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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game deserves another chance


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I got a free week to test out the game and I must say I'm impressed with how much they improved and polished everything. Now this looks like a finished product. I subbed again, because I believe quality games should be supported. Game is so much more enjoyable now and I think people like me, who left after the first 2 months, should give it another go. :)
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Absolutely - I resubbed when 1.3 hit and there are LOTS of good improvements, but once you've played another month or so you start to remember why you quit, you feel like you're in a box, playing Star Wars, the Ole' Loading Screen Republic.


For now, it beats WoW, but that's not saying a whole lot imo.

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They said the same thing with Diablo 3.


I didn't say the same thing with D3, I thought the game looked quite horrible and didn't bother purchasing. GW2 is a different story....... I'm giving swtor a bit longer until I might come back, but ya the game did improve since launch.

Edited by Jonoku
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They said the same thing with Diablo 3.


but D3 is a POS and everyone who could think knew that before it came out. Blizzard has not made anything decent since TBC and that was 2006/7



GW2 might not be better then SWTOR on the PvE side but it will crush it when it comes to PvP.

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They said the same thing with Diablo 3.


They were "out", but many came back. I still know a bunch of old guildies that haven't come back, I just refuse to keep playing a game where you have to kite a mob for 5 minutes because he runs 3x faster than you and 1 shots you .... OOooo infer... NO


D3 failed bad, Blizzards first big disaster (started with a 6 month delay in release I thinks) /shrug

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They said the same thing with Diablo 3.


And the will say it about "insert game name here” and they will say it about "insert game name here” and they will say it about "insert game name here” and they will say it about "insert game name here” and they will say it about "insert game name here” and they will say it about "insert game name here”

If you go to "insert game name here” forums a month after coming out you will see all the same types of post there as you do here.

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And the will say it about "insert game name here” and they will say it about "insert game name here” and they will say it about "insert game name here” and they will say it about "insert game name here” and they will say it about "insert game name here” and they will say it about "insert game name here”

If you go to "insert game name here” forums a month after coming out you will see all the same types of post there as you do here.



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but D3 is a POS and everyone who could think knew that before it came out. Blizzard has not made anything decent since TBC and that was 2006/7



GW2 might not be better then SWTOR on the PvE side but it will crush it when it comes to PvP.


Combat Animations in swtor>gw2 combat animations. Honestly, I find GW2 pve more enjoyable, there's like 30 people doing an event and doing a raid=fun.


Back on topic, the game deserves another chance, I'll give it another chance in another year or so down the road.

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Well I don't know if I'll get bored after another month, but does it really matter? If I get bored, I will cancel my sub and resub when something new comes out. The point is, that SWTOR launched in a beta state at best and right now it is how it should have been at launch, that's why I'm giving it another go and enjoying the content.
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Well I don't know if I'll get bored after another month, but does it really matter? If I get bored, I will cancel my sub and resub when something new comes out. The point is, that SWTOR launched in a beta state at best and right now it is how it should have been at launch, that's why I'm giving it another go and enjoying the content.


Absolutely - however I don't think there is any "new content" (aside from the 'Black Hole'), it's just not a little easier to get to it. Also, the new Tutorials are AWESOME, as with WoW I scratch my head wondering... "No why did they revamp this system more than 6 months after release ? ? ?" /shrug, hf, I did but am about to cancel as I have a few days left on this month :D

Edited by Thannate
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I want to give this game another chance but i can't... the story is what drives it but...


The combat system is really where this game gets hurt, BW who used to be the masters of RPG's really dumb down the combat system. The game is really easy to understand if your new to MMO's or RPG's. The game automatically boosts your stats, and you simply have to buy your moves from a trainer and throw in a skill point in any of the three skill trees. If you take the time and read your skill tree you can then understand which combos to chain and you pretty much can learn those chain within minutes. As you progress you gain better and better armor which in turn improve your stats. This system is incredibly simple to understand, having said that, because its so simple it gets really old, really fast.

There's no hardcore nuances to the game play to really enjoy during your second play through. The game does not present itself with secrets that will benefit you during another run with another character. For sure each character has its own unique play style, but BW made the game so simple, learning the in's and outs of that play style takes the average player 10 levels.

BW also forgot to put some effort into the AI and enemies. In past BW games, many of your enemies required different approaches to beat, whether that be a formation change, a silence spell, or a poison arrow. You had to think about what you were doing, before you were doing it, and they were not very forgiving to a player who simply pushed all out combat with no thought of tactics. TOR has none of this, each enemy feels lifeless and each one is pretty standard to the next. A level 10 enemy doesn't attack any differently then a lv 45 enemy and the same tactics you used to defeat that level 10 enemy doesn't change dramatically either at lv 45,

Attack... Combo Move... Heal... Repeat...

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GW2 and lots of players are out.


Until they realize it's a sequel to an average bargain bin game that barely turned any heads?


You see, there is a large pool of gamers that over hype games and then cry like babies when launched because they simply can't be pleased..period. All these tards talking about GW2 being the end game to end all games will be crying about it within 2 weeks of launch.


And it did happen with D3, all the problems and crying that game had wow...this game pales in comparison.


This is the best MMO out right now, plain and simple.

Edited by Kurfer
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lol you play with panda's and pokemon.


No, But I can sit back and objectively say this games the not best MMO out there,


this games story driven at once your at level 50 story doesn't matter, but having said that this game has the best story

In terms of a community (I never played) I say EVE has probably the best community of any MMO

In terms of PvE the secret world is pretty innovative, (PvP needs work)


Not really sure which MMO has the best PvP

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but D3 is a POS and everyone who could think knew that before it came out. Blizzard has not made anything decent since TBC and that was 2006/7



GW2 might not be better then SWTOR on the PvE side but it will crush it when it comes to PvP.


I agree, gw2 on the pve side is nothing more than the same thing we have in other games, with a bit of twist on it, but gw2 will shine with the world vs world pvp, thats what my testing showed for me. I have no plans to leave Tor for gw2 or any otherg ame coming down the pike, none of them are Star Wars for one, just more sword and board games, and I have played them for the most part since the late 90's :)

Edited by kevlarto
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No, But I can sit back and objectively say this games the not best MMO out there,


this games story driven at once your at level 50 story doesn't matter, but having said that this game has the best story

I'll reiterate further, as story driven games go, there are better story driven rpg's out there so saying an MMO has a decent story really ins't saying its the best MMO to date

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