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Rate the story's you have finished


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seems as if everyone has an opinion, but more often than not, it just ends up a couple of ppl arguing the same points trying to prove why their opinion is the correct one. so lets just give the story we have finished a score. no opinions and no spoilers just a simple score, and at the end of it all, lets see in number form which class is prefered and which is not.


5 - incredible

4 - excellent

3 - good

2 - average

1 - poor




mine are


sith warrior - 5

bounty hunter - 3

smuggler - 2

sith inquisitor - 4

Edited by grandmthethird
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Imperial Agent: 5

Sith Warrior: 5


Those two are the only ones I've finished and also the ones I've enjoyed the most. I recently beat chapter 2 with my trooper, and they have a very good story too but I cannot rate it not knowing how it will end! Still, both the imperial agent and the sith warrior have amazing storylines. The Imperial Agent story was a breath of fresh air in the star wars universe, whereas the Sith Warrior had everything you'd want to get out of a sith story. I've never had the chance to play a proper sith either, since in most games you're either a jedi or a dark jedi.

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Inquisitor - 5 amazing storyline, amazing graphics, if there's a team dedicated to inquisitor i would buy them a pizza.

Agent - 3.5 ... too many cutscenes with no graphics


Working on Trooper, but republic missions are so dull :(, they seem so passive and wimpy, i wish it was based more on the US military, im not in the military but it seems very serious, get your job done correctly or get yelled at.

Edited by Daethorz
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Inquisitor - 4

Jedi Knight - 5

Smuggler - 5


I am currently working on an Imperial Agent, it should be worth noting that I have a level 34 Jedi Consular (start of act 2) and I have no desire to go back to it, it sucks that badly.

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Warrior - 5

Inquisitor - 5

Agent - (So far) 5


I have to agree that republic storylines are lackluster and boring. Imperial storylines have more action and you can say what you want to people without feeling dirty inside.

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Dayum. Some of you are beating my hopes of hitting 8 50s first. lol But anyway, my opinions and numbers.




Sith Warrior-- 5

Agent-- 5

Bounty Hunter-- 4

Smuggler-- 4

Jedi Knight-- 4


Chapter 3, but not finished.


Inqusitor-- 3 (so far)

Trooper-- 2 (so far)


Chapter 1, but so far, it's...


Jedi Consular-- 2

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As a PvE player, story lines and raising chars from 1 to 50 are (to me) the fun of the game.


So far (in order of completion)


Sith Jugg : 4 I found it interesting, but was able to forget a bit about the story and still progress easily, I would want the story to keep your attention so that when you go to make choices what you know of it matters.


Sith Sorc: 5 Maybe because it was #2 and I already understood the game a bit, I found it more interesting.


Jedi Consular : 5 I found playing the consular was most rewarding in the relation of the game play and the story. The Jedi worlds are definitely prettier. :)


Jedi Knight : 4 so far. Still working on it (L35), but having problems staying motivated (kind of slow right now).


Imp Agent : 5 so far (L15).. It has been quite a revelation. I only played light saber roles till now because it seemed more "Star Wars" to me. But playing the agent with guns is a totally new experience (story and game style). It has been super entertaining and you REALLY have to pay attention to the story or you get lost very quick. Feels more like a spy game. Extremely interesting so far.

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Imperial Agent (mostly LS)- 5 + 1,000,000,000,000 Greatest, story, ever.


Sith Warrior (DS)- 5 Very impressive, interesting, and compelling.


Bounty Hunter (mostly LS)- 4 I felt it rated a bit lower because there where times where it felt slow and dull (Hoth and Voss mostly) but it picked up nicely near the end and had a spectacular LS ending.


Jedi Knight (LS)- 4 I enjoyed the heroic, galaxy saving type story, but my character just always seemed like a robot. The rarity of emotions is understandable in a JK but when he does it always seem like I'm making some impressive speech. Kira's story and the love arch was all that kept me going through most of act 2 and the middle of act 3. However the class finale for the JK was great.

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In order of completion:


Smuggler (mostly LS):


(I loved the character, the individual quests, a1 and the ending but in between, story wise, was a bit meh)


JK (LS, because DS in that story doesn`t make that much sense):


(very nice story, but the character itself was a bit boring + had a very slow moment at some point around a2)


BH (pretty neutral):


(was an ok story, I liked how my character changed her personality along the way, but nothing very wowing)


disclaimer: I feel LS sith are the most sane force users around, but DS jedi sound really bratty, most of the times.

