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>> Ranked Warzones & PvP Rewards


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1. So out of 110 ranked games, huttball was less than 10 of those matches. Its around 90% civil war and novare coast. What gives? (Server: The Shadowlands PvE)


2. Can we come up with better rewards for ranked warzones, the current rewards are a joke. With color matching added, all you need is the chest from 2400 rated warzones rating in order to get "the prestigious look" and all the other pieces are useless & pointless because they are EXACTLY THE SAME as regular just different color.


3. The trade-in system for 10 ranked comms for 10 warzone is such a rip off. The biochem crafted warzone adrenals cost more warzone comms to craft LESS adrenals then simply trading in warzone comms directly for adrenals, and on top of that it takes 25 minutes + extra mats to craft just ONE adrenal. Who comes up with this stuff? IMHO Bioware needs to hire a common sense department to analyze the flow of all of these changes before they are implemented.


4. ------------


5. Not enough incentive for non-geared / not-amazing teams to que up ranked warzones. Not enough rewards for the amount of effort to get things going. Rewards need to be exponentially larger even if its something like you get 50k credits for getting 7 medals in ranked warzone even if you lose, this may sound like overkill but imagine how many people will be queing and finally realize that losing ranked wz gives more comms than winning regular wz? Nobody wants to que but everyone wants to compete, it's a stalemate. Not enough players to chose from, difficult to get 8 people together same time/days, yet alone enough groups of 8 to que throughout the day.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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1. It's random, I have very different experience. Mostly getting Voidstar.


2. This is pre-season, rating will have more weight in the next seasons I'm sure. Pre-season was designed for ppl to get war hero gear (speaking only reward-wise).


3. Tru that, I was pointing my finger on this when 1.3. was on test server, they just need to lower the proce of that stupid box to 250 comms or so.


4. Healing is pretty much ok with me.

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3. The trade-in system for 10 ranked comms for 10 warzone is such a rip off. The biochem crafted warzone adrenals cost more warzone comms to craft LESS adrenals then simply trading in warzone comms directly for adrenals, and on top of that it takes 25 minutes + extra mats to craft just ONE adrenal. Who comes up with this stuff? IMHO Bioware needs to hire a common sense department to analyze the flow of all of these changes before they are implemented.


I don't understand this at all. it's quite annoying tbh.

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1. I've been getting mostly Hutt Ball and Voidstar.


2. If you have 2400 ranking than you can get all the pieces and they cost very little. The pieces are pointless though.


3. I agree


1. What server are you on? I'm on Shadowlands PvE. If you are getting mostly huttball, it must be a different code or something for your server, we never get it.


2. Since all the rated wh gear is all the same appearance as the non rated, just different color, all you need is the chest to get the color of the whole outfit to color match it.

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