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Fix for rated wz: 4-man groups


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I'm also disappointed in rated wz, for all the reasons already mentioned. I think a simple fix would address everything (from class balance to queues not popping to matchmaking to pugs vs premades):


Limit us to 4-man groups.


- we can still play with our friends, and tanks/healers know they go in with a dependable partner.


- much, much easier finding a group of 4 than 8,


- class balance less meaningful, IMO. There will be more groups queuing, less value for selectivity.


- the 100-0 teams will start losing occasionally when paired with a bad pug, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Perfection shouldn't be a goal.

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Just keep in mind this is pre-season. Once we get x-server queues things will change. However I do believe some organization is required here. I would suggest the following:


Matches occur every 20 minutes. People queuing in the interregnum are held over until the 20 min mark. That will allow a large number of groups to be simultaneously be in the queue for match selection. At the time of match selection, teams are organized by overall rating and play a team of similar rating. This avoids the 1700 rating team playing a 1300 rated team syndrome and will promote more activity from lower ranked players.


Timing could be something like this:


1:00 - queues fixed, ordered and matched

1:01 - match notifications sent out

1:03 - matches start

1:18 - matches end

1:20 - repeat


Note: in order to do this, there would need to be a 15 min time limit imposed on Novare matches (which currently have no fixed time limit).

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Rateds is the only place where my guildies and I can play together in one group, instead of people having to be the "odd man out" and get stuck solo-queuing, etc.


There's already no "Massive" in this MMO if you are a PvPer. Please stop trying to make this game even smaller.

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the wz's will be an open football feild.. would be to easy to cap node or anthying with ony 4 per team.. not enough to go around.. they would have to make smaller 4v4 maps....


I think he means have rated require people queue in 4-man group and every WZ would feature 4 such groups instead 2 groups of 8.


So far as ability to play with others and whatnot you can easily say what if I have 5 other friends and don't want to get 2 more random guys. In that case you can at least rotate people around for a 4 man group (though that will cause its own problems) versus not play rated at all.


At any rate the argument for making smaller teams would boil down to the fact that you don't have enough 8 man teams period due to the organization involved. It's also easier to have meaningful matchmaking between 4 teams of 4 versus 2 teams of 8 at least as far as same faction WZ is concerned, since in same faction matchup you can simply take 4 guys from the stronger team of 8 + 4 guys from the weaker team of 8, while at team of 8 you don't have any flexibilty.

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Just keep in mind this is pre-season. Once we get x-server queues things will change. However I do believe some organization is required here. I would suggest the following:


Matches occur every 20 minutes. People queuing in the interregnum are held over until the 20 min mark. That will allow a large number of groups to be simultaneously be in the queue for match selection. At the time of match selection, teams are organized by overall rating and play a team of similar rating. This avoids the 1700 rating team playing a 1300 rated team syndrome and will promote more activity from lower ranked players.


Timing could be something like this:


1:00 - queues fixed, ordered and matched

1:01 - match notifications sent out

1:03 - matches start

1:18 - matches end

1:20 - repeat


Note: in order to do this, there would need to be a 15 min time limit imposed on Novare matches (which currently have no fixed time limit).


This is actually a really cool idea.

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