando (series by Traviss)


Lots of others that come close. I have been reading the SW books since they started publishing them (I was 6 when ANH came out) and loved the Han Solo books back then.

The X Wing series is always fun.

And I, Jedi is great, but I like anything with Coran Horn in it.

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Let's see, in no particular order...


Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor

Death Star

ROTS novelisation

Republic Commando: Hard Contact


And uh... Those are the only ones I've read come to think of it. I enjoyed them all a lot anyway.

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Too many to choose from. I have read nearly every novel written, but here are five I love.


The Courtship of Princess Leia

X-Wing:Rogue Squadron (as well as the rest of that series)

Heir to the Empire (the entire trilogy to be honest :) )

New Jedi Order: Vector Prime

Allegiance (because Mara Jade is kriffing awesome!)

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I like a lot of them but I would have to go:


1) Thrawn Trilogy. This should be a movie. Who could play Thrawn though? Gary Oldman is my vote.

2) I, Jedi

3) Fatal Alliance.

4) Decieved (Just finished last night, short but I rather liked the Malgus story line)

5) Darth P.


Taking a break from SW stories and going to read Game of Thrones series and then Walking Dead.

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