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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Diplomacy Mission Bugged My Alignment


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(I tried submitting a customer service ticket ingame but the list is not updating, so I'm not sure if I was successful. Also, I believe they removed the bug report section of the forums, I can't seem to locate it)


I recently sent one of my companions to do the diplomacy mission called "Just Remember Everyone's Name". The mission was a failure, but still gave me a few (bugged) light side points. It also messed up my dark side points (I previously had zero).


Screenshot - http://imageshack.us/f/684/screenshot2011121822112.jpg/


Players, you may wish to avoid this particular mission (it's in the level 17-24 range).

Edited by JHarkrider
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Same thing happened to me from diplomacy crew skill missions. Only I was working on dark side points, and it gave me 1.38475759434767658595 light side points. Eventually it wore off and I now have 0 light side and 10000 dark side.
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Same thing happened to me from diplomacy crew skill missions. Only I was working on dark side points, and it gave me 1.38475759434767658595 light side points. Eventually it wore off and I now have 0 light side and 10000 dark side.


Nice, nice. I was wondering if it would correct itself if I hit the cap, but I was unsure if there even was one.


My main concern is the presence of dark side points, I don't want any at all, I was quite happy with my zero. :p


If that gets sorted at cap also, I suppose I don't have much to worry about.


Thanks for sharing. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
(I tried submitting a customer service ticket ingame but the list is not updating, so I'm not sure if I was successful. Also, I believe they removed the bug report section of the forums, I can't seem to locate it)


I recently sent one of my companions to do the diplomacy mission called "Just Remember Everyone's Name". The mission was a failure, but still gave me a few (bugged) light side points. It also messed up my dark side points (I previously had zero).


Screenshot - http://imageshack.us/f/684/screenshot2011121822112.jpg/


Players, you may wish to avoid this particular mission (it's in the level 17-24 range).


BioWare, can you fix my alignment? I don't want to risk messing things up further, but I'd like to continue leveling up soon.


Thank you. :)


That is actually working as intended heh.

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Same here. I'm almost maxed on light side now and it hasn't changed.


It won't start reducing the DS point until you reach 10000 LS point. Then any gain in LS will remove the same amount from the DS and you will reach 10000LS and 0 DS eventually.


The bigger problem I think from the OP is he suddenly gaining DS point on a failed mission which would screw up many LS player. (The amount gain is minimal but still)

Edited by ryancwn
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Nice, nice. I was wondering if it would correct itself if I hit the cap, but I was unsure if there even was one.


My main concern is the presence of dark side points, I don't want any at all, I was quite happy with my zero. :p


If that gets sorted at cap also, I suppose I don't have much to worry about.


Thanks for sharing. :)


Theres a cap, which is 10000 for DS or LS. Once you reach the cap, any further alignment gain will remove points from the opposite side.

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He gained 9.7513198.... dark side points.


Yes, I edit my posted after I realise the mistake. But then, a failed mission giving you points on the other side, I'm not sure if thats a bug or working as intended (the point gain is nothing as it will be reverse by doing another mission once you reach the cap)

Edited by ryancwn
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Yes, I edit my posted after I realise the mistake. But then, a failed mission giving you points on the other side, I'm not sure if thats a bug or working as intended (the point gain is nothing as it will be reverse by doing another mission once you reach the cap)


I'm sure it's working as intended, after all the mission 'failed' ;)



either way I should have thought about that further before thinking 'oh yeah my sage will be purely light-side and trying to bring the idea into the galaxy'... dumdidum... oh well :D

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Didn't realize this thread was still active. :)


He gained 9.7513198.... dark side points.


Actually, the dark side points shown are entirely cosmetic, no dark side points were actually given. Upon receiving a second mission failure (which must also have a non-whole number amount of alignment points) the dark side points display properly at zero.


It switches on and off as mission failures continue happening. One failure will bug the points, and the next failure fixes the points (eg. light side mission failures will improperly display an amount of dark side points, and the next light side mission failure will cause the dark side points to display properly).

Edited by JHarkrider
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