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refusing to transfer cause I want to play not sit around


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I have refused to transfer my charactor to the assigned server for the main reason, I pay money every month to play this game, not sit in a queue waiting to play. I live a full time life and I want to play when I can but if I am moved to Harbinger which is always full with a wait time, I'll be wasting money. I shouldn't have to give up my charactor because BioWare blew it (even faster than SOE did with SWG). Are they looking at populations and seeing that it is over populated? I suspect they are doing it hoping people like me will pay even more money to move to a server that has room. I love this game but I don't know if I am willing to continue paying the money. Sure it is not as rich or deep in game play as SWG was and I know it was designed to be an FPS with multiplayer capabilities not an MMORPG, but I sadly believed the hype bought the game early, beta tested, starting playing before release and well, feel BIOWARE is really like all corporations who just care about money and not the custormer. So still debating how long to stay since I see that in the patch notes, I will be automatically transfered against my will soon. Sadly this is a game my hubby and I like to play together. I hope Bioware can stop the "bleeding" of subs with more than a band aid. The game has great potential.


I have been transferred to an extremely heavy server, their wording, not mine....and have yet to see a queue since the transfer.

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I have refused to transfer my charactor to the assigned server for the main reason, I pay money every month to play this game, not sit in a queue waiting to play. I live a full time life and I want to play when I can but if I am moved to Harbinger which is always full with a wait time, I'll be wasting money. I shouldn't have to give up my charactor because BioWare blew it (even faster than SOE did with SWG). Are they looking at populations and seeing that it is over populated? I suspect they are doing it hoping people like me will pay even more money to move to a server that has room. I love this game but I don't know if I am willing to continue paying the money. Sure it is not as rich or deep in game play as SWG was and I know it was designed to be an FPS with multiplayer capabilities not an MMORPG, but I sadly believed the hype bought the game early, beta tested, starting playing before release and well, feel BIOWARE is really like all corporations who just care about money and not the custormer. So still debating how long to stay since I see that in the patch notes, I will be automatically transfered against my will soon. Sadly this is a game my hubby and I like to play together. I hope Bioware can stop the "bleeding" of subs with more than a band aid. The game has great potential.


You're getting transferred whether you want to or not, in a couple months. Come join a more populated server. Trust me, it's much more fun.

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So you'd rather sit in a pub on your own and drown your sorrows and be served instantly at the bar, as opposed to being in a pub full of your friends and people having a good time just because you might need to wait to get served?


Also, they aren't merging to make cutbacks lol they're doing to increase poulations and in doing so the quality of life on the servers.


Play Skyrim if a large population is a bad thing to you... please.



Edited by Aldan
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I have refused to transfer my charactor to the assigned server for the main reason, I pay money every month to play this game, not sit in a queue waiting to play. I live a full time life and I want to play when I can but if I am moved to Harbinger which is always full with a wait time, I'll be wasting money. I shouldn't have to give up my charactor because BioWare blew it (even faster than SOE did with SWG). Are they looking at populations and seeing that it is over populated? I suspect they are doing it hoping people like me will pay even more money to move to a server that has room. I love this game but I don't know if I am willing to continue paying the money. Sure it is not as rich or deep in game play as SWG was and I know it was designed to be an FPS with multiplayer capabilities not an MMORPG, but I sadly believed the hype bought the game early, beta tested, starting playing before release and well, feel BIOWARE is really like all corporations who just care about money and not the custormer. So still debating how long to stay since I see that in the patch notes, I will be automatically transfered against my will soon. Sadly this is a game my hubby and I like to play together. I hope Bioware can stop the "bleeding" of subs with more than a band aid. The game has great potential.


Queue times arent bad at all. Get in line ... go get a drink, read an article or, if youd prefer, come to the forums and write a short rage on how you hate the queue times ... chances are by the time youre done doing any one of those tasks, youll be in your character selection screen.

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...feel BIOWARE is really like all corporations who just care about money and not the custormer...


So, let's say I created cheese for a living, and a lot of people liked it. However, I have been making, packaging, and selling cheese on my own and can't keep up with demand. So, I take my profit from sales and invest in equipment for mass-producing my cheese, hire people to operate my newly created plant, and hire salesmen to help me distribute it. A few months go by, and my sales take a dip. Customer surveys show that my customers like my cheese prefer the convenience of having pre-sliced or pre-shredded cheese. So, I take my profits and re-invest them into my company to continue to give my customers what they want, and to stay competitive in the cheese market.


Re-investment is the key word here.


There are no "for-profit" companies that don't care about making money. And typically the companies who turn the most profit re-invest in their products until the day comes when there is no forseeable profit to be gained.

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I can only speak to my experience, but my queue time has actually dropped. I like to PvP and on my old server I would play for six hours. At the beginning of my 6 hours I would queue for pvp and during that time I would get it to pop once or maybe twice depending on the time I was playing. After transferring I only wait around 5 to 10 minutes per pvp pop.


As far as the servers being full and waiting in a queue to enter, it only happened once and I was in the game in under 10 minutes.

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I can only speak for the server I transferred to, but i've only been in a queue twice on the bastion and both times it was less than 5 minutes. I don't see any more lag then my old dead server(the maw) which is basically zero, but there are a ton more options for pvp/fps, etc with all the players around.


I had a similar experience. Since June 12th 2012, I only had to queue once and it lasted about 2 minutes. Btw, I log in the game almost everyday during peak hours (7pm-11pm EDT).

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I have refused to transfer my charactor to the assigned server for the main reason, I pay money every month to play this game, not sit in a queue waiting to play. I live a full time life and I want to play when I can but if I am moved to Harbinger which is always full with a wait time, I'll be wasting money. I shouldn't have to give up my charactor because BioWare blew it (even faster than SOE did with SWG). Are they looking at populations and seeing that it is over populated? I suspect they are doing it hoping people like me will pay even more money to move to a server that has room. I love this game but I don't know if I am willing to continue paying the money. Sure it is not as rich or deep in game play as SWG was and I know it was designed to be an FPS with multiplayer capabilities not an MMORPG, but I sadly believed the hype bought the game early, beta tested, starting playing before release and well, feel BIOWARE is really like all corporations who just care about money and not the custormer. So still debating how long to stay since I see that in the patch notes, I will be automatically transfered against my will soon. Sadly this is a game my hubby and I like to play together. I hope Bioware can stop the "bleeding" of subs with more than a band aid. The game has great potential.


And you open a THREAD just to let everybody know about your choice. I think you make yourself too important than you really are, to us of course. Dont transfer at all but if you miss us or some of us you know where to find us.

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Well you could wait until they do the so called "phase 2" but we don't know exactly what it will entail. Now I doubt they are going to shut down all the origin servers , so you might end up on a standard pop server ( might lose your name/s ) but if you don't want to be on the destination server that you mentioned , then you better create 8 level 1 characters because that will probably be the first place they try send you , just a tip.





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