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Reduce the travel time of Tracer Missile


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Essentially do the exact same thing you did to Project to Tracer Missile. The rate at which Tracer Missile travels is too slow. Infact if we stack the max amount of heat sigs on a target before casting Heat Seeker Missile (benefits most from 5 stacks) the 3rd Tracer Missile will actually land after we cast Heat Seeker Missile meaning HSM is not benefiting from the 5 heat sigs. This seems like a design flaw, however it could also be caused from the server lag. Is anyone else noticing this or perhaps also wants to test this out?
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Have you actually tested whether or not Heat Seeker Missile calculates damage when it physically hits?


Have you tested the Trooper equivalent to see if Tracer Missile is slower then Grav Round?


Or are you assuming?


Because my HSM works just fine.

Edited by TheLoneSage
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Can't recall if the OP's problem occurs on HSM (I kind of think it doesn't), but I'm certain it occurs with RS. I often delay RS or even throw in a round of Rapid Shots to kill time for TM's [de]buffs all apply to the target before using RS.


NOTE: Not that the Tracer Missile [de]buffs delay me a full GCD, but sometimes it just feels better than doing nothing for part of a GCD.


Or am I crazy?

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Have you actually tested whether or not Heat Seeker Missile calculates damage when it physically hits?


Have you tested the Trooper equivalent to see if Tracer Missile is slower then Grav Round?


Or are you assuming?


Because my HSM works just fine.


I just got done testing and it appears that it was indeed server lag causing these issues for me

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