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How does carnage do in pvp?


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Level 30 on my Mara currently and thinking of giving Carnage a go as I fancy a change of pace from Annihilation, how does it do in pvp currently? With Annihilation spec I burst things down so frigging fast it's unreal especially a sorc/sage dumb enough not to bubble. How does Carnage compare?
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It should be fine for up to lvl 50 for you, but once you hit 50, with no decent pvp gear your massacres will feel like you're hitting the enemy with a wet noodle.


You might consider switching back to annihilation at 50 until you're better geared (at least full BM). Once you start power stacking your gear after having full WH, you'll feel rather godly (3 second kills on silly sages who PVP in PVE gear).

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Im 28 Carnage, and it's pretty nice. You have to be sneakier if your are pugging, you can't just run into a mass melee or you will die fast. But if you sneak around terrain and get stuck in on someone, they are going down unless they are a high level healer or getting heals somewhere else.


If you do it, be sure to catch the proc that gives you 100% crit on Force Smash, and if you can go right to Gore. I can't wait to get that!

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30+ is when it really starts to shine, as you start getting your roots and key damage abilities, as well as your super speed. It's a bit trickier to play imo, but it's lots of fun. It's easier to do damage with Annihilation, because of the constant rolling dots, whereas you need to setup burst situations more so with carnage. You are also a bit less survivable due to the lack of self heals, but as long as you play smart, it shouldn't be a problem.
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