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Main stat VS Power


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Im wondering whats best to go with power or str on my sentinel.


While power gets buffed by the knight buff, and str by the sage buff, looking on the bonus damage tooltip it breaks down to mainstat+power.


So in short, Force Might buff will buff bonus damage which is str + power and Valor buff while is Str. So going all str will get a double 5% increase.


Am i mistaken?

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Im wondering whats best to go with power or str on my sentinel.


While power gets buffed by the knight buff, and str by the sage buff, looking on the bonus damage tooltip it breaks down to mainstat+power.


So in short, Force Might buff will buff bonus damage which is str + power and Valor buff while is Str. So going all str will get a double 5% increase.


Am i mistaken?


anyone ?:mad:

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The answer is 'it depends'. Your main stat comes with a tiny amount of crit chance, as well as giving you the equivalent of one power. So if you're talking about a one for one trade, yes, your main stat is better than power. What you're really looking for is equivalence, the amount of power which is worth 1 point in your main stat, and that's going to depend on how much of your main stat you currently have, and what your talents are.


In addition to the 5% main stat buff you get from Inquisitors/Consulars, most ACs have a skill pick low in one tree which increases your main stat by 3-9%. So even before you factor in the added crit chance from your main stat, you're likely to see 114.45% better power yield from your main stat over stacking power. The amount of crit you get from any one point of main stat is, in itself, quite low, and is subject to mild diminishing returns. If you really want the exact formula, you can find it here:



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Power gives ever so slightly more damage than main stat, but without the extra crit chance you get from your main stat, so typically that is better almost always. You can see the graphs on this at MMO Mechanics.
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Power gives ever so slightly more damage than main stat, but without the extra crit chance you get from your main stat, so typically that is better almost always. You can see the graphs on this at MMO Mechanics.


but the thing is the mainstat gets benefit from both buffs while Power only from one buff.

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but the thing is the mainstat gets benefit from both buffs while Power only from one buff.


Str = 0.2 Damage + x% crit

Power = 0.23 Damage

Assume 1 Str and 1 Power, now add the Consular/Inquisitor buff;

With 1 Str Damage = 0.21

With 1 Power Damage = 0.23

Add the Knight/Warrior buff;

With 1 Str Damage = 0.2205

With 1 Power Damage = 0.2415

Therefore you get 0.021 more Damage from every point of Power. Now the question is if that x% crit is currently worth more than the bonus 0.021 points of Damage from Power. I say currently because that x% crit gets lower the more Str you have.

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Based on spreadsheet calculation and also a full combat simulator I wrote, Strength is slightly better than Power for Combat or Watchman at any endgame gear level.


The small difference in the additive damage bonus is outweighed by the multiplicative critical bonus, assuming you have semi-decent gear, for any currently attainable Strength level.


I consistently find that 1 Power ~ 0.95 Strength, so it is not a very big difference.

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I'd like to add to this.

For pvp, I'm in full WH gear an my str is sitting around 1500, think my power is almost 400. What would you guys recommend me investing in ? power or str augs ?

also my crit is good, 39% i think


watchmen build


thank you in advance :D

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I'd like to add to this.

For pvp, I'm in full WH gear an my str is sitting around 1500, think my power is almost 400. What would you guys recommend me investing in ? power or str augs ?

also my crit is good, 39% i think


watchmen build


thank you in advance :D


If your critical chance is really 39%, you have far too much Critical Rating. 1500 Strength and under 400 Power are extremely low.


Strength > Power >> Critical Rating

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If your critical chance is really 39%, you have far too much Critical Rating. 1500 Strength and under 400 Power are extremely low.


Strength > Power >> Critical Rating


so in full WH what should my Str/power be ?


I figured expertise was my str in a nut shell


why i never used str augs

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The damage bonus from Expertise is a multiplier of your (PvE) damage. To maximize your overall damage output, you need both to be as large as possible.


Without losing Expertise, you want the sum of your Strength + Power to be as high as possible, and when you have a choice (for instance in your augments), prefer Strength over Power.


For example, an Advanced Deft Mod 26 (+53 Str, +41 Power) is better for damage than an Advanced Deft Mod 26A (+68 Str, +12 Power), because the former has +94 total and the latter has +80 (you might prefer 26A because it has more Endurance, but 26 is better for your damage). And a +18 Strength augment is better than a +18 Power augment.


Critical Rating is only about 70% as effective at increasing your DPS as Strength/Power, so when you have a choice between equal amounts of Power and Critical Rating, choose Power.

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The damage bonus from Expertise is a multiplier of your (PvE) damage. To maximize your overall damage output, you need both to be as large as possible.


Without losing Expertise, you want the sum of your Strength + Power to be as high as possible, and when you have a choice (for instance in your augments), prefer Strength over Power.


For example, an Advanced Deft Mod 26 (+53 Str, +41 Power) is better for damage than an Advanced Deft Mod 26A (+68 Str, +12 Power), because the former has +94 total and the latter has +80 (you might prefer 26A because it has more Endurance, but 26 is better for your damage). And a +18 Strength augment is better than a +18 Power augment.


Critical Rating is only about 70% as effective at increasing your DPS as Strength/Power, so when you have a choice between equal amounts of Power and Critical Rating, choose Power.


tyvm for the reply, great information here

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