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Why Cather over Voss?


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I admit, I am somewhat confused over why so many people think Voss would be such a great choice for a playable race. Sure, they look neat, but other than that I am just not seeing it. :confused: Reasons:


1. Voss tend to have a unique speech pattern

2. They seem to be an insular people ("outsiders", they call us) and are firmly neutral

3. And the big one -- romance:


As a female smuggler, you can have a "fling" with your chaperone on Voss. After he recites some lovely poetry for you (very romantic/flirting), he mentions that he is married. When you questions him about it, he says something to the extent of: "Well of course I am married, how else could I be having these romantic thoughts about you? We Voss don't experience such feelings until after participating in the mating ritual. I hear you outsiders are different though? How strange." The video exists on youtube, if you are curious.


So, I can see that putting a wee bit of a monkey wrench into [flirt] options and the whole romance thing.


Easy. Just pretend that your playable Voss was already married. XD


But seriously, I think it makes little sense to roll one starting at level one, without any background as to why you are an outsider Voss. I actually had an idea that I put forth about Voss Mystic being an AC you could roll at a high level, and have a little storyline there that could explain the transition. I know in one of the class stories, I think it was Consular, you deal with Voss who leave their people to become Sith and Jedi.

I don't necessarily think this should be done, I'm just trying to think of ways they could make it work if they wanted it to.


Incidentally, there's a similar detail about Voss romance in the Agent story as well.



You are told that Voss's passion is stored up until their wedding consummation.


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They'd have to add more than 2 paintjobs and facial structures for the Voss if they made them playable. Considering how all of the species currently are clones the player Voss would look dreadfully out of place :eek:


EDIT: Oh snap, I got tricked into posting by a necromancer. Curse you SonofSega.

Edited by Pscyon
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So sick of the stereo typical cat race. They look frail and sh i tty even the name is crap. Soo many other RPG's have cat races why does SW need to follow suit when you have a whole galaxy of scum to choose from.


This Cather is low cost to develop but thats no excuse, they needed to give us full Droids. Droids Should be cheap for them do there are tons of Models and voices all waiting to be used for PC class. Voss, the Pigs, Reptile dudes ahh the examples are driving my anger, giving me focus. These developers need Sith justice.


SW has the biggest and coolest races and they do cats. Too many woman in this industry people, yep said it, and if this is a guy's idea then you know what to do, guns are readily available go out with a bang.


I see what you did there Mr Necro. :)


Stop digging up corpses and then stomping all over them. :p

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Poop....usually I notice when I thread is old. :mad: At least it's not one from 12/11 though.


Lack of Voss customization is probably the most important factor in why they may not be playable. But I suppose you they could have varying color patterns. Just because they didn't vary much in the NPC version, doesn't mean they can't add more variety without sacrificing recognition.

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google furry or yiff and you will get your answer, my RP server like most is a scary place after dark I have a feeling after 2.1 some of the cantinas are going to get freaky :p


Trust me, Cathar are not furry enough for furries. They're humans with face paint. No self respecting furry will go for that.

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Trust me, Cathar are not furry enough for furries. They're humans with face paint. No self respecting furry will go for that.


I predict the price of covert armor pieces is going to skyrocket on the GTN. :D

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I admit, I am somewhat confused over why so many people think Voss would be such a great choice for a playable race. Sure, they look neat, but other than that I am just not seeing it. :confused: Reasons:


1. Voss tend to have a unique speech pattern

2. They seem to be an insular people ("outsiders", they call us) and are firmly neutral

3. And the big one -- romance:


As a female smuggler, you can have a "fling" with your chaperone on Voss. After he recites some lovely poetry for you (very romantic/flirting), he mentions that he is married. When you questions him about it, he says something to the extent of: "Well of course I am married, how else could I be having these romantic thoughts about you? We Voss don't experience such feelings until after participating in the mating ritual. I hear you outsiders are different though? How strange." The video exists on youtube, if you are curious.


So, I can see that putting a wee bit of a monkey wrench into [flirt] options and the whole romance thing.


None of those points really matter, only because the voss would have the same voice actor as all the others. some. humdrum explanation of him being adopted by the imp/fleet would most likely be introduced on te website, or not qat all and people could just think that. All the races we have speak basic because of their backstory in game, so it'd be the same for that voss toon.

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