SI (mostly LS):


(loved her voice actress, a lot, story was ok, was really intrigued when I learnt about your heritage)


SW (mostly LS):


(very similar to JK feeling. Gets a little bonus Quinn "event" and romance overall were fun, for me)


IA (pretty neutral, a bit towards LS):


(no complaints here, story had me go "wth!!" at every corner, her personality was awesome, although she failed here and there at delivering some lines)


smaller chars:

Trooper (LS):


(so far, just on Nar Shaddaa. Ord mantell was pretty cool, after that it kinda bores me. Besides that, I never really liked being "sir, yes sir" or an equivalent, but i`m not a fan of the alternative answers either. Gets a little bonus because she is voiced by Jennifer Hale :D)


Consular (mostly LS, but with a more 2/3 option on non ls/ds choices):


(she feels a lot better when she is not spouting stupid jedi dogma and story wasn`t as bad as I was expecting, from all the HUGELY negative feedback I`ve read on the forums. She`s just on Tatooine though)

Edited by Aranellis
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Sith Warrior - 5

Sith Inquisitor - 4.5

Jedi Knight - 4


Sith Warrior story was so original and intense and suspenseful, that it left me in awe...

Sith Inquisitor would've been a 5, but most of the time, I spent most of my gameplay finding artifacts. I hardly was able to find any opportunities to manipulate events and stuff like Palpatine does. I mean, I spent most of my time an apprentice and struggling against rivals, which is too much, even for a Sith!! LOL

Jedi Knight story was classic, but the ending with the Emperor could've been a bit better.

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Imperial Agent: 6 It's that flipping awesome. Spoiler ahead! (sorry don't know how to use a spoiler tag) But breaking out of armed guard with my bare hands is pretty OP. I felt like the most BAMF in the galaxy


Bounty Hunter: 4 Its good with some nice turns and eloped me live out my Boba Fett fantasy but punching people in the face get old after a while.

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In order of completion



IA - 5, It was my first character and really set the bar for me, I don't think I got much sleep over December and January because I just couldn't walk away, just one more quest...no one more, oh crap it's 3am.


Jedi Consular - 2, I thought I would love this class, and after the IA, I told myself I wouldn't be an alt a holic and only play one character at a time.....I needed to take a break from the consular, it just got so boring. Only reason I didn't rate it a 1 was that the very end of Chapter 3 managed to surprise me. Even the romance option was boring, Felix is a nice enough guy, just very bland.


Sith Warrior - 5, lots of fun, my first DS character, DS Jaesa made me laugh cause of her extreme crazy. Enjoyed the story and the game play (Marauder).


Smuggler - 5, I loved playing a smuggler, it was a character driven story and had me laughing out loud more often then not, by far some of my favorite companions. The comedy alone made up for the meh plot after Chapter 1. Loved it!


BH - so far 4 (lvl 47 on corellia) Compelling story, actually has me really hating the Republic and the Jedi.


Trooper - so far 3 (lvl 34 on Balmorra), Chapter 1 was cool, so far it's ok, the story is made better simply because of my personal head canon regarding my character. Looking forward to actually experiencing the LI, he's a tough nut to crack..lol.


JK - So far 3 (lvl 21 on Nar Shaddaa) Honestly, I think I might re-roll her, only because I've been so focused on my Trooper and BH I don't really remember what's going on plot wise...I have spoiled myself on You Tube, so I know what's coming, I imagine my opinion will only go up.


Inquisitor - N/A, (lvl 1 on Korriban) No opinion, havn't played her yet, and havn't spoiled myself on You Tube....so it'll be fun to discover.

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Bounty Hunter - 4


It's not the deepest or most complex story in the game, but there was this one little detail that started to bug me around level 40 that I couldn't seem to shake. It concerned a decision of ethics that went against how I was playing my bounty hunter, and then, finally, at the very end of the story, this issue was addressed and I loved it through and through. It was a good way to tie up the end of the story for me; I still get good fuzzy feelings and all that jazz thinking about it.


If it hadn't been for that choice I'd easily say 2.5 or 3, to be honest.

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