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Stealth and Inc in WZs


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How does one call inc on players using stealth? I was in Novare Coast, when a stealther stunned me and started capping the node. I ended up stopping the cap and defeating him but I got all types of "call it out noob" or "nice no call". How am I supposed to call inc on something I can't see?
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When you were stunned, you could have typed : "1 stealther west (or east)" and then went about killing them. After he/she was dealt with just type west/east cleared. You are stunned for a few seconds, this is possible. I know, I've done it :p
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Always call the inc before you engage.


If you are engaged by a stealth, always call the inc before you respond to the stealth.


If you are defending a node solo, remind your team how bad they are.


Unless your first response is to pop defensive CDs in which case you can pop the CDs and then type.

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How does one call inc on players using stealth? I was in Novare Coast, when a stealther stunned me and started capping the node. I ended up stopping the cap and defeating him but I got all types of "call it out noob" or "nice no call". How am I supposed to call inc on something I can't see?


The way I read this is that stealthers need buffs.

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Always call the inc before you engage.


If you are engaged by a stealth, always call the inc before you respond to the stealth.


If you are defending a node solo, remind your team how bad they are.




Good teams do fine with it.



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I would love to hear a logical reason to the solo defender strategy.


Do people just like losing that much?

it is fail in a pug WZ, but in a place like CW, you can easily leave one defender at snow/grass, if you hold mid. people in mid can very easily stand on the upper rim, and be able to move to the node if the solo defender, as long as the solo defender can get a message out via voice, or type real fast.

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I would love to hear a logical reason to the solo defender strategy.


Do people just like losing that much?


People need to find ways to challenge themselves because otherwise this game would be too easy.


Typing against stealther when you're solo is pointless. Unless help is already coming (in that case you don't need to call for help), the fight is going to be over one way or another before help arrives so you might as well concentrate on being able to beat the stealther 1on1.

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Then you're playing extra special bads.


2 non-window licking stealthers will nuke any solo defender and cap long before you can stop it. We've gotten a crazy amount of easy wins on Voidstar, Novare, and Civil War because we face some team that thinks they can solo defend something in Rateds.

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Then you're playing extra special bads.


2 non-window licking stealthers will nuke any solo defender and cap long before you can stop it. We've gotten a crazy amount of easy wins on Voidstar, Novare, and Civil War because we face some team that thinks they can solo defend something in Rateds.


Even 1on1 against a stealth will result the fight ending long before anyone from a standard node position can respond. Now the fight could end with the defender winning in this case but it doesn't make it right because there's generally at least a 50% chance you'd lose that fight.

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In a 1v1, you can solo defend a node more than long enough for help to arrive, but any smart Rated team will have 2 people who can stealth for the sole purpose of exploiting a team that tries to solo defend something.


However I am talking from the perspective of doing rateds and not pugging. You can do a lot of really dumb things in a pug and have it work because the other pug is just that much worse.

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when i'm guarding, i usually have my ops chat ready to go, with "snow (or whatever location), _____" ready to go.


if i get hit with a stealther, which actually generally doesn't happen since i'm a pyro with the talent for detection, but if they hit me, i react depending on how they hit me. sap? i'll wait until they try to cap, and then break out and carbonize them just before cap - this also allows me to wait long enough to see if they're trying to chain sap me with 2 stealthies.


if they are just trying to burn me down, i use my CC break, hit them with a flame burst, pop self heal, and run away from the node, toward my reinforcement to draw them away. if they stay at the node, i get outta range and just wait. i keep my grapple on reserve for the 2nd stealther if there's one.


the point is, as a solo defender, your goal is not to kill the guy trying to cap, you are there to draw them away, and survive long enough for reinforcement while keeping them off the node.

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Thanks for all the responses.


I usually type in ops while waiting but I use the keyboard for my abilities and often I will get stuck in chat if I do this. I also agree that I should not have been solo defending but its a PUG. I could have just ran off and left it open to cap. I was just a little surprised that I was getting yelled at NOT for losing the node (I didn't lose it) but for not calling out incoming.

Edited by arkadain
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How does one call inc on players using stealth? I was in Novare Coast, when a stealther stunned me and started capping the node. I ended up stopping the cap and defeating him but I got all types of "call it out noob" or "nice no call". How am I supposed to call inc on something I can't see?


A few good options.


First, call the inc while you're stunned. You can't do anything and it's rarely a good idea to break the first stun anyways because it might be followed up by a stonger/longer stun.


Second, break the stun and hit them with your own stun immediately and call the inc while they are stunned.


Otherwise, you just need to remember that you don't need to kill them and you don't need to survive. You just need to prevent the cap. I usually try to kite them, break LOS and then jump back into LOS, etc. to keep the battle going long enough for help to arrive.


And don't listen to the haters. I call incs and respond to incs and generally use good communication. I also don't like to leave one guy on the point for this reason. And if I do, I'll make the defender my focus target and keep an eye on their health bar. On maps like Novare Coast, you can actually see the bad guys run up to the point. I routinely call inc for other points to alert them of the incoming bad guys or to warn my team (because the defenders might be busy fighting). All lot of these "call inc" haters don't use their mini map and these other tools to be aware before the inc is called or they fail to respond to incs, get peeled, fight off point. Whatever. You just bring your best game and have fun. Let little Timmy be angry.

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Generally it's a bad idea to solo defend. To me exceptions are things like snow and grass is decided but mid is still being fought for. Same with NC. Also if you are exceptionally geared and skilled and of a certain class you can get away with it. But frankly if you have two turrets you have no business solo defending. If six cant hold a node you're not winning anyway.
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I would love to hear a logical reason to the solo defender strategy.


Do people just like losing that much?


Okay, all the solo defender noise, I assume we are talking about the situation where you are winning, correct? As in, you don't want two defenders when you only have 1 node.


I figure a decent defender will hold out against 1 stealth long enough for reinforcement. If they sent 2 stealth, they risk one of their nodes getting flipped.


If you hold two nodes, well I've heard of leaving one defender, but if it's me guarding, I usually ask for a second.

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Let's just keep the sceanrio to one stealth attacker (against 2 you're already pretty screwed no matter what you do). So do people really think a competent team launches a surprise attack with one guy, and say that guy wins and caps, then they defend the node they just captured with one guy to repeat the exact mistake your team just did? No, obviously when the one guy goes to stealth attack you've to assume his team is ready to reinforce his positiion when the attack succeeds, so this means their reinforcement is likely closer than yours (since the enemy team knows when the attack occurs before you) and, at the very least, is in a spot that can easily intercept your reinforcements.


There's also the possibilty that the single attacker will just attempt to sap & cap. Now think about what that means. The guy is trying to avoid fighting you so at least he's not completely confident he can take you out, so what happens after he caps? His friends must be already en route to reinforce the position because if the guy doing sap & cap is absolutely sure he can win 1on1 he would just kill you first for the sure cap (sap & cap can be countered by good positioning).


So it is absolutely crucial you need to focus everything you can on winning that 1on1 because their help is closer than your help. Stalling is not an option because their help is almost certainly closer than yours. Your only way out of this is to kill the solo attacker before his reinforcements gets here, and then you can stall until your reinforcements arrives.

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When defending, type 'west/east inc' or whatever you want and highlight it then press CTRL+C and delete it.


Now when you see people coming, open up chat and paste it with CTRL+V and add a number depending on how many people there are.


Easily done and takes no time at all.

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