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Will we ever get a jet pack dash ability ??


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Ok so first off i love my merc its awsome fun in pve but when are we guna get a dash ability ??? i have a jet pack that to be honest has no use apart from venting heat out of combat why ?? it would be awsome if we had a spell that let us use it to disengage for example if a mele is toe to toe we can use it to boost back out of range, or even a boost run like force sprint, In pvp if i get caught by a sages tele throw i have no interupt to stop it and no way to out range it due to the 50% slow so a dash or disengage wud be awsome what u guys think ?
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it would be awsome if we had a spell that let us use it to disengage for example if a mele is toe to toe we can use it to boost back out of range

This I really like, great idea! It would be like the opposite of the Jet Charge which PTs can spec into (but obviously it wouldn't move you as far as Jet Charge, would make it overpowered).


I think it would give Mercs a fun ability, and a very different ability from anything that is in the game at the moment.

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Ok so first off i love my merc its awsome fun in pve but when are we guna get a dash ability ??? i have a jet pack that to be honest has no use apart from venting heat out of combat why ?? it would be awsome if we had a spell that let us use it to disengage for example if a mele is toe to toe we can use it to boost back out of range, or even a boost run like force sprint, In pvp if i get caught by a sages tele throw i have no interupt to stop it and no way to out range it due to the 50% slow so a dash or disengage wud be awsome what u guys think ?


A disengage ability is one of the most requested items I see for Merc along with an interupt. Its an awesome idea and would help considerably with kiting mellee. Unfortunately with the total lack of any comments on Merc from Bioware with the amount of discussion on the matter...they are either working on something and dont want to say much until its ready...or they have no idea and/or no desire to do anything at all.

Edited by Soljin
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A simple leg shot would clean things up. Slow them, dash away, if they leap you knock them back again, it's really a very simple skill for kiting. As it stands either Mercs need to be so dangerous you have to kill them (and they get no kite abilities save the current) or they do the damage they're putting out now and can kit you. Either way is balance, but for the sake of sanity I recommend a ranged slow. It'd be meh for PvE, but it'd solve a LOT of PvP problems.
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Why dont you like the idea. Seems pretty reasonable to me given how squishy mercs are in pvp


It just doesnt sound that great to me im sorry, the best idea ive heard to help with Mercs mobility is change our TM to instant cast with a 2sec CD. This give us more time to move around and break LOS.

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I really like this idea. I have never played a game where as a ranged player I can be kited to death by a melee.


Sad but true...

TM instant with a CD is awesome....I just see it as VERY unlikely to happen.

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I just don't see it happening at all. You can spec into giving a knock-back with Rocket Punch, and have a major knockback. I can easily kite people, not a problem. You just have to know what to do. It's fine as it is. Giving a form of Disengage, would only make it more overpowered.
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I just don't see it happening at all. You can spec into giving a knock-back with Rocket Punch, and have a major knockback. I can easily kite people, not a problem. You just have to know what to do. It's fine as it is. Giving a form of Disengage, would only make it more overpowered.


Im curious how your kting people easily with a long CD KB, and a second short distance KB that on flat ground doesnt even get them out of Melee range for a full TM cast? Not to mention you just resolve capped your target....to achieve what...2 TM casts..Now you have a PT/Pyro, Jugg, or Mara that will kill you in around 5 to 6 secs because you have no way to get out or defend....


I dont see you kiting much of anything...My merc hit 50 on the first week of live..Started first day of 'early Start" played a COmmando all through full time Beta...and PvP the whole time and still do shifting between all 3 SPecs when i want to......None of them can kite worth a crap!


You wanna See kiting....go look at Sorc..they can actually kite a bit tool wise....BW honestly got all the ranged classes in this game borked due to crappy kiting skills and Merc is the worst.

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Sad but true...

TM instant with a CD is awesome....I just see it as VERY unlikely to happen.


It was suggested in the Class Feedback thread to give Mercs some sort of cover ability. Not on scale with Sniper, but something to increase survivability. This would make Arsena, and thus TM more, attractive to use in PvP without the need of instant cast. Of course, such an ability would have to be high in the tree to deter from hybriding because a Bodyguard Merc can then just stay in cover and constantly heal and be considered immortal.

