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Merc PvP video 1.3


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Pretty good match. Only comments are :


1) Lots of slows you can cleanse.

2) It looked like your strafing back and forth was distracting you from attacking - you were definitely missing some GCDs in there. Not sure why you run back and forth sideways while spamming basic attack.

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Thanks for the comment. The strafing is so ingrained in how i play since my warhammer days so its hard to change but i will try and adapt. The slows, hmm well i guess i could cleanse more of those. I can only cleanse physical though and not force related slows.
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Hmmm, that's odd, I was just contemplating almost the exact same build yesterday on my alt commando. Good to see it in practice. I think I too would prefer the extra knockback over the 31 talent, since the class is weak in that department and you also get the crit damage on the channel, which I find myself using a lot of. I'm not quite at the level to give this a fair shot yet myself, but it certainly entertains my tastes.
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its better to be good at one thing than mediocre at multiple things


and not taking thermal detonator is just too bad. 3.5-4.5k damage is nice


I would drop a few points in arsenal just to get TD personally as that combined with Im and rail shot is a good hit

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its better to be good at one thing than mediocre at multiple things


and not taking thermal detonator is just too bad. 3.5-4.5k damage is nice


It's better to be good at many things ^_^

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I loved how most of your enemies entirely ignored you. If they had any brains they would focus on you and then your dps would be cut in half. You did pretty well though, nice dmg and all. But you did fail with the mvp vote :p Edited by Koendewit
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I loved how most of your enemies entirely ignored you. If they had any brains they would focus on you and then your dps would be cut in half. You did pretty well though, nice dmg and all. But you did fail with the mvp vote :p


I also noticed the same fact playing my merc. People not to tend attack moving targets. If you stand for 5 sec in one place you will be attacking - human psychology.

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I also noticed the same fact playing my merc. People not to tend attack moving targets. If you stand for 5 sec in one place you will be attacking - human psychology.


This is exactly why i move the way i do in pvp. I started noticing this in warhammer online wich i played for about 2,5 years. A moving target is both difficult to target and very annoying to keep running after. 9 out of 10 times people just switch to whatever/whomever that happens to be closer to them instead of hunting me.


And to the PvE comment, well its a pug vs pug game so people tend to be a bit bad, however comparing them to scripted brainless mobs is a bit harsh :p


And to the Thermal Detonator comment, yeah its good aswell ofc. Its just that you end up being a poor mans PT instead. The build i use offers alot more 1vs1 power. And i might add that i do quite well as a midfield defender in huttball ^^

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