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Suggestion about changes not being reflected in the text of the ability

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I think that all changes in abilities for all classes need to reflected in the text in the game. The recent change to the Sentinel Combat tree and opportune attack is fine but you really need to change the text that describes it in game to reflect what focus abilities it affects. I play a JK sentinel and there a lot of things to remember about the class and tree. So without the text I may be using any old focus spender and thinking I am getting the 10% bonus while not really getting it. Anyways, the game is fun and very nuanced with powers and what not so being as detailed about what does what is better than leaving it out.



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It is sort of odd that the description couldn't be updated with the client patch. I suppose these things are more complicated than they appear, since any change to wording has to be localized to German and French (yes, we are talking about one or two sentences, but they likely handle changes of any size in the same way).
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I really think it was a last minute addition to the patch. Nothing else mechanic wise got changed and I bet my bottom dollar that right before the patch was finalized, someone came up with a fix and the team figured it was better to get it out to us and update the tooltip later as opposed to making the whole thing wait another week.
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