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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Force user companions for non force users.


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I could actually quite easily see a force user following an agent or BH...just have them be an "alien." And a natural user. They're rare but they're already in game as NPCs. Empire has a quest on tattooine IIRC that has you run into force using aliens. Can you imagine an Ewok with a lightsaber and shooting lightning? :)


While it would be interesting, I couldn't see it :rolleyes:


Lets look at it how the Lore said it supposed to be. Jedi/Sith (Officers/Upper Nobility) Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Agents (NCO's and Commoners)


If someone finished their training at West point military academy and graduated as an "Officer", having them report to the nearest NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer, like say a Sergeant or Petty Officer) sounds silly. Sorry but it does. Having a 1st or 2nd Lieutenant report to Sergeant Micheals seems silly and you start to wonder about your chain of command.


NCO's can lead other NCO's, but while it might make more sense based on experience, Officers always lead all other NCO's. If an NCO wants to lead he/she usually becomes an Officer.


When someone earns the title "Master", completes their Jedi Trials, or their Sith Training that's the same as someone completing their Officer training at any Officer academy, and then they are getting given a commission and troops to lead.


Now I could go for having players given an NPC who has untrained Force "skills" that they only have one or two of to simulate an untrained user, but they wouldn't be able to carry a saber (sign of their completed training) or having the complete set of skills (again a sign of a "trained' force user) for a non-force users player to have for them.


But giving a Jedi Knight or Sith equivalent to Non-Force users is the same as having your Captain reporting to your Sergeant because it would make the experience more fun for the Sergeant. ;)

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Companions of equal gear as a player are not match for a player unless your a noob. Companions are part of the story more than game "balance". A 2 force user team cannot be better than a 1 force user/1 non-force user team. Sith Warrior + Jaesa Willams = Smuggler + Bodwarr. thats 2 force users versus 0. the game is balanced, so making it 2 v 1 wont matter. There is no logical gameplay reason a non force user toon cant have a full force user toon.


Open your eyes people to how the game is played.

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There is no logical gameplay reason a non force user toon cant have a full force user toon.


Open your eyes people to how the game is played.


So it's a good thing I don't think anybody was talking about gameplay reasons, and it's pretty much all purely lore reasons? This game, like it or not, is primarily story (and thus lore) driven, and the posters are right, having a fully trained jedi/sith under the command of a non-force user is pretty sketchy under the lore. That being said, Scourge under the "command" of a jedi is pretty darn sketchy already, so it could easily be something like that, where it's more of a "following along because our goals happen to coincided, but I'm not *really* under your command, plotwise".... 'Course, I'd still like to know how come Scourge sticks around after you finish the story. (storywise, obviously. From a gameplay standpoint they obviously need to keep you with all your companions).

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I don't think you can count Vector. I mean Temple's stat is cunning but she's still a force user, albeit an operative foremost. Vector is just a bug.


Vector is not a bug. Vector is not a force user, per se, but for all intents and purposes he is a Sith Assassin with a techstaff (or whatever his weapon is) and without the Sith part. He uses the same *combat moves* which is the main difference.


The same goes for Imperial Guards. I'm sure that if there were a class "Imperial Guard" they'd be the same. Which, btw, would make a great class.


There are lots of npc mobs that you fight that use the same moves as the playable classes but are obviously not Force users. In fact, there are a lot of npcs that look like one class and use abilities of another class. Malgus and other Warriors shooting lightning? Gravus choking Thana through the holoterminal? What? Are these their Legacy abilities? ;)

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smug and agent have the makings already, bh would definitely have to be some weird alien thing (love the idea of a voss companion, though not sure if bh is the right class for it) and really i dont think itd be that weird for a trooper to have a low-ranking jedi 'liason' or something on the crew.
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