Edited by Bryyn
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It was suggested the Class Feedback thread to give Mercs some sort of cover ability. Not on scale with Sniper, but something to increase survivability. This would make Arsena, and thus TM more, attractive to use in PvP without the need of instant cast. Of course, such an ability would have to be high in the tree to deter from hybriding because a Bodyguard Merc can then just stay in cover and constantly heal and be considered immortal.


I love the idea..Downside being this ability is only beneficial to Arsenal spec...SO I agree this would need to be acuired high up in that tree.


This ability would be counter intuitive for Merc Pyro Since its design seems to lend to higher mobility...But once again if the Pyro tree had the same out put as the PT version, along with all the same percentage to apply CgC on instant casts etc they would not need this ability....Pyros Problem Would really be fixed by the suggestion to Make TM/Power Shot instant...but with a 2 sec. CD...or 1.5 specced with the .5 GCD. ending in 2 secs.....and make PS apply CgC 100% like PT's version. Move (and consolidate) the PT talents boosting Elemental dmg to the Aclarity talent location (Pyro tree), and move the Aclarity % talent to the bodyguard tree.


An additional note on the "Disengage" abilty idea. Maybe add a "cover type" 4 second immunity to Gap closers once this is used...Basically meaning you wont get immendiatly charged after application. I say 4 secs because I believe thats the length of "unstoppable for Vengeance Juggs.


At this point any utility/kiting increases for Merc would be wonderful...Whether it be a new ability or talents increasing kite ability for existing skills...A specced root for Merc AoE KB like the Sorc version would do wonders for us....This in essence stops all melee from immediately using their gap closer on you after KB....As it is now a KB without a Root effect is justt giving Warriors more resources, Juggs a 10% dmg buff, and a PT a reason to blast off there 2 ranged attacks then charge your face and rocket punch you.....


People Seem to think KB is all thats needed....and in Hutt Ball it is....anywhere else and it pretty much buys you enough time to hard cast one ability....thats it...the snare effect does nothing to help kite melee in this game, and really only serves as an interupt for ravage...Which honestly playing a Jugg full time is really just a fluff ability I expect people to eat a bit of then CC or KB anyway...If I need resources I hit a ravage knowing Im gonna get stunned or KB'd in both cases I gain resources.

Edited by Soljin
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Really all we need is an added talent that makes our knockback prevent any sort of casting, ability or cooldown from being used for 4-6 seconds. That would prevent alot of classes from closing the gap and give us added time to get more damage in. Also it would give us a damned good interrupt to boot. Edited by Artichokey
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We've only been asking for an escape for well over a year since beta. I doubt we'll get one anytime soon. That said, I'd personally love to either see our jet packs used in one of 3 ways. The first being a ground target selectable movement ability. The second being a jet charge to friendly targets similar to intercede for Juggs. The third, like Operatives can spec into, would be a constant 15% movement speed. I'm for anything that makes us more mobile than what we currently are.
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no, mercs will not be getting anything useful, ever, if beta feedback through present is any indication of future plans.


Interrupt, no.


Escape, no.


just stand still bend over and bite the pillow.


Sad....But with the crazy number of threads running on this topic with zero response kinda lends to this guys statement.


Between BW's internal shenanigans and the game balance being willy Nilly all over the boards I think Merc is just getting drowned in the noise and may not get any notice or help for a very long time....I would suggest either hold fast and keep gearing against the utter garbage play of this class....Or Reroll PT if you really want to stay BH...Or cancel for awhile. When the server population got so horrible I couldnt get qa WZ pop for 1hr plus at a time I cancelled until Transfers were availible....


Its not our problem that BW is slow on these things...it really isnt. I want to support this game I really do...But Im only going to hang tight for so long when Im not actually playing much...eventually its just not worth it.


Ill wait to see what the next round of testing brings before I get hasty....We'll see.

Edited by Soljin
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