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Help Please - solo Medic rotation


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Heya - brief background - when SWToR launched, I made a commando healer. But I had trouble finding teams so I made an IA and took her all the way to 50. That was fun. Then I quit.


But hey! Dungeon Finder! So I reactivated.


In groups I'm doing great, and commando healing is fun. Where I'm having trouble is soloing. I prefer to team, but sometimes you just gotta solo. Those class quests aren't going to clear themselves.


I can't seem to get a rotation down. On my sniper, I had the rotation down cold. I knew just how to handle any pull. Here - I just take a kitchen sink approach. I just click all my abilities until the bad guys drop. Aric just shakes his head.


It works I suppose, but it's not really fun. Which of my abilities should I be focusing on? Any I can ignore? Should I use plasma cell or armor piercing? I'm guessing AP, but I sure do love setting things on fire.


ty in advance for any info/advice. :csw_atat:


lvl 22 fwiw


btw Bioware - next on our wishlist is a dual spec option.

Edited by Indoorsman
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I read a decent article on healing as a commando. Can't remember for the life of me where the article is, but it's here on the forum. The long and the short of it read something like weaving hammer shot (either to heal your companion or DPS the bad guys) between your ammo-costing heals (probes, kolto bomb) to keep your ammo at max regen (the more ammo we have the faster it regens). If Aric is doing OK, you can always help out with some DPS. Fights take a little longer than hard dps-ing but you pretty much never go down.


So, from your point of view, order Aric to attack then heal him while managing our ammo with the above rotation. I've played to 45 on my commando (mainly PvP) but I'm into act 3 and play pretty much exclusively with him and El (the healer we get) when following the class quest.

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Yeah, I've got the healing rotation down. Pretty straight forward.


What I was wondering was how to go about being more aggressive when I'm on my own. You're saying that when soloing, just play like I do when I'm grouping? Just heal Aric and rarely attack? I'll try it.

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Copule suggestions for what they are worth: Use Kolto Bomb all the time, the heal over time on your companion makes things much easier. A good rotation that lets me help DPS and lets me focus on heals is as follows:Target your companion, Send in companion to start fight, kolto bomb, big aoe attack (cant recall name, the grenade launcher one) , heal probe, stun grenade, fire grenade, sticky grenade, healing shot , kolto bomb, heal shot, heal probe. Something along those lines. The trick is , IMO, to focus on healing and use your grenades/aoe attacks when they are up to contribute to damage. The aoe attacks let you keep your companion targeted so heals automatically go to him. Works for me, but you may find something that works better for you.
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My suggestion, since I think you said you are level 22 atm, is to go full dmg spec, and use Alara as your companion to heal you (are you done with Taris yet?). I went gunnery tree, and dealt really good dmg. I did pretty much everything solo with my companion all the way to 50.


If you find you aren't able to do good dmg, look at your gear next. I ran into a leveled commando on Taris that was my same level, but had all green gear and couldn't beat any of the quests; I was able to do so on my own. Just keep your gear up to date.


once I hit 50, I swapped to medic build, took a crash course in healing in PvP, then started doing Ops and now i'm a full time healer as a commando and love it.

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I pretty much used Jorgan from 10-50 levelling as a combat medic, and I never focused on exclusive healing, I think those fights would take forever. Instead I would be the one to gain aggro first by using some AoE big move first then Jorgan would follow suit. I'd stun, use big moves and heal as needed.


If I was fighting a gold, I would use plasma grenade > High impact bolt > sticky grendae > Cryo Grenade > Blitz > lots of hammer shots > then some heals > hammer shot > full auto. Something like that anyway. I was out of ammo of course but with this rotation, the gold was already halfway down in health.

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I leveled from 1 to 50 as a medic so it can be done.


I used a 4x until I got tanno and then tanno when soloing. Dont neglect gearing your companion. Its really important. I mainly leveled with FPs. A lot of my big boss fights for my stories or big pulls that I couldnt keep up my companion tank resulted in me pole dodging and throwing sticky grenades some hammer shots, using my cryo grenade and concussive shot to get away when they caught up to me.


I used sticky grenade all the time and a lot of aoe to kill large packs quickly otherwise the tank companion will die too fast. as mentioned earlier use hammershot on your enemies to save on ammo when you arent healing.


for the most part it is easy to keep up your tank companion if they have gear. If you do enough FPs that shouldnt be too hard use your planet coms to buy them gear you dont get drops for.


I thouroughly enjoyed leveling as a healer. It was different.


I couldnt really solo with jorgan because I would always have agro on every mob and he would never be on the mob I wanted him to be. He was very disobedient. I use him a lot now though when I duo FPs with my tank hubby.

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