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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hug-a-Chiss day!


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If I see ANYONE coming at me with their arms open wide looking to hug me, I'm gonna pretend I see a weapon in their hand and defend myself..................Yep, a high-impact-bolt right to the shnazzolas. Sill wanna hug me punk, well do ya?
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vector is good at this




yes, aperantly if you have friends sitting on your bed while you do companion cutscenes, the friends wont see the cutscenes, but you see them in the bg.. so we had a little fun and staged a 4-way XD

Edited by Crezelle
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vector is good at this




yes, aperantly if you have friends sitting on your bed while you do companion cutscenes, the friends wont see the cutscenes, but you see them in the bg.. so we had a little fun and staged a 4-way XD


You know he liked it. We rocked the hive, he rocked the Ascendancy, it's all good. :cool:

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vector is good at this




yes, aperantly if you have friends sitting on your bed while you do companion cutscenes, the friends wont see the cutscenes, but you see them in the bg.. so we had a little fun and staged a 4-way XD


ROFL awesome!


I love my Chiss Powertech girl, she is so pretty. Ive actually had random people say she's pretty out of the blue.

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vector is good at this




yes, aperantly if you have friends sitting on your bed while you do companion cutscenes, the friends wont see the cutscenes, but you see them in the bg.. so we had a little fun and staged a 4-way XD


That is still one of the most awesomely hot pics I've seen in my life. Vector just lived out some guys' fantasies. :D


Lucky basitch. :cool:

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in all his contacts to alien communities in the galaxies, he knows Chiss is bliss :cool:


My Agent ruined Kaliyo for non-Chiss everywhere, and Raina now knows that Once you go Blue, nothing else will do.


Same with his "brother" the Gunslinger. Risha is down with the Blueness. :cool:

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My Agent ruined Kaliyo for non-Chiss everywhere, and Raina now knows that Once you go Blue, nothing else will do.


Same with his "brother" the Gunslinger. Risha is down with the Blueness. :cool:


lets see.... so far on my legacy i've given the blue bug to:

vector, torian, jorgan, corso, and working on quinn >:3

i WILL smurf the entire galaxy

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