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Pick an Enviorment. Tired of this already


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It's one extra click quit your whining lol. It's not like you have to keep clicking it in order to keep the game running as your Vehicle Vs. Video Game Comparison suggests lol. Nor do you need to keep clicking it around the clock even when not playing as your Life Vs. Video Game comparison suggest :p.
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It's one extra click quit your whining lol. It's not like you have to keep clicking it in order to keep the game running as your Vehicle Vs. Video Game Comparison suggests lol. Nor do you need to keep clicking it around the clock even when not playing as your Life Vs. Video Game comparison suggest :p.


Im not whining about the click at all. I stated my opinion. Its you people whining about my opinion. As to my car scenarion... I never said keep clicking, I said add an extra click to keep it running.


Again... its extra 2 clicks but thats beside the point. It should be fixed. Nothing more nothing less.

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Add me to the list of people really irritated by this - I have no idea how this issue made it by testing.


There's another bug in the new launcher, as well. If you start the launcher and put another window over the top of it, the frame of the launcher 'bleads through' onto the other application. I noticed that while I was web browsing during an update.


Kind of used to it, at this point. every patch introduces new bugs and comes with a couple of 'emergency' server restarts. Part of the growing pains of an MMO, I guess.


Actually, it might be quite easy to miss if you are setup to use the test server. That is where this screen and option becomes relevant as it is an environment you can choose from when available. Nevertheless, it is a bug.


It is a minor inconvenience and not really an annoyance for me. There are other much bigger bugs to fix. However, I would add this to the list as a much lower priority. Somewhere below my companions light saber not vanishing when dismissed.

Edited by Rafaman
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People are actually still having to select the environtment? After logging in and clicking it 3 times I no longer saw that screen again. I thought BW fixed it already. Seriously, though, it is nothing more than a very minor nuisance at best. If it annoys people that much to make a thread about a single extra click then I would hate to see the complaints if they had to click an extra time to quit the game. Edited by Kilikaa
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Boohoo, you have to click ONE extra time while logging into a game.


Yes, I do find it to be a big deal. I find it an annoyance. Let me put something in your car. From now on, you have to turn the key to crank and start the car. Once the car is started you must hit another button to keep it running. I bet that will get old fast too.


Most amazingly horrible comparison ever. :rolleyes:

Edited by Asavar
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It's because of people like you why Bioware has kept taking game servers offline for unscheduled patch deployment where they fix things which they couldn't waited with til the next scheduled maintenance period on Thursdays.


Calm down, you have to press one extra button when starting the game. You can wait a little while until they fix it.


Try to put things in perspective, you've pressed a lot more buttons with all your QQ about the issue than what the issue itself caused.

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It's because of people like you why Bioware has kept taking game servers offline for unscheduled patch deployment where they fix things which they couldn't waited with til the next scheduled maintenance period on Thursdays.


Calm down, you have to press one extra button when starting the game. You can wait a little while until they fix it.


Try to put things in perspective, you've pressed a lot more buttons with all your QQ about the issue than what the issue itself caused.


Where in my postings did I ask them to fix anything right this very second. I saw the OP and responded that I dont like it either. Then I get bashed to high hell over it. ***.

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