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Drooga's Pleasure Barge Issues


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To save costs you have screwed the remaining paying customers and it is obvious from the different lag and login issues of the past three weeks.


So you decided to go to a cheaper server provider or downgrade your server communications and infrastructure.


It is not a mystery on your end, only on ours. And to me, a person who has two accounts and loves the game, this is more painful than all the other crap that other players have left for.


Sad that you have had to make these decisions, but don't kill the remaining player base.

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Hello everyone! We're currently investigating your reports of issues with Drooga's Pleasure Barge. Thanks for your patience and please watch this thread for updates as they become available.


Thanks for the response, Amber! I'm just glad to know that it wasn't on my end.

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Hello everyone. We're still working to resolve the problems that players are seeing with this server. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we'll be sure to update you when there's more information.


Thank you for the update, much appreciated. :)

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This seems to be the proper place to post this. Trying to log in game loads a bit then kicks back out to character select screen. Any news on what the issue is and an estimated time frame for it being repaired


as stated above, they are aware of issue and working on it. no ETA at the moment

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Too little too late for us I guess... we wiped on kephess HM EC at approx 745 ish PST, and since then NONE of us could get in or do anything... ops was a huge fail, and it will reset tomorrow, so no campaign main hand or head piece tonight... whatever...


I put in a ticket, but like all other tickets will probably get an automated response saying it is "working as intended".

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Zitat: Zitat von Archimatt


I'm having issues with my Legacy as well after the transfer. After changing my Legacy name the game locks up and stops responding. Since then I have been able to log into the game and play without issue, BUT when I click on the legacy icon the game immediately locks up and stops responding. I've tried multiple nights and have done repair. No fix.

I just transferred all of my toons from my server to the pre-selected server and I am now having the same problem . Whever i click on the Legacy (sheild) or use the Y button the game completely locks up. I have to ALT+CTRL+DEL and use task manager to exit SWTOR completely. I submitted a ticket and all they could suggest is log out completely and back in. I have tried this several times on 3 different computers and all the same end result. I even unistalled the game and re-installed it. Still locks up on hitting the legacy tab. I


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